it was wrong of you to expect more than a "revamp"
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it was wrong of you to expect more than a "revamp"
Like the ANN article said earlier, the director intends to insert some light filler arc next. That leaves even less space for any canon arc following later. Though I'm sure the light novels are full of short stories they can animate. I would have liked to see the current manga arc animated, but it would likely be too long, based on how stretched this sisters arc was. Unless the director does a 180 turn in his directing habits.
Interesting theory, but you're making it all up with the benefit of hindsight.
J.C. Staff picks stupid names for their sequels all the time.
Shana -> Shana II -> Shana S -> Shana F
Slayers Revolution -> Slayers Evolution-R
Nowhere officially is this series referred to as Railgun Sisters, that's just stuff people put on ANN.
The problem isn't that the series has the Sister's Arc in it. The problem is that is basically ONLY the Sister's Arc, and we've already seen 70% of it. If Rozen Maiden (2013) can summarize 24 episodes and correct the anime original content of the previous series, then this certainly could have shortened the material from Index that we're largely seeing frame for frame.
This is like one step above the four back to back recap episodes in Wolf's Rain. I won't exaggerate and try to say this is a few steps above Endless Eight. Nothing is that bad.
That fight was done much, much better in Railgun than it was in Index. A lot of things made more sense. I was also annoyed by how much content is being repeated, but this made it fine for me.
So very tsundere... At least Touma didn't really lose anything since he's doing everything solely because of his hero complex and he's only interested in people who need help (Index needing that 24/7). But for fairness sake he would have deserved to get the cookies.
Now that it's over, it was a good arc. I hope the filler is short and we get something concrete to end this season.
MISAKA and Mikoto both got so much more development here - I'd say Railgun S is worth it just for that (as well as some Accel, but he's not all that interesting unless he's bashing the shit out of people. It still pisses me off that he couldn't come up with "I could break him if Itouch himthrow a rock at him really really fast". That's generally what you do as well if you're afraid of someone).
It's almost like Railgun S is doing what Shana S did in trying to emphasise the relationship between our two main romantic characters.
That doesn't work, unless you are a politician or some other scumbag, or a pos supercomputer called Tree Diagram. If he had killed Touma in a cowardly manner, he wouldn't have conquered his fear or achieved anything at all. He was getting his ass kicked fighting hand-to-hand, so he had to try to win that way to regain everything and power up (since powering up was all he cared about). When he seemed to be losing earlier he came up with the plasma bomb idea, feeling that was more progress than slaying 10000 Imouto had allowed him to make.
The scientists and Tree Diagram thought life is based on experience points like an old rpg and thus instead of struggling to kill one dragon you can go and get away with grinding and killing 10000 rats instead, safely and comfortably. Accelerator realised otherwise fighting Touma, and rightly so.
Wehhh, that feel when Accel's finger broke
The idea is just to win. The whole point of fighting Misakas and everything was that it was supposed to make it more difficult for him by the end as the sisters learned how to counter his ability, NOT that the sisters were supposed to give him 1xp each. The prerequisite to levelling up is not to lose (in his case anyway). If you can't beat Touma in hand to hand, don't fight him in hand to hand. The problem was that his thought process wasn't even "If I have to level up, I have to beat him in hand to hand", it was "If I can touch him, he's dead" - whcih obviously wasn't the case as he should have learned from his previous exchange. The whole idea of gaining experience is to learn - Accel didn't learn.
I see you are supporting the scientists and Tree Diagram's view, but everything we have seen, that is, the evidence, speaks against it. Even after 10000 Imouto they couldn't do jack shit against Accelerator. Except make him really, really bored. I guess getting super bored might encourage him to make great discoveries but, to be honest, I think the plasma bomb was far better in that regard than reversing the blood flow of a person.
That said, if he had killed Touma in a single second by sending a rock at bullet speed, he wouldn't have learned anything at all. Touma would have been just another fly comparable to the Imouto clones. Winning in that manner doesn't teach him anything at all. At least not anything wholesome. I said much earlier in this thread that perhaps the Tree Diagram wasn't actually counting on the Imouto to become stronger or anything like that but simply making Accelerator utterly insane by having him kill 20000 persons in cold blood. Since esper powers are all about personal reality, insanity might be the best path to the strongest powers. Although I think the scientists wouldn't have much enjoyed an even more lunatic Accelerator, but they seemed the type who wouldn't care even if the experiment cost them their own life.
I think Accelerator going for a melee against Touma was stupid on his part, but believable. He was confused, pissed, and afraid all at the same time, having so many firsts happening to him in such a short span of time.
Indeed. Accelerator is a person who has never been hit in his entire life. He actually wondered if what he had felt was pain (though that one is a little silly, even someone like him should have suffered a stomach ache or something at some point in his life).
There is no doubt in my mind that he thought for a few moments that he had actually allowed it to happen for some reason.
The situation is very similar to how Touma defeated the self-hypnosis magic guy, except Touma actually knocked Accelerator out.
Espers and magicians alike are in a state of shock when initially fighting Touma. Only a few of them actually figure out that he is actively negating their abilities. Even Mikoto, in all her numerous fights with him, still thinks that Touma is using his ability to stop her electricity specifically, not just negating everything.
Oriana Thompson is one of the only few I can think of that decided to use it against him.
The best parts of this uneventful episode were the scenes of Saten teasing Mikoto with questions about the cookies. Mikoto's tsundere reactions never fail. As an added extra the expression on Saten's satisfied face reminded me of Rin's happy face in Usagi Drop.
This second part is gonna suck so much :/