the scene with mustang, ed, and al all in the single room with Bradley was my favorite part of this episode. i prefer the complete quick, zero frills dishing of the situation that goes on instead of episodes dragging it out and mulling it over.
knox is the one character i can not put my finger on, but there's something duelisticly revolting/endearing about him that you don't often get in anime characters. i loved the scenes he was in in this episode.
Wrath and Greed. two men who had philosopher's stones put into them and then became Homunculi. every thing about them suggests a Mirror Mirror Opposite Twin Enemy relationship. one never asked to be king, the other wants it. one fights for himself, the other for his people. you think BRADLEY isn't in there just as much as LING is? man, i dunno. they both have End Game Vader Anakin vibe to me. Greed gave Ed and Al Ling's message. Bradley eyed up Al for FOREVER before he missed (intentionally) May by just a fraction of a centimeter. These guys are both too human. They don't go about stuff the way Envy and Gluttony do (no clue about Lust, of course).
dude. thank you a ton for pointing it out to me that they're doing it with this show now. and for the record, yes. me too.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Scar is the fucking man. Osama Norris McCool. that was his original Ishbal name he mentioned he once had.
i have my hat on fireheart's theory from ep 28 thread, that Hoenheim created/gave Eastern Alchemy, that Scar (via his bro) and May can use, but Ed and Al can't when Father doesn't want them to, because they're using HIS alchemy (Envy did just about say it that way). of course, the one baffling question is HOW THE HELL Father and Hoenheim went about creating two sets of alchemy for other people to use. after all, Father seems interested in just finding super alchemists, so why the hell can't he create one?
naturally, ed and al, being the sons of Hoenheim, the Sage from the West, but users of Father's alchemy (Sage of the East), AND being shounen main leads, have Dragonball Fusion ending written all over them. but the way this series has executed so far, even that sounds like it might end up being totally badass and awesome to watch.