Oh, so you aren't...
When did that happen? When they changed the layout?
Printable View
Oh, so you aren't...
When did that happen? When they changed the layout?
Mikoto and Itsuwa don't go together... though if you found 2 good renders i might make a matching set and you could rotate between the 2.
Edit: In other news, new set. What do you think of the text in the sig? And the avatar, is it too empty?
Avatar does feel a bit empty. Any way of enlarging it on the guy?
The text on the sig doesn't show up well with the light background. Perhaps increasing the prominence of the lines of the font would do the trick? I'm not a fan of the background much, actually.
I think the issue with the background is the colours. Try using darker shades that match the lighting of the render. Blood red instead of pink or something like that.
I darkened the render myself with the intent of making her stand out from the colorful world around her
I like the text itself, just not the style of it. And I don't really think it (along with the render) fits with the background. The darker shade of the render, and the feeling the text implies, just seems like it would fit better on a darker/gloomier sig, than a bright and cheerful one. If that makes sense. I also think the text needs to be slightly smaller, so as to not draw all the attention away from the render.
I really like the ava though... I don't think the negative space on it is anything to worry about. The white border is hard to make out, however. What would it look like with a pink one, the same colour as her/his/its hair?
You haven't watched Madoka yet have you Al? The text, colors and overall feel of the sig probably feel very confusing out of context. I feel you in the smaller font though, any other effects you think i should add to it or is simplicity the way to go here?
You have a point, I haven't seen the series.
For the text, I think a black outline instead of a white outline would fit more with the render. If you think of it in terms of matching the style... the face of the render could be considered the "white" part of the text... then the hair and clothing could be the "goldish" part of the text... then you throw on the black outline to match the black outline of the render. That explanation may seem confusing, but it makes sense to me! >_>
I'm also a fan of ellipses... as you can tell from all of my posts. So, something like "In the end... we're all alone..." just feels better to me. That's just a personal opinion though. Most people might not share that sentiment, so keep it however you want it.
How would it look with the render centered and one part of the text on the top left, and the other on the bottom right? Just throwing out an idea...
All in all, I just think making it smaller and with maybe a black outline, would give it all it needs.
I'd get some opinions from others as well though.
Actually Ark, the series depicts the background in a much more darker and sinister manner. The light background plus dark shadow over Mami gives the impression that something's looming over her - which is both fitting and non-fitting depending on how you look at it. ;)
I think Arch is trying to depict how Mami herself views the world and her place int it. While I like that idea of contrast, I am not a fan of the colours chosen for the BG. Maybe a different hue (still bright) would work, or some kind of outline/aura on Mami to indicate separation from the BG.
I also agree with the smaller text. That should make it look more refined, which I think is the effect you are going for with the font.
That Mami render is horrible. The expression alone is bad enough. The concept is fine, but there is just something terribly wrong with her face. It isn't stylized enough to go with the font you're using for the text, but it also barely looks like her (if not for the clothes).
The proportions of her face are off.
I don't think the art style for that render is the same as the anime (which is using the Hidamari Sketch style from Shaft). Other than that, I don't think its bad at all. While I am not a fan of the facial expression, that is what the concept demands.
A dazed expression of someone who just starting to smell a fart?
Now that I've tainted it forever, I'm assuming it's meant to look like resignment of one's fate, but its caught somewhere between that, relief (of said foul odor), and just being sleepy. It doesn't work and looks...off. In the end, it just isn't good artwork.
Edit: Pixiv has some much better choices.
Edit2: ...she's gotten quite popular recently. I wonder why? :3
A brief selection:
The artwork on this one is only okay, but I think this is a better expression.
This one is subtle.
Different art style, a bit like Soul Eater, but I think it's got what Arch is looking to do.
One with some good detail, but a different expression.
This one has nothing to do with Arch's sig, I just think it is really badass.
I will keep 3 for myself then.
If episode 4 permits, then I may use it as a sig. It is of the style I use recently.
I like all of them. I still haven't watched any of the series, but I'm starting to develop an attraction to her, based solely on what I've seen here... >_>
The fifth one is badass indeed... but I'd probably use the 4th one if anything. The second one seems like it would make an amazing ava though.
New set from GOSICK.
Personally i'd get rid of the sig text entirely, not only is it hard to read it doesn't meld with the image at all
I tend to agree with this. Just for kicks, how would vertical text look? It wouldn't be entirely out of place as there are all these vertical spines of the books in the sig to match with it.
I like the contrasting bored vs interested Victoriques.
Ark: ever considered using your profile picture as your avatar instead? I like it better.