I don't think it was ever specifically said that it was a head of something that's in them.. I only recall them referring to it as flesh.
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I don't think it was ever specifically said that it was a head of something that's in them.. I only recall them referring to it as flesh.
I think that's symbolic more than anything else. Clare was to take a piece of Teresa with her on her quest to find/follow a Man-in-Black. The head would be the thing that'd symbolise Teresa the most during that journey. Teresa's head was also conveniently lying on the ground. Had Clare tried to use anything else instead she would have had to hack away at Teresa's body.
And that's not to say they even used her whole head. Subs/scans generally use "flesh", though it might not necessarily exclude bones/skulls in the native Japanese context.
A face surely would be the creepiest choice, so in that sense it would make sense if the author wanted to go for the biggest shock effect. I don't know how much sense it would make, though. Why would a face need to show outward, logically thinking? The organization's purpose wasn't to torture girls/women but to develop weapons for their own country.
From what we've seen so far, belly lines seem to be OK. So it's unlikely guts are exposed. The same goes for the face idea.
Unless of course their clothes are tailored so that it fills any holes in their body to hide them. Then again, it didn't show when the clothes were thorn appart.
Also, Deneve did not reveal her pubian area and breasts seem to be OK too.
So it's all in the belly area, but you probably wouldn't notice it with clothes on. So it's probably a color/surface thing.
Heh, I also wondered what could be so shocking, when seemingly her tits are intact. Ever since the Theresa-flashback, where she was almost raped, I figured that Claymores donīt have proper breasts, but something disgusting in place. Tbh, letīs assume thereīs a face somewhere under her tits ... would it be so utterly disgusting? I dunno. THAT it is a face in/on their belly, is kinda obvious. Though, one could argue itīs too obvious, so itīll be something entirely else.
Using the "too obvious"-argument, Iīd guess that itīs not a face below the Claymoresī tits, but something objectively disgustingly looking. Maybe some kind of pulsing magic-rotting flesh combination. Maybe a black hole. Whatever.
Maybe they have eyeballs instead of nipples..
.. or something..
Can someone please mention the name, "Priscilla" please?
Has Clare ever told the rest of her comrades Priscilla's name on-panel?
The organization at least knew her name, and i assume some of the Claymore have heard it before at least. Munsu is probably right, they're setting it up for a shocking scene once the threesome does meet.
I genuinely don't think they know who she is, and it's not THAT ridiculous. Clare would always be vague and standoffish about her objectives, and Priscilla was never mentioned alongside the other super strong awakened beings like the Abyssal Ones, Rigaldo etc. I think they suppressed the incident and basically no one would connect this super strong awakened with the former #2 (and keep in mind not even the people on the Teresa assassination mission knew who Priscilla was until introduced to her).
But, yes, of course it's just a setup not to say "Priscilla is evil" in front of Raki, I just think the author played fair in doing so.
[MiB] Claymore c.128: SendSpace | Online Viewing
Well looks like Priscilla is winning the internal struggle ( if there is any )
Seems like some quality is back in the drawings...