How is this Mfauli?
And a smaller version:
And a version with less outline on her:
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How is this Mfauli?
And a smaller version:
And a version with less outline on her:
hm, to be perfectly honest, the coloring looks a bit bland, lacks depth. It´s good enough, so I´ll take it, but if you could find a higher quality artwork of her, that´d be neat.
Still, thanks a lot :P
oh, and all versions are too big. 150 pixels in height is maximum.
No it isn't too big. Look at my sig.
I can make the colors brighter, if that is what you mean. I intentionally toned it down to match the background that I used.
I can change the background itself if you have any ideas.
i didnt mean the brightness, but the lack of more complex shading, see your signature pic. or call it "more realistic lighting" if you want.
as for the background, some more contrast between her colors and those in the background would be nice. Her hair is white-blue-ish, and then the most of the background is also in a bright blue-tone. She kinda gets swallowed up in those similar colors. So, the actual contents of thr background are fine, but maybe you could change the colors to something darker. Black, wine red, a bit of yellow, something like that. Would also fit Pitou´s menacing aura. :P
I found an image with more complex shading, but it does not look much like Pitou at all, and isn't nearly as sexy as that one.
Also it is unfair to compare it to my sig, since Soukou Akki Muramasa has one of the best if not the best art in a visual novel (and I play a lot of them).
I'll see what I can do in making the BG colors different. I actually intentionally chose a similarly colored one to make her blend in instead of stick out like a sore thumb due to her thicker lines.
EDIT: I tried changing the BG color to redder hues but it looked horrid. This is a different take on the BG, really simple dressing room curtains in red, since you seem to like red.
I like the original one with less outlines much better.
thx, that´ll do :D
Why did it become so small?
You could have displayed it in the original size, I believe. I don't see it as being huge enough to be obtrusive.
The official size is 500x150pxls for new sigs. That announcement was made on the last page. Sig-prize-winners could use 500x160pxls according that as well, but I'll trial 500x175 to see how that works out.
If you were a winner and can make use of that, go for it. That's the point of the trial.
If you're gonna make bitch rules then make more contests :P
Arch has a valid point, though I would say that all sigs should be the smaller size.
If it's a prize, then there should probably have been at least one more opportunity to win. Participation would probably be limited these days, but hell, it's only fair.
I've tried to get some sort of contest going for a couple years now with Luci, but, like Rhyl said, there would be limited participation. Also, I do believe that anyone that would participate (excluding me) already has the increase size in sigs.
Personally, I don't care what the size is, though I would prefer to upgrade to 500x200, like I mentioned on the previous page. Actually, if I could be really honest, I feel like the people that constantly try to breathe life into this thread should get the upgrade, even if it's only the 500x160(or 175). Arch and I have had the unfortunate luck of not being able to participate in any type of contest, but we've probably been the most active members in this thread next to shinta for at least a few years. That's just my opinion though.
I know there's already been a mod discussion on the matter last year, but maybe we could have an open debate at some point? Or a forum-wide poll?
I never said a new contest had to be anything art skills related. That would severely limit participation. When I wrote that, I'm quite certain I meant the opposite.
It should be something everyone can participate in, small as our population is. People who beg for/request sigs could be interested the size increase as well. Fairness and all.
I also never said you meant anything art skills related, I simply reiterated your point that any contest would, most likely, have limited participation. I just chose to use an art contest in my example of "trying to get something going".
Though it is very easy to infer that sig size increase = prize from art contest.
Ryll, are you thinking that all sigs should be 500x150, and that previous prize winners received their "X-years of being allowed a larger sig" and have no need for a permanent size increase above the norm? You're not alone in this. There are others who think that way too.
Debate away here, or Gotwoot Suggestion (especially if you want to add a poll).Quote:
Originally Posted by Al
I don't think I'll have much energy this year to pull off a comp, but we can see how far that idea gets.
I was actually thinking a debate in the announcements section of the forum, or a place with heavy traffic would be better. The majority of forum users don't venture into this part of the forum, let alone this thread, so I fear that trying to debate here wouldn't be of much use. I guess the suggestions area could work...
However, to make things easier, I can agree to the idea of a uniform 500x150. It's not my preferred canvas size, but it would make the forum consistent.
On another note, what is the ruling behind, say, two sigs?
I am completely against the 500x150 rule. It is simply very hard to make good sigs with such a canvass. A lot of good pictures get wasted because they don't fit that format. A slightly more squarish size would be better. I am not saying 500x200 or 500x250, but 400x200 or 400x250 should be allowed. Uniform signatures is almost an oxymoron lol.
New set in honor of the best show I never watched until now.
Great, now everyone is doing the lying down almost naked style I started.
I like it. The avatar and sig match perfectly. If I had to add a suggestion, it would be to add black bars to the avatar as well to make it match the sig even more. A little bit more brightness in the avatar should have such an effect as well.
I find it interesting how similar in structure our current sig sets are despite the large variance in style and tone.
I had actually been wanting to do a "laying down almost naked" style tag for awhile, but I could never come up with something I liked. I can't remember if it was because of you or not though... >_>
Anyways, I was thinking that the avatar needed to be lightened a bit as well, so I will probably work on that later on tonight or tomorrow. I'm usually not a fan of the thicker black lines on top and bottom of an avatar, but I'll try it out. If I don't like the outcome, I'll probably just remove them from the tag itself.
Lastly, I'm not sure what you mean by "similarity". I'm guessing the anime your set is from is centered around characters similar to those of Chuunibyou?
Nah, it's about the structure of the sig and avatar. The orientation of the sig, and the crop area of the avatar are very similar. If you consider the guy's head as reference, even the sig has similar structure, only with a loli in the middle instead of boobs and naked abs.