Gather Around and I Shall Tell Thee a Tale!
"The Bedtime Adventures of King Yukimura" (brought to you in vibrant, almost IRC technicolor!)
Kitkat is made of friggin gold. Stick with this one, it's awesome
[02:20] * KitKat waves goodnight to the channel and falls asleep
[02:20] <darkshadow> gn kk
[02:20] <Yuki|sleep> omg go to sleep KitKAt
[02:21] <DrAgE> bye
[02:21] <KitKat> :o
[02:21] <KitKat> Yuki!
[02:21] <Yuki|sleep> what's left of me
[02:21] <KitKat> WHy are you still awake
[02:21] <DrAgE> yuki i thought you want to sleep.
[02:21] <KitKat> Don't you have work tomorrow?
[02:21] <Yuki|sleep> yes,
[02:21] <Yuki|sleep> it was a friend from college
[02:21] <KitKat> Yuki's irc should have an automatic shutoff feature so that it turns itself off when he needs to go to sleep
[02:21] <Yuki|sleep> she coerced me into telling her a long story
[02:22] <Yuki|sleep> this was on AIM
[02:22] <DrAgE> ic
[02:22] <KitKat> Silly Yuki, you're going to be tired tomorrow
[02:22] <Yuki|sleep> and she didn't even reciprocate...i feel story raped now
[02:22] <Yuki|sleep> i'm tired all the time
[02:22] <KitKat> I'll tell you a long story
[02:22] <Yuki|sleep> yo will!
[02:22] <KitKat> but it'll be so boring you'll fall asleep >_>
[02:23] <Yuki|sleep> i love stories, unless they are well and truly so boring they aren't worth telling
[02:23] <Yuki|sleep> see see!
[02:23] <Yuki|sleep> look at me, hanging around at the hint of a story
[02:23] <KitKat> lol
[02:23] <Yuki|sleep> whil my head is throbbing and I can't focus properly
[02:23] <KitKat> It was an idle threat, I'm afraid
[02:23] <KitKat> I'm not really going to tell you a story
[02:24] * Yuki|sleep cries
[02:24] <KitKat> Well, maybe a short one... >_>
[02:24] <Yuki|sleep> you made me cry!
[02:24] <Yuki|sleep> you're just like all the others!
[02:24] <KitKat> *ahem* Once upon a time...
[02:24] <KitKat> there was a prince named Yuki. He lived in a castle high up in a mountain.
[02:25] <Yuki|sleep> oh this sounds awesome!
[02:25] <KitKat> But his castle was surrounded by glaciers, and the glacier imps kept anyone from coming to the castle or leaving the castle.
[02:25] <Yuki|sleep> oh noes!
[02:26] <KitKat> However, Yuki's fairy godmother had set a spell on the castle when he was a baby so that the castle was always full of warm hearths, hot food, and cheery songs.
[02:26] <Yuki|sleep> anime music?
[02:26] <KitKat> Shhh, don't question the story!
[02:26] <Yuki|sleep> yes ma'am
[02:26] <darkshadow> omg
[02:27] <darkshadow> you 2 are still here
[02:27] <KitKat> One day, Yuki became curious about what lay beyond his castle.
[02:27] * darkshadow banishes both to sleepworld!
[02:27] <Yuki|sleep> shhhh she's telling me a story
[02:27] * Yuki|sleep sits attentively
[02:27] <KitKat> He knew that he wouldn't be able to get past the imps, but his curiosity burned at him until he became miserable.
[02:28] <KitKat> The food tasted dry, the fires seemed cold, and the music held no joy for him anymore.
[02:28] * DrAgE heads off to lala land..... peace
[02:28] * masamuneehs rolls in on 30some hours of sleeplesness
[02:28] <KitKat> He knew that he had to find out what was beyond the castle, or he'd never be happy again.
[02:28] <masamuneehs> cant even fuckin spell
[02:29] <KitKat> With this resolution, Yuki prepared himself for a long journey, accompanied by his noble steed DrAgE and his devoted hound darkshadow
[02:29] <darkshadow> gatekeepers 21 is so different from gatekeepers
[02:29] <masamuneehs> and this story is awesome k
[02:29] <darkshadow> prolly cause gk21 is from 2004 and gk from 2000
[02:29] <Yuki|sleep> woot companions!
[02:30] <KitKat> The three crept through the massive doors of the gate and a blast of icy air from the glaciers froze their breath in the air.
[02:30] <KitKat> They fought their way through a stormy gale of ice and snow for hours.
[02:30] <KitKat> Suddenly, the wind stopped, and the air became frighteningly clear.
[02:30] <KitKat> A lone figure stood in front of them.
[02:31] <KitKat> It was the king of the ice imps, clothed in ice gems and sparkling with a terrible fury. His name was masamuneehs.
[02:31] * masamuneehs roars
[02:31] * Yuki|sleep is scared shitless
[02:31] * masamuneehs ruffles his icy, pimped out imp garments
[02:31] <KitKat> He pinned them with an icy glare, and declared, "Mortals! What right do you have to trespass on my sacred glacier!"
[02:32] <masamuneehs> bitches
[02:32] <KitKat> Prince Yuki is so frightened that he can think of nothing to say.
[02:32] <LaZie> ooh Fan Fiction =P
[02:33] <KitKat> The imp king started to become impatient. He growled at Yuki, "What will you give me to pay for your offence."
[02:33] <masamuneehs> i'll take weed if ya got it
[02:33] <Yuki|sleep> omg omg what's he gonna do!
[02:33] <KitKat> Yuki promptly gave the imp king his noble steed, DrAgE, which masamuneehs ate in one gulp.
[02:34] <Yuki|sleep> he was such a noble steed
[02:34] * masamuneehs burps. DrAgE needed some hot sauce...
[02:34] <KitKat> Happy with this offering, the imp king allowed Yuki to pass (and later died from indigestion).
[02:35] <KitKat> As Yuki walked farther, he noticed that the snow was melting.
[02:35] * Yuki|sleep hope's this isn't an attempt to bore me to sleep, as i'm becomeing more alert as it goes on...
[02:35] <KitKat> Suddenly, he found himself immersed in a tropical jungle, which began right at the end of the imps' domain.
[02:36] <KitKat> There, he beheld the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
[02:36] <KitKat> Yuki fell to his knees and cried for joy.
[02:36] <Yuki|sleep> please be a Princess!
[02:37] <KitKat> It was the newest, top-of-the line computer, and it had Guild Wars installed on it, ready for him to play.
[02:37] <KitKat> Yuki lived happily ever after.
[02:37] <Joker-kun> ...
[02:37] <KitKat> The end.
[02:37] <darkshadow> lol
[02:37] <darkshadow> haha
[02:37] <Yuki|sleep> OMG that's even better than a princess!
[02:37] <Yuki|sleep> awesome story!
[02:37] <KitKat> :P
[02:38] <LaZie> is the princess asian?
[02:38] <KitKat> There was no princess, silly!
[02:43] <KitKat> G'night everyone, see you in the morning!
[02:43] <darkshadow> gn again
[02:43] * KitKat has quit IRC (Quit: -=SysReset 2.53=-)
[02:44] <Yuki|sleep> i bet I dream that freaky story of hers...