in the 3rd OP, in the 2nd shot showing luna and shinn, they seem to be moving closer if you look carefully. While the shot of Talia and Dulindal shows them moving further apart, if thats any indication..................
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in the 3rd OP, in the 2nd shot showing luna and shinn, they seem to be moving closer if you look carefully. While the shot of Talia and Dulindal shows them moving further apart, if thats any indication..................
One thing that has piqued my interest: RGX-00 Testament Gundam, as per MAHQ. RGX is the designation given to the extended's mobile suits in the EAF. I wonder if this is indeed going to show up in the series, and if so, who is the new extended going to be who's piloting it?
i hope this all doesnt lead to a redundant end game rey vs kira
Isnt Stellars Bro supposed to be piloting something yet unvieled...That would be who the extended is, Hopefully hes as good as Shani was and not like his sis...Quote:
Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu
One thing that has piqued my interest: RGX-00 Testament Gundam, as per MAHQ. RGX is the designation given to the extended's mobile suits in the EAF. I wonder if this is indeed going to show up in the series, and if so, who is the new extended going to be who's piloting it?
I hope he is extended AND has the Seed Factor .
That would rule.
I mean, an Extended with Seed. Come on!
If you guys remember this at all. Perhaps the new extended is piloting the new suit thats with the Destroys. This Nibelugen?
Spoiler pulled from this image which was here earlier.
38 A New Flag
Dullindal demanded the handing over of Logos members, who fled to heaven's base, and of course, it did not receive any replies. On the contrary, Djibril decided to deal with ZAFT, by initiating a preemptive strike. Being attacked by the new weapon Nibelungen (?) and Destroy, the situation turned against ZAFT...
Is that Neo in Andrew's pilot suit? It sure looks that way to me...
No it's Andrew in Andrew's suit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] and could osmeone translate whata it saays next to Andy and Mwu ?
all i gotta say is that Dom troopers better kick ass. they better not be just any grunt suits that blow up in a split second. They better be something like maybe like the two suits fom the very first episodes from GSD. The ones that that have two big nozzles on tehir shoulders and Neo actually cried their names when they blew up.( i dont kno wtheir names, but they kicked ass even though they blew up)
the high maneuver 2 ginn?
More goodies! Lunamaria pilots the Impulse and Sting is back:
Credit goes to Shouki at AnimeSuki's forum.Quote:
Lunamaria, whose heart was deeply wounded, turns her anger towards the fight with Logos, immersing herself with mastering Impulse. Feeling responsible for the Athrun and Meyrin case, Shinn has a brief meeting of hearts with Lunamaria (*). The Earth forces, after not responding to Dullandal's final demand, suddenly go on the offensive. In the vangard, 5 Destroy Gundams have been placed... and in one is Sting, whose Chaos Gundam was shot down in the Berlin battle.
(*) Not quite sure how to translate this (really need my expensive dictionary at home). What I expect is that Shinn and Lunamaria are both in the dumps, and have a brief (slightly romantic) talk, initiated by Shinn. Lunamaria blames EA for Athrun and her sister (more Rey/Gilbert propaganda?), rather than Shinn. People, please wait for the scene before criticising it.
whoohoo, sting better own some ppl
heh, it sounds like those 3 murasames have their work cut out for them this time. Destroy is more resilient than Chaos, even if I dont think Sting is a pilot capable of handling it.
Sting is totally capable of piloting a Destroy unit. All I think they need is an Extended. Know what would be really weird, Stellar getting revived somehow. Maybe extended's are like zombies.
if all they need is an extended, that would mean that the other four have to be piloted by extended also
meh... at least sting wont complain on how he doesnt get the 'super' suit anymore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It isn't 'super' anymore now that there are 4 more other Destroy pilots.....
Hmm looks like I might need to edit my other post now. He does survive. First I heard this one. I must of been slipping. 5 Destroys make things interesting. Destiny takes out 2 and Legend takes out 3?
nah, Destiny and Legend will take down 2 each. Sting will be taken down by grunts...again. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
So we can hope. Its a shame it wont be the exact same 3 Murasames taking him down [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Roko
nah, Destiny and Legend will take down 2 each. Sting will be taken down by grunts...again. [img][/img]