Kingdom Hearts one looks awesome. It clicks, even if the style is a bit overused. If seen without knowing your sig history, I would say it looks quite professional.
I finally got PS again, so I might make a new sig that isn't just cropped like the one I'm using now. I'm still thinking about a new style, so it might take a while.
New sig.
I will use it once I manage to make an avatar to match it.
Al, I like the DBZ one, and I don't see any problems with the font or text colour.
I also think that the "SS4" line fits in terms of placement/colour etc, but I would rather change the words. Could you think of a tagline that's more catchy or interesting?
I'm not at my work PC, and due to calibration differences, I think the gears in the sig I posted above are too hard to see. I want them very transluscent, but not invisible. How does it look to you guys?
Here are the two versions for comparison:
I'm also thinking about adding some text, but I'm not sure if it would make it better or worse. I was thinking white, slightly transluscent with a slight glow.
The one with more obvious gears would be the one to choose then. I didn't even notice that there were gears in either of them until you mentioned so. I'm leaning back from the PC and without my glasses though..
I realize now that it was my laptop that is at fault. The calibration there is really bright. Here it seems way too dark, and not what I intended. I will fix it later this evening.
My calibration is darker than most and i can see them just fine
Mine is brighter than most, but I can barely make out the gears in the bottom one. The top one looks much better. I also think it looks good without text, but you could always try different things out. I'm assuming the character is the same as your current sig?
@Bill: What would you recommend for the text that's catchy? I will admit that that certain line was the one I was referring to when I mentioned I wasn't satisfied with it. I tried typing out the "SS4" part instead, but it didn't look right. I didn't think of just scrapping that altogether in favour of better text though.
Here is the latest version. I really went overboard with the brightening, but that is because I can't tell how different it is in other monitors. In mine, it looks pretty damn light.
And yes, that is also Kurisu Makise. Watch Steins;Gate now.
You ruined it, it's much too bright as it is
I must agree with Arch, the first version of the render is far better, though the background has definitely been improved in this version. Merge em! =)
@shinta: yes.
@Al: I dunno man.. I provide problems/ideas, not solutions :P (only because I'm not good enough to come up with any.. )
What do you think about this Bill?
And shinta, yours looks awesome =D.
Yeah, I like it better than the first. The length is good too, how it's just fitting in the darker area between the border and the glow.
Good job coming up with it. ;)
New set from Maria Holic. The text under the sig was supposed to go into the sig itself, but I didn't want to ruin the simple balance it already has.
Is the background of the avatar supposed to depict anything tangible in particular?
edit: nvm, it's the school gate.
I love the sig, and the text fits perfect under it, in my opinion.
The ava though, I'm not really fond of. Maybe it's the lack of colour in the background, or that the contrast seems a lot higher than that of the sig. The way it looks like she's leaning in from the side is nice though.
I'll tinker with the colours later to make it match the sig tones.
I should make a new set as well but nothing this season stands out