If she's cute, she's just an airhead. If she's not cute, then she's an idiot.
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If she's cute, she's just an airhead. If she's not cute, then she's an idiot.
So, to force myself out of my awful Funk, I decided to produce some art work in honor of my grandmother. I drank the sort of drinks she used to imbile and produced artwork she would have liked. I dedicated the entire weekend to it, at least a solid 30 hours.
and I gotta say, it helped a lot. And since, you guys helped me out, and I think you might be interested in what I produced I thought I'd post it here, as thanks and "hey look at this"
Digital rendering:
First Physical Rendering:
I'm in discussion with a local coffee house that I've been displaying artwork at, and after I have assurances that it will still be around, I will invest in a good canvas and nice acrylics so that I can reproduce the colors I made digitally.... And sell the work to the rich woman that frequent the shop. =D
Also, the piece it titled kinda for you guys and her:
Pop art is a bang! Coffee # 5.
I like it, but I don't know what it's telling me.
My condolences to your grandmother as well.
I'm not sure it has to tell anything. I think its an excellent way to deal with your grief.
And since this is the bitching thread, some jackhole stole my bike yesterday :\
I decided to stree-test my PC again for heat tolerance today with Prime and Furmark since the days have been getting hotter.
What's been established from previous tests:
Both the aftermarket coolers for the CPU and GPU do the job fine, but rather the bottleneck of my system's cooling capacity is the single undervolted exhaust that acts as the only means of active case airflow provision. The inside of the case gets hot. Very hot. But still within tolerable limits.
There was one time when the graphics card reached the max temperature limit due to this, and I fixed that by manipulating the case to increase the airflow vent area. Previous tests showed that it was sufficient for cooling.
What happened today:
Guess what happens when your single, undervolted exhaust fan fails during a stress test with a quad core and a Radeon 5870 while you're out on lunch?
Shit fucks up ;)
The problem turned out to be a loose molex connection.. (yeah, wtf??). Anybody who's familiar with the Corsair series of power supplies would know of how their molex connectors are designed to allow for easier disconnection of molex sockets. In short, if you push this bit of plastic down, it'll pop the male and female connectors apart.
When you have such a connection at the back of the case behind the steel scaffolding (when you look at it from the "normal" side of an opened case), forcing the cover on can give that piece of plastic a little "push", and is what I assumed to have lead to the problem at hand.
I've changed the cabling around just a bit to avoid this problem now.
Less of a bitch, more as a word of caution.
So, you didn't actually fry anything? Still, I don't know how wise it's to dance on such a thin line.
I don't think anything fried, no.
What I did find out accidentally was that throttling happens when my cores sit for a while at >84C temps. I had previously thought they only kick in at the TJmax (99C), but it seems that's the physical damage threshold.
It took a little while to come to that conclusion since my cores can't normally reach such a high temp from pure CPU-stressing. I need to use gfx-stressing tools to push the internal case temps to oven-like temperatures in order to reach those numbers.
85C is the general safe limit for cpu temps ( you can change this in the bios). At this temp it will start throttling, if it however can't bring the temp down, the pc should then shut down by itself.
The physical damage treshold is a bit higher than TJmax though, TJmax is just a safe reference so it doesn't ever fry. I once got my cpu up to 125C because of the cooler coming loose, it stayed at that temp for about a minute before just shutting down...no damage done.
But yeah as Kraco said, I wouldn't dance on such a thin line just to reduce some noise from the pc. The constant heat definitly degrades the overall life expectancy of your system.
Registered for spring semester classes (it rules to be a senior, first dibs on all classes). The difference in tuition for 11 hours and 12 hours is $900. What kind of bs is that? I don't think I even need to be full time, but the 1 hour class I'd take to get to 12 hours will cost me $900??
What's really goofy is that you can take up to 17 hours and not pay any more than what 12 hours costs. Makes no sense.
My bad roommate seems to enjoy playing shitty pop music at 7am every day for some reason (loudly). She also seems kind of lazy and absent minded as well (she loses or misplaces her keys or phone at least twice a week). The first I can talk to her about, but the other two issues...hmmm.
Maybe she's using it as some sort of time measurement? I play music when I wake up for school as well, simply cause I always know how much time has passed then >.>.
If it were not so loud, I would have no problem with it.
This is one of the many reasons I no longer have roommates. I know it's just little shit, but as the band Bush said, it's the little things that kill... tearing at my brain again... little little little... little little little... little little little...little little little... little little little...little little little... little little little...little little little... little little little...little little little... little little little...little little little... little little little...little little little... little little little... the song continues like this for another 5 minutes but you get the idea.
Is your roommate Faye Wong?
More importantly, is your roommate hot?
That's a pretty sad clip. I haven't seen the movie, but I can only imagine she's one of millions of Chinese youth who would love to leave their shitty little lives in their shitty little apartments in China for a life in America. Funny how so many foreigners want to move to Japan to live in a cramped little apartment box.
I created a facebook page almost explicitly so I can play Bejeweled Blitz for free. Now when I try to access facebook a privacy settings window pops up, but when I click to continue it errors out. There's no other way to get rid of the window. Stupid facebook bullshit, I need my Bejeweled fix!!!!
Got a notice from my credit card company, some dillhole tried to buy something from a Mac store in Philadelphia using my credit card number. They declined his ass, but now my credit card is on hold pending security authorization (the bank has to call me to verify everything's ok, which of course they won't do until the holiday weekend is over). Luckily I ordered most of what I wanted and the orders were already processed before this scam happened, so I don't have to reorder everything, but now I'll have to get a new cc and scrap the one I've had for almost 10 years (I've memorized the full number so online ordering is easy).
The first indication to my cc company that something was amiss: someone buying shit from a Mac store. Apple products suck!
I had both of my credit card numbers got (potentially) nabbed at the same time around a month ago. New numbers for both.
But yeah, that totally sucks. I'm surprised they didn't go for trying to pay off a medical bill too. That seems to be a trend. Everyone I know who has had their credit card numbers stolen always mentions some dumbass trying to pay a medical bill with it.
My car wasn't working too good last night. Very noticeable loss of engine power, struggled up hills, suddenly louder engine.
Take it into the dealer hoping it was something that would be covered by warranty. They call me back at work, nope, "maintenance parts," so full price. Spark plugs were shot (I was pretty close to being due for a tuneup, so that made sense).
It was also Infested with mice. The little bastards made their way into both air filters, and one of them even managed to get chewed up by my timing belt. Real nice.
edit: it isn't in a garage so I've got to find something to keep them out.
Do you live in a cold climate area? I imagine the mice are seeking shelter in the warm engine bay of your car. Barn cats do that on farms and end up getting killed... which is why people don't form emotional attachments to barn cats.
So the crooks tried to make 3 purchases with my CC before they canceled it, two in Philly and one in Ohio. I think the one at a Bed Bath and Beyond in Ohio went through. Weird, since I made a purchase at a BB&B in Austin on the same day.
@Ryllharu: no medical bill payments, as far as the CC company told me.
Yes I do, and that's exactly what they're after. They did it to my old car twice before, it just was never this bad, and didn't interfere with the performance of the engine.
I've had a bed of acorns near by battery since the winter I bought my car. I splash it with windshield wiper fluid every time I fill the reservoir. After the second time, the number of acorns has never increased. :D
I'll have to invest in some peppermint oil or something else that allegedly keeps the mice out of the engine.
Good Grief, one of my roommates is a functional idiot. I need to vent, so I will just list a few of the dumb things she has done in recent memory:
-cannot use a can opener, and actually, cannot identify one by herself.
-wanted me to open a bottle of (my) beer, and asked me to open it. I told her that i do not have an opener in my bedroom. So she comes back with a vegetable skin scraper and asks if that is the can opener. Then she finds the bottle opener, and it takes her 5 minutes to open with bottle (i heard signs of struggle as well)
-tried to but a large cup into the microwave. I told her that it would not fit, so she gets an even larger one (which of course does not fit)!
-she is also very lazy: never does dishes, does not put recyclables in the recyclable bag (right next to it, like that extra inch will kill her), and never takes the trash to the dumpster.
-Also fashions herself a "feminist" but complains that people do not do enough for her because she is a "girl"
-turns the thermostat to like 80F (26.6 C) at all times, which is too hot for my other roommate and myself, but does not care, and whines when someone lowers it to a more reasonable temp.
I could go on...ugh
P.S. I forgot about the 10 shitty pop songs that she plays everyday at 6 am.
That sounds like my fat worthless bitch of a roommate. On top of that she's incredibly racist and actually tried to hide the garbage in my outside closet yesterday. I really, really want to bury her alive.
Suddenly having to take 2 buses to Uni doesn't feel as annoying...
What a bitch! I know that is not the right thing to say, but geez. Who would try to hide trash? Is she that stupid?
I am also curious as to what she does for about 30 minutes at night and then like 2 hours in the morning that requires her to hog the bathroom. Whatever it is, it does not look like it is working.
Where are you guys finding roommates from, an ad in the local Greensheet or Craigslist or some other bad source for finding roommates?
I've kinda/sorta been searching for a roommate among those I consort or work with, but none have appealed to me so far. I own the house we'd be living in so I'm really picky about who I'd live with.
I'm happy I never needed to deal excessively with people as clinically stupid as these roommates you are describing, let alone live with one.
Sadly, the latter. We were desperate to find a 3rd person. Speaking of craigslist, she was complaining about some guy that treats her badly (and that she also treats badly) and how she hates men and they have no soul, how nobody wants her and decides that her best course of action is to find hook-ups on craigslist. I said that I thought the idea was reckless and dangerous. Apparently she does not think so. I also do not want her breeding for the good of mankind.
Shame works quite well there too. It has actually prevented someone from dating me. This imaginary shame a young lady's friend told her would result from being associated with me actually worked. And it was only because her friend was jealous of her and got rejected by two of my friends for being boring and lacking personality.
I wish you could shame them into not littering and talking so damn loud.
Yesterday something weird happened to me while i was driving my car...
my gas pedal(on a side note - it has automatic transition) froze after i pushed it slightly and it fell to the floor - while i was on the street.
probably spring got frozen and it's parameters changed so it was extremely hard.
Nothing bad happned other than me getting very scared.
Pedal was 'glued' to the floor, and spring would not push it back.
It was even worse than brake malfunction - because if there was brake malfunction i could somehow stop going faster - even with handbrake - without turning the engine off.
I've had to quickly change gear to neutral and turn off the engine.
One of my classes in political sciences requires me to write a short paper with two other students, and it's due this Thursday.
we're a three men team, and somehow, it feels like I've done everything.
choice of topic? me. general idea of the paper? I did that. every single word in it? me again.
it's not a serious paper, but it annoys me that I practically wrote every bit of it. every time we met I asked suggested "this week, we should focus on this part and this part, I'm going to do this one...", and a week later, I meet them again, and nothing.
they're decent and fun people, but they don't pull their weight for shit. I sent them a draft for the paper and got nothing from them, I had to ask my dad to review it.
and one of them even had to nerve to say "I know I didn't do much work, so when all of this is over, I'd like to take you two out for beer". dumbass.
I hate working with other people. I hate to be the guy that doesn't do anything, and I hate to be the guy that does everything.
I'm too sick and tired of the paper that I don't bother even fixing the parts that I know they need redoing.
I didn't get the job for this pharmacy internship I was trialling out for. It was down to me and some other person, and the boss had to choose between my better communication/customer service/medication counselling and the other guy's prescription processing speed.
Being a small (size of someone's bedroom?) pharmacy that had the pharmacist do everything pretty much (with only one other assistant on), they chose the applicant who was more efficient at doing scripts.
Truth be told, I was going to look for another place since this wasn't very "proper" (they cut corners with prescription handling, and the way some things are don't can't be described as professional), but it would have been good to have at least one job guaranteed.
Stupid saturated job market.
It doesn't look like I'll get into medicine next month neither. The coming year doesn't look too flash.
Lactose intolerance is a bitch - and it's a pain in the ass to pay a premium for the same branded products made for lactose intolerance people and/or lactase pills.
Especially during this time of year, when egg nog is the elixer of angels' sweat, I'm just drinking fruit juice instead.
Also, hot chocolate's a no-no as well, along with double-double coffees, ice creams and everything else with high lactose content!
There are fortunately lactose free dairy products available quite broadly here but they sure cost more like Enkoujin said.
Been there, done that.
Except it was a full week work on my part, no help at all. We were supposed to be 4, did that all alone. Got the second best mark of all the classes doing this (second year, engineering). The only thanks I got for that, from one of those that shoud have worked on it: the result is not that good... Bummer, you never ever had first or second place in anything and you criticize someone that did your shit and placed you there, all alone when this was supposed to be teamwork.
So yes, it also pains me that I have to work alone. As time passes, I measure the great inefficiency it represents, I also admire great teamwork at play when I witness it. I'm just unable to be part of it or never ever had the chance to -probably for problems on my part-.
At the end of the day, regardless of how small things I did are, I did them all and no one shall ever try to steal that from me.
Dairy products:
I know the pain too. Thing is, I seldomly eat pre-processed food. Less problems/risks and taste is often better. You only have to know how to cook for yourself, it's also easier when you live with someone who also knows how to cook, and cares for you too.
I used to be better at team work.Actually, "better" is kinda subjective, now that I think about it, since communication is also a part of "good" teamwork.
I think I used to work harder as part of a team (though it's also true to say I used to work harder in general), but now I find that I don't do as much "prior preparation" work as much as I could. What often happens in my case is that someone takes the lead in the beginning and starts organising everything and setting out tasks for everyone. I'd be lying if I said I got those allocated tasks done every time.
My worth tends to come in during meetings in:
1) "paraphrasing" for members so that others can understand them. This is different from translating in that it's not a language barrier, but more of an "expression" barrier. Somehow I'm better at understanding what other people are trying to say and expressing that in a form that the rest of the team will understand than any other person I've worked with so far.
2) Thinking of ideas or developing other people's ideas into something workable.
3) Breaking silences.
In oral presentations, I'm also always the guy who has the job of answering all the questions afterwards (the responses are marked.)
Overall, I'd say I'm not very good as a team member when it comes to prior preparation of material. "On the spot", "quick thinking" and "getting through sticky questions" is where I'd say I my input lies - whatever that's worth.
Talking about allergies, some of you may remember my allergy to Toohey's Extra Dry from last time. From my recent vacation trip, I've reacted to a particular Sapporo product that I don't quite remember, but I'm fine with Tsing tao, and every wine/sake I've tried.
I've yet to pinpoint what it is that I'm having an itchy, generally unwell rash to exactly.
Speaking of allergies, classes start next week and I haven't been able to hit the gym because of cedar allergies and a bronchial upper respiratory infection. I'm on antibiotics for only the second time in 5 years, so that's a plus. Because of all the sinus medication I've been taking, I've got dry eye so I'm wearing glasses because my contacts are drying out too much. These coke-bottle glasses are from a prescription that is 7 years old, but they still work.
I won't be able to go make a good buffed up impression on the girls in my new classes. Maybe my CHL will impress them.
How stereotypical of you, Ani
The desire to impress women comes from being a dude, it isn't as much a stereotype as it is human nature
I was referring to the allergies, next you'll tell me you wear a headgear too.
True but it's only acceptable to varying degrees before it's considered pathetic.
If you knew my background you wouldn't be so judgmental.Quote:
I was referring to the allergies, next you'll tell me you wear a headgear too.
To be honest I thought you were giving me shit for bragging that I'm working on my CHL.
I prefer my contacts. Glasses are such a hindrance, and so uncool.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I'm not dissing you or anything, i'm just saying it's funny for a geek such as yourself ( or me, 95% of this forum is comprised of geeks ) to have those kinds of allergies
It's like when you see a bunch of black men playing basketball, i can't help but chuckle a bit
That's not a physical attribute, though. I'd say it's more similar to seeing a short Asian or a Jew with a big nose.Quote:
It's like when you see a bunch of black men playing basketball, i can't help but chuckle a bit
It actually is, relatively speaking.Quote:
But that's not stereotypical...
Had to limp my car to the repair garage when I was going to take it in for routine oil change.
Mice had got into it again, this time they chewed through the spark plug wires.
Now my car is stuffed with dryer sheets in every spot I can easily get to and know there is no risk of fire (sadly not that many with my tiny engine compartment). With any luck it'll keep the bastards out. Otherwise I'm going to have to find someone with a good jack so I can get at a few more spots.
Few things stress me out more than problems with my car.
You should try to reduce the mouse population. The next time you level up, assign some points to the trap making.
I can't remember to be honest. It wasn't on my priority to-see list all those years ago. I can only assume that if I had seen one, it would have been there or something.
I should probably have said pet shop instead or something, since I actually remember seeing them there.
The ultra venomous spiders and snakes must eat them all.
edit: Australia appears to have plagues of mice.
This is a fucking test.
Is it really that hard to tell the truth by default?
That reminds me of a tweet they showed on Tosh.0 where someone tweeted that zoos in Africa would have animals we consider to be common like dogs and cats. F'in' hilarious.
Fun Fact: The zoo in Kabul, Afganistan has the country's only pig.
It was quarantined after suffering a bout of swine flu.
I was referring to this admission: Holy shit, the stuff you read in the news! This is from the article you linked:Quote:
One fighter climbed into the lion enclosure but was immediately killed by Marjan, the zoo's most famous inhabitant. The man's brother returned the next day and lobbed a hand grenade at the lion leaving him toothless and blind.
It saddens me when people can't do their jobs.
I ordered 2 text books with overnight shipping from amazon. Waited at home all day today, only to find out that the items were apparently already delivered. It turn out that the guy in charge of delivering my books couldn't even read the label correctly and delivered it to some location across town. I drove there to talk to the people and apparently they haven't received anything. So either those people lied to me or the person i talked to also gave me the wrong address.
The best part is that today is Friday, so now i have to wait till Monday to get some sort of proper answer as to where the hell my books are. Meanwhile, i have several assignments due next week that requires these books.
I take it that these weren't registered and simply delivered to anyone who was at the "address"?
I've been getting wrist pains lately. At first I thought it might have been the new keyboard, and it probably was.
(The story to that was that I bought a new keyboard but thought it was "too low" with the legs extended, so attached custom bits to make it tilt higher. Having overcompensated it tilted my wrists too far, and since putting the keyboard back to default my wrist pain has improved. The default tilt with legs actually feels right now.)
But now it's mostly my right wrist that's hurting, and it seems to have been relieved by giving it some support when I'm using my mouse. The current implementation is to put a soft spectacle case underneath. Strange that it's only happened in the last week or so, and that I haven't experienced anything like it for the last 3 or 4 years that I've had my mouse in the same position.
Does anyone use mousepads these days? Flat, or wrist support ones? Any experience with wrist pain or Oppai mousepads? :P
Had this happen to me (see previous post a few pages back in this thread).
You should have called Amazon immediately once you returned home and the package wasn't there. It's not your responsibility to drive across town to fix UPS/Fedex/USPS's mistake. Amazon would have shipped out the books already or by tomorrow and you'd have them by Monday. Live and learn I guess.
First thing i did was called Amazon. The only thing i got from them was "we're contacting Fedex and they're investigating to see what happened". They did promised to refund or send me new copies if these were lost.
Fedex contacted me a few hours after that and gave the me the address and promised that they'll send someone else out tormorrow. I didn't feel like waiting for them so i went to the address myself hoping i can get my stuff since i needed them soon.
You have to talk like a man when dealing with these companies, and they'll do what you need. If order tracking shows "delivered" but the item is not on your doorstep, then Amazon will immediately reship your order while they track down the previous shipment, that's not your concern anymore. But you have to make them believe that is the only option you're willing to accept.
What will Fedex accomplish by sending someone else out tomorrow? He'll do the same thing you did and not locate the package. They were just dicking around with you, probably because you let them. Don't let them do that.
I was playing a fun hypothetical questions game with a (very Catholic) friend of mine that unfortunately wound up leading to a heated discussion about religion. Really it was about Skepticism and the scientific method, but I don't think she quite grasped what I was trying to explain to her, and instead took everything as a personal slight against her beliefs.
It was frustrating because she kept falling back on the Bill O'Reilly argument "God exists because I don't know how things work."
"It's like love," she says, "You can't test love. You just know it."
"Of course you test it," I told her, "Every time you evaluate your relationship with a person and question the reasoning behind your attraction to them you are performing an informal test."
So I give her a Wikipedia link to "Emotions": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotions
Of course she refused to read it. "I don't believe what it says. Not everything can be tested."
I told her she was being a stereotype and tried to explain to her that not knowing the processes behind phenomena in life was not the same as proof of God. I tried to explain to her how the scientific method worked, what it meant to be skeptical, and what it meant to prove something empirically.
"Who says these people are right? They are just afraid of opening themselves to God."
My head hurts.
A woman making no logical sense and letting her emotions cloud her judgment? Now THAT i can't believe.
Was it worth it to test your friendship with her by questioning her beliefs and trying to undo a lifetime of indoctrination by her parents, friends, and community? I've found it's usually not; you won't change their minds, you'll stop talking, and you end up getting no where.
Now if she's not hot, then by all means continue.
You assume I pressed the issue. It came up through the course of our conversation, and the more and more ridiculous shit she said, the more I couldn't sit back and let her say incorrect things. I didn't even challenge her belief in God. She became upset when I started talking about things being provable and unprovable.
She was almost literally asking me "Why should I trust facts? I know God exists."
Originally Posted by Archangel
Actually regardless if you pressed it or not, do you think she'll be calling you for coffee and scones any time soon?
They say some things should not be discussed among friends. Between me and some of my buddies, those things include body weight, how much you make, and any mistakes they might have made recently. Wonderful friendships I've managed to make.
Shouldn't be discussed? Real friends should be able to say anything to eachother imo.
“A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.”
How many of these do we meet in life, if any?
I've always wanted to keep friends in different social brackets and try as hard as I can for them not to mix (eg, work, family and school). I also don't feel comfortable having someone know 100% of me, or even close to it.
As as the above paragraph suggests, I have never had what I'd call a "true" friend as per DS's post (which more or less coincides with most people's ideal true friend definition).
Xan - don't bother discussing about such topics with fanatics - they'll just shut they eyes and ears and mutter something similar to 'It was done by God/Allah/insert any other deity here' - even if you don't discuss something related closely to their beliefs. Although the face of Jehovah's Witness when my friend said that he does not believe in god was priceless - he was not able to comprehend the idea of atheism - so it might be worth to engage in such discussions from time to time.
What about my posting gives off the impression that I'm desperate for female attention? :( Why do you think that I would even be remotely interested in a person like this?
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic. Maybe amongst casual friends this might be the norm. How many close relationships do you have in which you do this?Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
That was what upset me the most. She was being just the worst kind of Christian stereotype.Quote:
Xan - don't bother discussing about such topics with fanatics - they'll just shut they eyes and ears and mutter something similar to 'It was done by God/Allah/insert any other deity here' - even if you don't discuss something related closely to their beliefs.
Don't make jokes about how your female friend's boyfriend is shirtless in all of his pics. She will unfriend you.
You don't need to be desperate for attention and still not want to lose a friend. You could be friends but not agree on everything, particularly politics and religion. No reason not to still be friends.
Not my choice, just what I've come to understand about my "friends", even the close ones. Maybe it's that I subconsciously seek out these type of people to make friends with, but I imagine even with the closest of anyone's friends there are subjects that are off-limits.Quote:
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic. Maybe amongst casual friends this might be the norm. How many close relationships do you have in which you do this?
You and Archangel's gf were friends on facebook?
True, yet we're allowed to choose your friends wisely.
I had a similar discussion with my best friend and a friend of his. They're both religious and although I'm baptized a Catholic, my faith hasn't made it to this day. It was about different religious views and cultures, including those BC like presented in the then recently released movie The Fourth Kind which is based on author Zecharia Sitchin's pseudo- history and science.
There are many facts covered in his books considered as evidence that there was a superior alien race invasion and explained the missing link between homo erectus and homo sapiens. An example would be the Sumerians complicated metric system and astrology which many scientist regard impossible for that time.
My best friend was open for debate and considered a "different view" possible whilst his friend took it as a personal attack on his religion and denied anything non-Christian. I was merely explaining that everything we hear and see could be considered bogus even if there's so called "evidence". Still the discussion was a joke and he left shortly afterwards, irritated.
I didn't like him to start with but that foolish discussion really made me realize he's not friend material.
Onto my bitch, I'm applying for a job I already tested for and everything yet they still need me to write a cover letter. I suck at it and am at a writer's block at the moment. What's the point anyway? You have a job; I want the job, PERIOD. FF-ing 9 to 5 office society with their demands!
I am close to unfriending someone (again!) because they complain that I have to many articles on facebook. She is not tagged on any of them, and nobody is forcing her to look at them. She posted something to the effect of: "why are there so many articles doing work hours"? I think she should focus on her own work and not worry about me. I know that sounds snarky, but I see no need to point that out then point out that she blocked me from her news feed like I care.
I got home from the super market when my mom tells my that my puppy got poisoned by some random food outside the house, i rushed him to the hospital where he died 1 minute later.