Well Clare is merged with Priscilla and that huge awakened so unless something happens with that I doubt Clare OR Priscilla are coming back. But the group should arrive any second now. Most likely next chapter.
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Well Clare is merged with Priscilla and that huge awakened so unless something happens with that I doubt Clare OR Priscilla are coming back. But the group should arrive any second now. Most likely next chapter.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Claymore c.121: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
[MangaStream] Claymore c.122: MediaFire | MultiUpload | Online Viewing
... flying?
I wonder how many people like MFauli read this chapter and thought the Claymores could actually levitate, instead of the obvious fact that they are all doing that hair trick that #8 has.
He is entertaining if you don't take him seriously.
Chapter 123:
as much as I'm enjoying this, I really don't know what's happening here...
Hookshot legs. That's what she's got!
okay, thatīs bullshit. Iīm sorry, but you cannot show THAT much of her body being gone and keep her alive. Deneve should have died with how much flesh she had lost. Damn, it looks like her whole heart was gone.
And Iīm glad Deneve stopped Miriaīs train of thought. I would have hated if the manga somehow introduced a "good willed" Awakened at this point of the story. You cannot fight the hunger for flesh once youīve awakened, thatīs the ultimately established fact.
[MiB] Claymore c.124: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
By now Deneve is like the ultimate defensive warrior. Her regenerative powers would be unmatched by anything short of an AB or even an Abyssal One.
I don't mind everything that's been going on at the moment, though I guess reading 5 chapters at once feels a lot better.
I recognised the hair trick from the beginning, but I always expected them to bounce around as they kicked off instead of using their hands occasionally to grab. Hence, I was rather confused when Mira kept pushing her fist out like superman. :P
Talking about superheroes, "With our powers combined..." pose was pretty nostalgic :)
[MiB] Claymore c.125: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
"Constantly smiling?" I can only think of Teresa of the faint smile, but she didn't betray the organisation until she was #1.. but I guess the organisation could have updated everyone's minds to scratch or something..
But then the confusing this is that the the speedy AB became a mirage of Precillia before she died. Does anybody remember how those dead warriors were reanimated again? Did the organisation use their own technology, use the parasite organism, or the arm that Pricillia stick into Raki?
If the latter, what of that now? It was needed to suppress the infecting parasites, and I didn't imagine that they would have died since they could have stolen life energy from Raki.
The dying resurrected Abyssal Claymore says the woman who really severely injured her was a fresh new single digit who betrayed the Organization and became a murderer, then transformed into Priscilla. She is obviously referring to Priscilla as well. Except, aren't the resurrected Abyssals from a generation or two before Priscilla was called up? Either she is mistaken and the resurrection process that involved Priscilla's arm somehow altered her memories (but who cares, because she's dead now) or something even more fucked up happened in the past. Like this not being the only time a "Priscilla" was created.
I never recalled Priscilla smiling when she was a claymore. From memory she was rather wimpy during their time when Teresa was still alive. I'm still going along with that theory because the memory of Teresa might have awoken Priscilla somehow since the latter is looking for the former this whole time.