awsome ep, i must say mikami is awsome <3 ... although i though he was slashing someone while typing demegawa and co`s name
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awsome ep, i must say mikami is awsome <3 ... although i though he was slashing someone while typing demegawa and co`s name
Another awesome twist, Light has a true disciple now. Near is an irritating little brat and I don't like how they keep trying to make him seem like L, he's not L, and that fact makes it feel like the things that he does weaken the original.
I don't like how Near plays with the toys all the time and that playing gets so much attention (screen time or camera angles), yet there doesn't seem to be any deeper meaning to it in the series world. I guess it's just a strong way to give him character quickly since he seems like the replacement for the more slowly established L, but I don't like it nonetheless - because it feels like an artificial way to personalize him.
Well, I have no complaints otherwise. He seems more aggressive than L and prone to less subtle ways. But then again, he's younger than L obviously so it makes sense.
Edit: One gender specific pronoun corrected.
She? Isn't Near a boy?
Edit: more like three.
forgot how much the downfall of "Kira's Kingdom" amused me... God, Demegawa looked just like a pig choking on the slop... Mikami is teh sex. I'm actually very satisfied with how the anime adaption is dealing with this part of the story. All the suspicion with Aizawa and Light and Near was excellently done in this episode.
anyone know any website that sells anime merchandise because i'm thinking of buying a death note. mwuahahahahahhaha
Kuro-hana just got DN 32 done
Great episode.
Mikami sure is smart.
Light's plan to make him realize he was "god" was genius.
Wow, Light's finally making a comeback again, though I'm not sure what he's really achieved with all this. Also what the hell happened to Misa? I know she gave the DN to Mikumi and lost her memories, but she should still love Light. How's he planning to juggle them both?
I'm confused as to why they actually turned off all the bugs in the room when Light asked them to. Anybody shed some light on this? Thanks.
Light is genius. A really nice episode.
Masterofmoogels: Not sure, but I think "Kira" wanted them to turn it off.
I agree, they probably thought that 'Kira' was threatening Light and he was writing that under duress.
Well, somebody should tell Misa that Light is seeing another woman... Misa's importance is of course naturally declining since she doesn't anymore have a Death Note nor a shinigami that would kill Light if something were to happen. I guess Light can pretty much forget her, and the only repercussion would be to have possibly some members of the team to frown upon such lighthearted switching of girlfriends.
my hate for Light increases... I seriously hate people who manipulate the emotions of others... I also lost some of my like for Matsuda, as he almost appears to approve of Light's tactics in seducing Takada. Obviously he thinks it's good for the case, but still...
People like Mikami are idiots. They think they're special? They think they have a good concept of human nature? You wore glasses, got picked on, and are a secretly vindictive? Go cut your wrists emo kid, that's life. Pft, getting picked on and trying to help other people doesn't give you any special insight. People like that, they struggle and struggle to gain power to realize their idea of Right and then abuse it when they have it. Naturally, they become zealous pawns for whatever organization is closest to their views... Religious fanatics, racial hierarchists, pompous nationalists. They exemplify the term "Sheople"
Add Takada (tits like elbows, btw) and Mikami to the herd. Bah, bah, bah. Ahh, but what about the original 'lamb'? What about Misa? ...seems next episode will show us...
Misa's still acting as a distraction for Mello, don't forget.
Well, I wonder what will come out of ep 35...
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Sir, this is why Light is amazing. He's playing life like it was chess and a few episodes back, his father was nothing but a pawn. In order to really be the new king of an empire, you need to detach yourself emotionally from EVERYONE. You saw how he broke down when Sayu was kidnapped or when his ego was threatened, that stuff is not becoming of a king. He is playing his role and he's playing it to a Tee. not to mention, he's a damn pimp!
Too bad what you are describing isn't an ideal king but a perfect tyrant. I don't actually see Light respecting any manner of social contract (people don't even know who he is and nobody's safe), and so he couldn't be an enlightened ruler by any definition.Quote:
Originally Posted by RoCk
Of course he's a tyrant! he has to pass judgement on who is good and who is not. What would you expect of Light? to be a monarch and sit upon a parliament? There is no such thing as a social contract as he slashes his way to his throne.
Right... Sorry, I misunderstood you. It was my failure to realise you might be a true admirer of a totalitarian dictatorship.