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New set.
who are they?
Edit: Reviewed the rules and Arch is right.
Oh wonderful, spoilers. >_>
Once again, just keeping from becoming too rusty. This has actually been sitting in my "incomplete" folder for awhile; decided to finish it up real quick and post it.
Hmm, I guess my Kat tag wasn't too popular. I might scrap it and start over, cause I really like that render. In the meantime, I came across this Haruhi render and had to make something out of it. There's a version with text (that can always be modified) and a version without. Let me know which looks better.
I dont like the Haruhi render, that's a really 13 year old girl tumblr sort of quote on the sig and the second link won't open.
I like the background though.
Well, Archie doesn't like it, so that means it's good, right? =P
In all honesty, the text is from a song by Sonic Syndicate, and it seemed like it fit the theme of Haruhi, but after letting it sit for a day, I don't think I like it either. I am quite fond of using the different fonts though... I might rehash that idea in another piece. The "second link" you mentioned is just the same tag without the text. Not sure why it didn't show up for you; they're uploaded to the same place.
I went ahead and used the textless version as my new tag. As for the ava; I'm using this for now because I couldn't find anything better that matched the tag. I spent hours last night searching. If I finally come across something that compares, I'll replace it, but until then, this is what I have.
I agree with Arch about the render. It does not look like Haruhi at all, even with the signature ribbons. Swapping it out with another one would make a fine sig. The colour theme and background are nice.
I don't mind the quote. Sig quotes usually have meaning to the one who uses them, not the one who reads them, so I don't think you should let other people influence you on that.
But I like the avatar. :(
Sig and banner quality in general have plummeted on Gotwoot, nobody's doing anything new anymore.
New set.
A few things to catch up on:
@shinta: The whole point of me creating the tag was the render, so I'm definitely not changing it. Maybe I'm not looking at it as hard as you all, cause it looks like her to me. Her breasts might be a little larger, but that's not exactly a bad thing... >_>. As far as the quote, I didn't let Archie's comment influence me; it's from a badass song by a badass band. I just felt it wasn't the best thing for this particular piece in the end. I've been having trouble in the text dept. anyways on a lot of recent pieces. I need to play around some more.
@Bill: I'm glad you like the avatar! After seeing it in action through posts, I kind-of like the contrast between it and the tag, so I might just end up keeping it. I went through more than 3000 images and couldn't find anything anyways.
I'm inclined to disagree. It's not really that the quality has plummeted, just the quantity. I mean, it's not like the few people that are continuing this thread are getting worse. Sure, some styles are becoming dated, such as mine, but that doesn't mean it's bad. However, in an effort to try out some different settings and resources that I'm not used to, I threw this together:
I don't know if I'm happy with the end result, but I am fond of the effect.
@shinta (again): I like them, but the avatar looks male. Is it supposed to be? It may just be because I don't know who the characters are since I'm not keeping up on anything current.
I just built a new computer, but I haven't installed PS yet. I'm trying to decide if I should keep CS5, or go with the newest version.
The avatar and the sig feature the same character. She is Mikasa Ackerman, and is in fact, female. Her design is actually pretty masculine so your impression is understandable.
I hardly ever use male characters in my sets.
EDIT: Have you tried lowering the Haruhi avatar on your sig? Maybe it will look more like Haruhi if you show more ribbon and less boobage. I think the top of her head being out of the image is making her head appear distorted.
Heya Alhuin, seriously sick Gohan.
I am absolutely in agreement with Alhuin on the quality vs. quantity standpoint. No one can deny the least 20 pages aren't far better than what came in the past. The only trouble is alot of it can't be considered 'Art' as opposed to just perfected 'technique'.
Alhuin's lighting is just impeccable, I don't know where the criticism's coming from. That Haruhi looks amazing (have you guys even looked at the image as a whole as opposed to just the random not being canon? Look at that hallway in the background).
I think everyone praised the BG and the colours. Only the render was brought up as negative. It is not even just about the render being different from the anime art style. I find that the specific drawing style is simply not that good, and that in no way reflects on Al's skills.
Alright; let's tackle this from another angle. What if you weren't looking at Haruhi? What if that's just a render from some other anime you don't recognize. It still looks bloody fantastic.
Are you folks saying the render itself doesn't look good? Cause that's not what I'm seeing.
If it's the just the fact that Haruhi doesn't quite fit the image of Haruhi that's in your mind, does that take away from the art value?
But it is Haruhi, and that's the problem. If it were an original character i could at least excuse the style as its own, but it isn't.
The value of art is relative anyway, you can't analyse objectively. All i'm saying is that I personally don't like that signature, particularly that render.
Maybe some of you will appreciate this. Haven't opened up photoshop in a few years. Spent the first 30 minutes messing with blending options and adjustment levels.... just doing the old boring shit I used to always do. Then I found some nice brushes and actually started putting some feeling into it. Here's the result, what ya's think?
Attachment 1402
My friend saw the Django image above and asked me to mess with one of his photo's from him in the army.
First I put out a very minimalistic version, precise lighting, low saturation, very moody if you will (and you will).
Showed it to him and asked for suggestions.... he suggested a few vague things but basically he wanted more stuff going on so here's that version.
The first ones better IMO.... I'd like to hear which you guys prefer tho!