New set.
The reason I changed my set is in the sig.
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New set.
The reason I changed my set is in the sig.
Lol, you dork :P
I was gonna do the whole shinta;hikari thing again, but I got lazy in the middle of it.
Look smart. Look sexy.
I went ahead and changed it to shinta|hikari.
Looks awesome. Some dedication there to find the font and create a replica, haha!
I didn't find the font. I redrew the text from the letters in the original label. Luckily, most of the letters in shinta hikari are already in Steins;Gate, or at least can be derived from it.
New sig set for GOSICK.
I made 2 versions, one is lighter, one is darker. Which looks better?
Just rearranged them to make the comparison a bit easier for myself. (well, didn't make it easier, but anyway)....
I think the darker one's better.
New set I had to make after spoiling myself with the Kizumonogatari novel.
I made a less saturated version of the sig. Which looks better?
The more saturated version looks better. It goes better with the avatar, and makes Shinobu seems less like a zombie.
I hate you man. I saw your sig in another thread and thought Kizumonogatari was going to come out soon.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta
I'd photoshop the feathers out if i was you, regardless of context they look weird
I removed the feathers and made her face the exact center of the sig. Is it better?
make it off-center again. I just want to see if that looks better or not.
The feathers did give the sig balance against the Katana handle.
Yes, centering it was going to be my next suggestion
The avatar seems somewhat empty though
Here is the off center wider version.
In case you were wondering, she was wearing clothes before.
... i didn't even notice she was naked. But yeah, good photoshop yah weirdo
I prefer the centered one by the way
I like the wider one. Dimension goes better with the avatar.
New Anal set.
The sig took a lot more effort than I thought it would.
Must be hard to photoshop with only one hand