So, almost two hours of searching now, and I still can't find a compatible image. My internet is starting to get shaky (as it does every night around this time, for some reason), so I guess I will have to resume searching sometime tomorrow. Unless anyone has any suggestions.
I thought about just making an ava with the same image, but I'd prefer not to do that at the moment.
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Epic signature Alhuin. Gave me enough inspiration to dust off my Photoshop. Whenever I do anything with Saber though, I always come out with the sunset.
Hmm.. any way to add more rays or something to make it more dynamic Luci? That's the only thing I can comment on, really. Saber's hair matching the sunlight has both its ups and downs.
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I just spent the last hour looking through my work and others from page 200 onwards.
My god.....I created some crap! However, good lord, I made some incredibly delicious looking stuff! Even the stuff I have in the last 25 pages or so just look mediocre in comparison. (I really recommend you all do this, the memories and old artwork, so cool)
I used to render everything myself, clean the hell of the render, perfect the lighting, added all manner of effects and such. Now....its just a generic sky background and some light blended with a clean looking render. It looks good...but I'm tired of it.
I haven't really watched much anime in the last year and a half, and thus my desire to photoshop and skills have rusted. Every time I get some inspiration, I revert to this one style of signature making and pump out a quick sig.
I really want to get my old skills back.....It's decided. Gentlemen! Post some art! Lets have a competition! =D
And i used to make sigs for other people with these skills...
I've felt the same way Luci. My problem is I lack motivation. I want to make sigs, but I have trouble finding renders that inspire me =/. I actually just started cutting a render yesterday to try and use, so we'll see how that goes... but, like you, I fall into the trap of using the same style repeatedly.
That being said, your recent ones look pretty good. My favourite would have to be the Kenshin one, even though the border on the sword makes it stick out a bit too much, and the text could be adjusted so it doesn't go over the render. The rest are good as well, with Saber and Yin being simple, so not much to comment on about them (besides agreeing with Bill's comment about Saber's hair matching the sunlight). GITS one I have no complaints on either.
@Arch: Is that a new sig, or an older one you were posting to show how much you've improved? If it's the former, I have got plenty of feedback I can post.
@Al ...what do you think?
@Luci Fapping to that render so hard.
@Arch: What is that render from that you are fapping to? As for my comments... I was pretty much going to disapprove of the whole sig. Personally, it's too big for a sig, the background is too bland, the render looks like it was cut badly, especially around the hair, which makes it stick out, and the drop shadow isn't very effective with, again, such a bland background. The text I can't say much about, because, for the current sig, it's not bad. The reason I asked beforehand though is because if it was an older work, then there would be no reason to criticize it, as you've definitely come a lot further in skill since then. However, if it's recent, then I feel the need to ask why this level of quality presents itself now, when, as I just mentioned, your skills are much greater. That's all.
@Luci: Both the newer ones are awesome. I think your borders are becoming a bit too thick though. I'll admit that I started doing the 2px top and bottom borders with 1px side borders after seeing it in your work... but the 3px seems like overkill, especially when it's 3px all around, as it seems to be in post #6407.
God dammit, sarcasm is so fucking hard to get across on the internet.
Let me try that again:
@Al Take a wild fucking guess >_>
You sound mad, bro. >_>
Anyways, I forgot to ask: Luci, where do you get your renders from? I know you mentioned you used to cut your own, but to produce so many sigs in one day, cutting all the renders seems highly unlikely.
I have to, if i don't the sarcasm doesn't stick
Yeah Luci, share some of the wealth. Those renders kick ass.
http://www.planetrenders.net/ Main source for quick, quality renders. I visit the two below when seeking unique, quality, hard to find images.
http://forums.animesuki.com/index.php (Each series has it's own forum, and thus, each forum has it's own image/wallpaper/render thread, where people post some very epic rendered/unrendered images. They find the material for me. =D )
http://forum.nihonomaru.com/anime-renders/ Very nice render packs.
I think that's supposed to be planetrenders.net
I use both that and Nihonomaru, as well as http://www.animerender.com/ which hasn't been very good lately since they are apparently updating their forums.
Luci, I was totally about to make something with that same Saber render yesterday, haha.
Here's my attempt at an ava to complete my new set. Thoughts?
Looks great man. The thing is, I'd like to see an avatar which matches the lighting/saturation of the signature. Just my two cents, think you could make one?
That was the plan, but after hours of searching for a comparable image, I came up with nothing.
@Luci - Aigis and Kenshin (? - the bloody sig) ones are really good, much better than the rest.