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http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y28...on_rimshot.gif<---look familiar?
Then you should import some!
I used to use the old smileys. But using these new ones make me feel like a homosexual.:eek:
And just you had to use that one? hehehe
No matter how ugly the new forum smileys are, they don't come close to the hideousness of the AIM smileys. I switched to Trillian specifically because the AIM smileys bothered me so much.
Talking about smileys and the like...
The Animated Smileys MSN allows are annoying.
Aye, I fully agree. I have told a few people who used them that I will block them if they don't stop...Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
lol, from the topic in discussion, I have drawn this conclusion. You all just wanted something to bitch about and are bored, seriously bore.
On that note I hated the sound you had to listen to whenever a new massage was recieved while using AIM. I really hated it, so much so that i stopped using AIM.
But on to something different, Yesterday was the 4th of July and it rained. I love the rain, i really do, but when you are trying to light some illegal firework it really sucks. And well a few of the backyard parties that were in session had to be moved inside, Boy was it ever freaking humid!
not much to bitch about but there.
Heh. Me too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
And I did block two or three.
I also hate cellphone tones, mine is always in mute.
aim is annoying, but some of those bastards on my list refuse to use msn, so basically i have no choice, but to disable the sounds.
msn all the way, for me.
the ones with lyrics or the one without lyrics, because i mainly hate the rap ones with lyrics, so gay, yet people think it's gangster..Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
because the only-sound (whatever you call them) are annoying and the ones with lyrics because people choose the stupidest things, like Homer calling you a f*cking drunkard and to answer the phone
hope the guy that has that one gets a call during church or a job meeting
I suppose thats why they refer to you as the dumbass huh, you DO know that you can simply TURN OFF the sounds right?....what? it didin't occur to you? Oh I see.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
aim, irc, and forums are all pretty annoying...
"I wish I could QUIT yoouuuuuu"
My dad keeps bustin' my cajones to get a job. Every morning I wake up and he's like, "How many applications did you fill out yesterday? What, one!? Argggh! Stop spending so much time with your friends! I don't care if it's your last summer until college! Get a job!"
Once I get a job and turn 18, he's probably going to start asking for rent.
... It sucks. :(
if you're going to college in the fall, it's already too late to get a job -- at least a decent one. It takes like a month to get people trained and certified at most jobs ... it's already july, college starts at the end of august. You'd get maybe 3 good weeks of real work in. Nobody wants to deal with the hassle of hiring someone and training them only to have them quit in a month or so.
Of course, if you're not going to college, you've got nothing to be bitching about, and you need to get a fuckin' job ya slacker!
Compy as a point, it's actually probably too late for even a bad job like at a supermarket or something. Nobody wants to hire you for only a month or so and send you off.
Oh guys, you misunderstood.
I'm actually going to a community college close to home, which leaves plenty of space for a part-time job. It's still ridiculous... I've put in 6 applications and haven't received one phone call back.
Regardless, my dad has upped his anger and frustration about it. Sometimes I think he'll like... beat me up in my sleep or something. @_@;
Your dad is similar to how my mom occasionally is. Much like myself, she has frequent mood-swings, and one day she will be like "It's okay son, you'll find a job, I believe and support you", and the next one she'll suddenly be like "WHAT THE FUCK, DON'T YOU HAVE A JOB YET GODDAMNIT I'VE RAISED YOU ANDBLAÖSLÖAKLFKFSF THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME YOU =R)="¤="" etc
It's funny.
You guys should move to calgary. everyone is desperate for jobs right now. It's soooo easy getting hired :)
My girlfriend would rather have sex with a little 15 year old skank slut she met here than me