Oof. The protags are being especially shitty this episode.
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Oof. The protags are being especially shitty this episode.
It's fun when Ainz forces don't go all out and the main characters are not involved directly in fights.
These Death Knights have the right amount of power and while I'm not a fan of how they look in general, I still think they are pretty awesome.
The dog maid forgot to woof.:confused:
She was putting it on to stay in character.
Pedophilia is okay now.
Edit: Oh! Well, let's hope that that red adamantite adventrer isn't one of Ainz' plans, too.. Would finally make this anime interesting again.
Episode 10:
Kill off the only somewhat interesting character, off-screen even.
... this anime really works hard to be boring, huh?
It's just an excuse for us to think that the people are not worthy and it's now okay for Ainz to kill them all.
Except people are worthy and Ainz is close-minded, unimaginative, and pedestrian. If it weren't for his OP stats, he'd be just like those traitorous assholes, a coward and an idiot.
I think it's fine, but I don't understand if he actually cares about human or if he doesn't.
I feel like Ainz himself is just too much of a mystery for the viewer in this show.
I know it's all about how useful someone is for him whenever it isn't a "monster" (see the village arc), but sometimes he does things that clearly are about reducing suffering and then, sometimes he just doesn't care (and I'm not talking about the nobles in this episode)
But I have nothing against him wiping out a kingdom in general - men, women, children....doesn't matter.
I like the idea of an "empty kingdom" that will serve as a reminder for the rest of the world. It's pretty cool... and even how I'd want him to act more often. He's basically just doing what the enemy would do to them if the tables were turned. And in most shows, we see exactly that. People running around in dungeons killing monsters in their homes and other things.
However, the show does a pretty poor job in showing the transformation from human to overlord. The green aura-thingy that pops up now and then is fine and all, but without the inner monologue transforming the emotions to apathy it just doesn't work as much.
Episode 11:
Sigh. It wasn't even the real Ains. Just when you think there's someone out there who might be able to fight him. Author said "nah, let's keep it boring and one-sided" :/
I don't think Albedo should have first hand experience of how soft tofu is.
I didn't figure it out, and I shoulda because I thought several times "Boy, Ainz is acting weird here."
Episode 12:
"Haha, so awesome, human pwned again!!1"
Who enjoys this?
episode 13:
this anime is for nazis.
0 character development, 0 world building, 0 excitement. Just one god-cheat user steamrolling everyone without any effort. If one enjoys the brutal murder of people without plot, that's time for therapy.
Especially fuck you to the opening scene. A shitty loli talking about murdering women and children in a cute way is not in any way endearing. Fuck her and fuck this anime and anyone who likes it. I hate that I ever started this shit. The author has no talent at all.
"But...but...but...It's better in the novel!"
Which I am tired of hearing and haven't believed for a long time.
Yeah, these characters really are garbage at this point. It's not even survival or pragmatism. Just so much pointless cruelty.
I'm not sure, but I like this approach more than the goody two-shoes.
I think Ainz is the best when he just crushes everyone, because then he actually *does* look like an Overlord endgame crisis about to unleash some shit.
All that is missing is some fighting power against it. At least some amount of power that would at least justify the arrogance the human kingdoms have towards monsters who just crush them at every single opportunity, even when Ainz is not involved.