Yeah, I understand Regulus > little king > lion's heart. But I don't understand how he goes from that to stopping time.
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Ep 61:
That was the worst episode character and plot-wise but truly the peak visually. The last 1 minute post credits had more content to it than the rest of the episode.
Filler episode.
And I can't express how much I hate Priscilla and Songstress.
Priscilla just randomly fights on par with abilities that would put Reinhard to shame. Then she also gets just enough super magic items that prevent her death. And BITCH: I don't care about love-talk from a whore with 8 husbands. I was really rooting for her opponent here :/
And songstress is just the worst mix of loli and annoying. I'm 100% sure the author is a pedophile now. And who thought we needed a flashback to her past? Gtfo with that boring shit.
I still don't understand how Subaru figured out a time-stop ability from "Cor Leonis" aka Lionheart. What's the relation here. And how would that explain Regulus' superhuman strength?
This has really been a terrible season.
I don't think Priscilla fought anywhere near Reinhard. When Reinhard fought bandage psycho, he wiped the floor with her and didn't even get scratched. He only "lost" because Subaru and a bunch of townspeople got killed in the process.
THe point is Priscilla shouldn't be anywhere near this level of combat prowess. With all her special abilities, she could take on Reinhard, and the only deciding factor would be who runs out of revivals first.
But this season has a lot of issues in regards to combat abilities.
Ah yes. The fight against one of the 4 primary antagonists. Totally skippable.
They aren't magic. Just precious gifts. She has the power to make anything precious to her take damage in her place.
God, you are such a creep...
How do you know? You don't know anything about this character.
You just think she should be weak because you don't like her.
Absolutely no way she can take on Reinhard. His sword wouldn't even come out for an enemy of such low caliber.
Priscilla definitely can't take on Reinhardt. She's got clearly exhaustible lives. Her "I only damage what I wish" ability is great in hostage situations though, which is something that Reinhardt doesn't possess. But Reinhardt just needs to link 7 death blows and she'd be dead. Depending on whether her abilities are magic based as well, they might not even work in the presence of Reinhardt himself. (or was that spirit based abilities that don't work? I don't remember)
The other advantage she has vs Reinhardt is that it appears she doesn't have any downtime. Reinhardt has to revive himself after a death, while Priscilla just has to tank it. It's not that useful in a 1v1 against Reinhardt since it appears like he's got unlimited revives, but it means she could be more useful against an opponent who is so fast that they always manage to KO Reinhardt before he lands a strike.
As for combat, I can deal with her being good since we've never been introduced to her being weak or otherwise. Emilia has had power creep I believe, since I don't actually recall her being athletic during the very early days of this show.
What would we have lost in terms of information if the anime had stayed with Subaru and later we learn "Priscilla has defeated one of the sin arc bishops!"? Would have been even cooler narrative-wise, like "wtf, how did she do that?!". Just showing it like this was boring and didn't tell us anything important. Unless the next season is all about Priscilla, which ... it hopefully is not, blarg.
That makes it worse, lol ...Quote:
They aren't magic. Just precious gifts. She has the power to make anything precious to her take damage in her place
God, you are such a creep...
She's had 8 husbands, she's a whore by the definition of the word. You don't seem to know what "creep" means.
Lol, that'd be like if during the Sasuke Retrieval Arc they just cut away from Chouji vs. Jirobu and then later been like "Chouji won." "" "Fuck you, that's how!"
The information that would be lost is how the fuck one of the primary antagonists was defeated. It's a pretty important piece of information.
Literally not. Look it up.
"an unpleasant or obnoxious person"
That is you. And unpleasant is an understatement.
Let's keep discussion to the episode.
As for defeating an antagonist, I agree that she's defeated. But per anime rules, no body - no kill. She'll be back, and this time Priscilla with be a few items down if they were to fight again.
I did find interesting that Priscilla losing her headgear and having her hair down was the show's version of having her be dischevelled and taking damage while actually remaining pristine, in contrast to say Subaru's fights.
Her power is also dependent on the sun. When it set, her sword lost its power and prevented her from finishing off bandage-psycho.
2 down.
So his power didn't have much to do with stopping time. It's more about hiding your phylactery.
Great job ruining a serious battle with some gimmick meme-punching, sigh. Typical modern anime-moment when Emilie Jojo'd Regulus against the pillar, meh.
And I still don't know why Regulus was superstrong.
He's clearly not dead, otherwise that final scene of his would make no sense, something has been happening. But apparently not immediately, because Subaru and Emilia have returned to the church already.
IF that was the end of Regulus, it would be a pretty mild defeat anyway compared to Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse was more of an intimate villain, whereas Regulus caused tragedy of varous kind to so many people, including his "wives". I would have expected a more severe punishment for him.
And now I can't help but wonder if he actually had sex with all his wives, considering he cared about them being virgins. On one hand I wanna say no, because he wanted to preserve them in utmost purity, similar to the "no smiling"-rule of his. On the other hand, since he put so much emphasis on them being his "wives", a defining core trait of "wife" is that the husband had sex with her. No sex, no marriage. Wedding night and all. I guess I'm just curious whether he's a rapist on top of being a murderer.
Not a fan of the remaining episodes showing us the other battles, kinda anticlimatic. Sure, will give us neat animation, but still.
I really hope something big happens in the last 2-3 episodes that sets up the FINAL arc of Subaru's adventure for the next season. And holy fuck, if this season doesn't end with Emilia either sharing a wet french kiss with Subaru or/and officially starting to date him, I'm gonna start hating her. He more than deserves some romantic recognition at this point, Emilia!
Regulus was super strong because he was, just like how Emilia is super strong and half the cast is super strong. Just think of it has nen or ki or chakra lol.
I hated this fight. Way too much babbling, nonsensical power levels, abilities, motivations, etc. I am pretty sure Reggie is dead and the last scene showed his heart finally stopping for the last time. I think he was stopping it to survive his injuries, but he needs to restart it to keep himself alive, so he alternated until he couldn't anymore.
I liked the fact that Emilia doesn't even remember this dood, while he died lamenting that she is celebrating his death. Utterly inconsequential. Now, what aspect of Greed's power will Subaru be able to use?
I checked the wiki and now all his abilities make some sort of sense:
Before I read the wiki, I'm going to say that my understanding of his ability is that when there's no heartbeat or bloodflow within his own body, he's "dead" and his body has its status/time stopped. Transplanting his heart to his wife allows him to maintain a "dead" state while having a beating heart, making him invincible at all times.
When all his wives were "dead", the heart went back to his own body. He was alive again, and that's why his shoes got wet. His next move to preserve his life was to stop his heart beating for the split second that he takes fatal damage to mitigate it. That's why he had i-frames during Emilia's "final" attack, but kept his bruised appearance (because he didn't use i-frames against the 53 punches).
I was surprised at Reinhardt launching him into the air, because the way to kill Greed would be to sustain 3mins of consecutive, fatal attacks so he dies from lack of coronary artery blood flow.
They accomplished a similar thing by drowning him though, so that's fine.
Now, time to read that wiki.
edit: oh.
The invincibility part was fairly well implied, so I had a similar level of understanding before reading the wiki as well. What stumped me was all of his other powers, which was apparently him just freezing time for the things he touches.
Episode 63:
That final animation of the fight was nice, but I just couldn't care about the fight itself. The blue guy should have won several times ago, and then Gorgeous Tiger just gets a bs out-of-nowhere upgrade that let him defeat that legendary opponent. I really miss the times when heroes had to earn their victory, not get it granted via plot.
And as I said before, I also generally don't care about these fights fullstop. This episode didn't add anything interesting, it just removed one bad guy. Heck, didn't even remove the other villain our masked friend is fighting. Instead of driving the plot forward, we'll spend those final episodes with fluff fights.