While I know what you mean, that wasn't the reason.
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While I know what you mean, that wasn't the reason.
I'm trying to figure out where the lighting is that's forming the shadow on Anaru's face. It looks like someone's raised the blinds or something and that she's looking out of the window, but isn't the window behind that yellow curtain?
I was thinking that the room has 2 windows.
Or that the yellow curtain is hiding something else...
While I approve of the signature... it makes it hard for me to browse the forums at the office <___<
Since Buff pointed out the issue with the lighting (which I also noticed but thought no one else would so I stuck with the curtain idea), I decided to change the BG. I prefer the colour balance of the previous one with the curtain, but the lighting did not make much sense. This version also allows for a bit more customization.
Curtain version
New version
EDIT: I made another version with yellow walls, and slightly altered the shadow angle. I just thought that a yellow room is a bit more girly.
Which is the best among the 3 versions?
Now before anyone complains about why those two are at a non-loli's room, Anaru is still a minor and very much a shoujo.
EDIT2: I decided on the yellow wall and replaced the kyubey with another pic that is looking in the right direction. The previous one was weird since it was looking somewhere else.
Yellow is definitely the way to go.
As for bookshelf or curtain, it depends really..
The curtain brings out a more simpler feel, while the bookshelf can feel crowded if I'm in the right mood.
But that's being picky.. just like the lighting. It's weird if you sit there and think about it, but on the grander scale it's pretty easy to ignore. There's are much better focal points in that sig after all.
(edit: to be decisive, I'll settle with the bookshelf just like you did)
I also feel it is a bit cluttered, but since it allows me to sneak kyubey and pedobear in there, it is a worthwhile exchange,
New set, again from Steins;Gate. Please watch it, it's great. Even Kraco agrees.
I got tired of the pikachu mask avatar so I removed it and added a sig which has nothing to do with anything. The things we do with plenty of time and boredom on our hands...
Now it's time for me to disappear from the forums for another undisclosed amount of time
New set, featuring the only enjoyable show this season
I love the sig, but the flowers in the avatar make you look like a fujoshi. It will make people think you are female, unless that is intentional.
I tried to redraw the flower... it didn't go so well
I'll try again later or maybe see if i can find another render to work with
Originally Posted by shinta's sig
/me thumbs up.
Haha. Thanks.
I had to revert to my old sig because I finally found the perfect avatar for it.
Lacks flowers
Why not just watch it? If I had to recommend anything this season, it would be that show. You are lucky since you can now marathon the slow parts and get to the juicy stuff quickly.
@Arch - LOL@flowers.
Reverted to my Victorique set because GOSICK episode 23 broke me.
Dude, enough!