Yep, nothing like getting eaten at the dinner party you didn't know you were at...
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Yep, nothing like getting eaten at the dinner party you didn't know you were at...
Knives122, guess who is on the menu for tommorow? :D
A pm I got from Joker a couple of days ago:
"Come visit me my dearest donkey!! (On IRC...) I am attempting to bring new life and need you!"
/me thinks its a trap
Pfft, Joker wouldn't lay a trap for his donkey. He misses making fu- pleasantly with you. Seriously though NM, you've been absent far too long. You used to be one of the hard-core regulars. IRC isn't the same without you.
yes KitKat's word can be trusted. But never the less come prepared. And your presences would be a welcome edition, for i have not yet had the pleasur of meeting you. Come on in, the water is fine.
NM... get to IRC now... or...
Le Panda Cubs will eat you!!
Or...he'll just step on them all.
That is kinda sick...and cute at the same time.
Speak about the devil and he may come...
[11:01] <Kirai> Ah... Crap... Now I have to do something bad to make Yuki indecisive about my awesomeness
[11:01] <Yukimura> i'm still indecisive
[11:01] <Kirai> moreindecisive
[11:01] <Kraco> Yuki just confessed his abnormal. You can't predict his thoughts and motivations and preferences.
[11:01] <Yukimura> i would be mean to show it, but you've sunk your woman claws into Arcness and he protects you now
[11:02] <Kirai> Yes, but he's not here
[11:02] <Yukimura> goddamn woman claws! We men must rise up as one and declaw these creatures!
[11:03] <Deadfire> Yuki remember If Arcy isn't here...
[11:03] <Yukimura> Kirai you are a big pile of crap juice!
[11:03] * Arcness has joined #gotwoot
[11:03] <Yukimura> wtf
[11:03] <Yukimura> that's insane
[11:03] <Kraco> Haku is just TOO fast!
[11:03] <Yukimura> omfg omfg
[11:04] <Yukimura> you are really the devil aren't you Arcness
[11:04] <Arcness> what did i do now?
[11:04] <Yukimura> you showed up at the absolute most sketchy time possible
[11:04] <Arcness> my normal time?
ah Teh D0vil.... has reviled itself and its the form of HAKU, why, oh why did you have to be him?
rofl, thats pretty fucked up
Only he has a ...liking for biting the heads of people and pokemon alike...:cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
This is from my beloved Hakuness (Arcness)
[23:11:36] ‹ +Yukimura › someone cheer me up
[23:12:57] ‹ @Arcness › youre gonna die alone
[23:13:06] ‹ @Arcness › wait that cheers me up
[23:14:13] ‹ +Yukimura › yousuck
[23:16:28] ‹ Joker-kun › [23:12:57] ‹ @Arcness › youre gonna die alone
[23:16:28] ‹ Joker-kun › [23:13:06] ‹ @Arcness › wait that cheers me up
[23:16:30] ‹ Joker-kun › rofl
[23:16:40] ‹ Joker-kun › that's like the best quote ever
Teh-D0vil vs Fake Jesus
* WebUser4247 is now known as JesusJones
<Arcness> JESUS
<Arcness> AMEN
<JesusJones> Yes!!!!?
<Kirai> JESUS
<Arcness> How come you never answer my prayers?
<Arcness> EH!?
<Arcness> WHY
<Arcness> !!
<Yukimura> where is DS
<Yukimura> i need him!
<JesusJones> cuz im jesus, lol
<Arcness> thats not a reason
<Yukimura> it is for jesus
<Arcness> it should be your answering my prayers because your jesus
<JesusJones> i dont answer prayers
<JesusJones> i eat children
<Arcness> way to not be jesus, jesus
<Kirai> Cool
<penpen> fufu
<Arcness> I eat religious figures
<JesusJones> the bible lied about me =[
<Arcness> >_>
<Joker-kun> if I lay back down
* Teh-D0vil APPEARS !!!!!!!
<JesusJones> im really an arabian baby-eater
<Teh-D0vil> ultimate battle coming up
<Teh-D0vil> teh-d0vil vs jesusjones
<Kirai> on pay per view?
* Teh-D0vil eats Jesus :O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* JesusJones was kicked by Teh-D0vil (youve been eaten)
That wasn't really an "ultimate battle", you just said something to set up that you were going to kick him.
I want my money back :(
Ultimate means, to all intents and purposes, final.
Since JesusJones didn't return, then it was, in effect, the ultimate battle between them.
Ok seriously guys, now your starting to ban me for no reason and its getting annoying:(
well my university made me install some awful monitering program onto my pc to use the internet which wont let me use irc so i wont be in there any more it seems =\\
I miss gw irc conversations
whats the channel and server again?
@TruthofMistake: what kind of program? Have you tried to get around it?
@Kagemane: #gotwoot