Anyone recognize shinta's latest sig?
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Anyone recognize shinta's latest sig?
It was made into an anime, but the image I used is from the game. I wonder how many would actually notice since the character design itself is not really original.
I'm still looking for a title or a name...
Otherwise I wouldn't have asked.
Nevermind, found it the hard way. Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai if anyone else wanted to know.
I thought you knew and were asking others if they were familiar with it.
How did you find it with only just an image?
The assistance of our wonderful IRC channel denizens (none of them knew what it was either at first), and a little magic.
New set from Another.
You're just gonna keep making them bigger until someone bitches aren't you? This is why Munsu is so anal about his fucking rules, because there's always some prick taking things too far if you don't set clear boundaries >_>
I thought shinta was allowed to make them bigger because he won some contest long ago. I don't remember the dimensions that allowed for though.
The dimensions were the ones that are now standard.
But yeah that's a good idea, lets say Shinta can make them bigger because he won that contest.
Why not just limit the size itself if you want to be strict about it?
Allowing larger sizes means that there is room for flexibility. In any case, I can make mine smaller if it bothers you that much.
It doesn't bother me, i just don't see the point of pushing the envelope until some admin or Mod decided to bitch about it and restrict us needlessly.
Discussion without indirectly calling people pricks is appreciated.
The argument is irrelivant IMO. If you're afraid to make big sigs then there's a psychological limit there anyway. In any case a limit will be made sooner or later, either self-imposed or systemically.
Is that sig from the dancing scene in ep6 shinta? Or ep7? I haven't seen the latest ep yet.
It is a fan made picture (I think), copying a pose made by Senjougahara. The text on the blackboard is in reference to that.
Honestly, I thought there was already a stated limit of 500x150. Maybe I just misread that somewhere. Knowing what I know now though makes some sigs I've been working on much easier to finish. Haha.
New set with Karen.
Creepy fetish trumps loli?
I am a lolicon, but I am more than just that.
Just watch it already. Why were you waiting for the BDs again?