Very enjoyable episode. Wonder what the next one holds.
Near needs to take bigger steps and faster. Melo ownZ.
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Very enjoyable episode. Wonder what the next one holds.
Near needs to take bigger steps and faster. Melo ownZ.
Animanda releases for those who prefer 'em:
Animanda - Death Note - Episode 26
Animanda - Death Note - Episode 27
Wow Light looked pretty crappy in this ep, and I'm getting the feeling that the timeskip made him soft, which I don't like. I do admit he was in a totally unwinable situation, especially since defense is always at a disadvantage, but his lack of composure reduced him to a near Higuchi presence. Light was clever, but his genius was nowhere to be found.
If the series turns out the way I'm thinking with Near somehow catching both Melo and Light, then destroying the Notes I'll be pretty upset...that would quite possibly be the worst letdown ever.
I guess Light will get ahold of himself soon...
But after all he's a bastard like mellow...
I don't know if anyone made the link, but if you exclude minor exceptions, most of the killings were criminals and ... FBI and CIA agents, and this through the whole series to this point.
Is it meant to mean something from the author? I wonder...
Originally Posted by Yukimura
yea that would be a bit of a let down. but i think you are forgetting that someone is coming for ryuk and the death note. that could get pretty interesting when ryuk tells him that the death note is in the hands of melo. misa might be the only the one left with a death note and since she's traded her life twice for the eyes she might not have much longer to live. this could get pretty good. the series has been pretty clever thus far and i don't see them letting us down in the end.
Not really. 2 Shinigamis have died for her already (lucky girl), and the remaining life of the shinigamis have been passed to her. So she might not be as short lived as you might think.....Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr. Roboto
Originally Posted by Psyke
i didn't realize that they got their lives extended when shinigami died for them. i thought that it was just the shinigami that got their life extended when they killed a human. thanks for letting me know that. then i guess misa had both watari's (probably not much) and L's lifespan added onto hers since Rem killed both of them before turning to dust.
This is how it works, once a person`s lifespam becomes 0 it means that it will die inmediately, however if that person is getting killed and the shinigami kills the person that will kill the victim, the shinigami will die and his lifespam will go to the "victim`s" lifespam, thus, when jealous saved misa, his lifespam went to misa, but she did the shinigami deal... twice, so when she did the deal the first time she had HALF of jealous lifespam = 50% of his lifespam, and the second time she only had 25% of her lifespam.
Once Rem saved misa again she gained rem`s lifespam, so she had, 25% jealous lifespam + watari`s, L`s, and Rem`s remaining lifespam... lol she will die very old >_>
I just started watching, so here are my thoughts on the series:
- The 2nd OP Fucking Owns, I want a Tshirt made that has the part where multiple copies of Light are laughing..
- The animation is slick
- Light is officially my favorite villian
- Light's father reminds me of my father.
- Misa: I'd hit it.
- The story is(correct me if I'm wrong) not only unique, but out-fucking-standing
- This anime is quickly beating out Rah Xephon and Eureka Seven(and this is coming from a diehard mech head) as my #1 anime of all time. It's setting a bar for anime that will be damned hard, if not impossiable, to beat.
Why would she have the lifespans of Watari and L?Quote:
Originally Posted by UChessmaster
Because Rem killed both Watari and L, thus gaining both of their remaining life span. Rem's total life span including how much was obtain from W n L transfered to Misa.
That's just a pure technicality since killing L reduced Rem's life span to zero... There's not much to transfer from zero.Quote:
Originally Posted by Oakleya
Anyway, I hope they added to L's necrology that he took one shinigami with him. Surely he would have earned at least that much. Something not many people could certainly boast about.
Since the shinigami do seem to have some rules of their own, including that not to save anybody rule, it seems to me Ryuk potentially could face some dangers. The shinigami shouldn't really give a damn about humans and what they might do with the Death Note. Their rules, after all, are of the nature restricting their own actions. Thus, the shinigami we saw at the end of the ep probably doesn't care about Melo or anybody, but I hope Ryuk himself would face some hardship and dangers. While this series is all about humans and the shinigami are just observers (with the exception of Rem), in the end the shinigami are the ones who started it all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr. Roboto
Something interresting (or frustrating to others) is that we don't know L's true identity.
Only Light knows... since he got the DN Rem used to kill L...
The rule regarding the eyes is pretty clear, and clarifies thoughts earlier in this thread:
no matter what, the name you get from someone when using the eyes will be the right one to kill that person. (the only exception is that you get no name from someone who posseses a DN...)
c u
I thought Rem's notebook was destroyed when she died?
And I was under the same impression that Kraco was, that the fact that Rem saves Misa's life automaticaly takes away all of her life, and that the lives she'd taken would not be sent over to Misa. Besides, Ryuk would have made a point if Misa suddenly had bookoo lives when he made the eyes deal with her.
it's been awhile, so i'm not really sure...
edit - thanks
If you rewatch the ep when Rem dies, you'll see that Light is first there, the DN lies in the pile of sand and he takes it... then puts it in his trousers, behind is back, under his sweat shirt.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
This DN was the one from Misa if I'm correct.
The DN the Jap Police had(now transfered to mello), was the one from Light.
I hope my memorries are correct.
c u
No, that Death Note was Rem's. Both Ryuuk and Rem both have their own Death Note, and an extra in which they gave one each to L and Misa.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Originally Posted by animus
so there's three death notes in play right now?
looking back on the episode it looks like Light is starting to lose his cool. he became very angry and agitated with misa and knocked the glass out of her hands. very much the opposite of the way that he was before the time skip.
No, I believe there are only 2...Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr. Roboto
And Light lost his cool much like he did when L confronted him in college...remember when he flipped out in his room? Ryuk commented on how he never saw him like that...I think its just a sign that M/N are very much like L to Light...
There are three.
The Mafia have Lights(Aka, the origional)
Misa's is buried in a park
Light has the one Rem dropped when she died.
Rem in the manga:Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
"If I want to write down the name of people whose death would lengthen misa's remaining lifespan...
I have until the first person dies... That's 40 seconds to write down as many names as I can..."
This was right before Rem went to kill Watari.
Misa will grow very very old prolly.