I don't want to be overly negative or anything but i'm not a fan of either Azuka sig :(
Edit: Shinta's latest edit made it look a whole lot better though
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I don't want to be overly negative or anything but i'm not a fan of either Azuka sig :(
Edit: Shinta's latest edit made it look a whole lot better though
Thanks, just read your edit now. I really was getting lazy with the first version. Thanks for kicking me in the ass.
Here is a new wallpaper (this is a new sig OR wallpaper thread after all) I just made.
Might not be work safe? No actual exposure, but sure close to it.
Four of a kind
Sexiness! i like it ^^
Now Shinta. I approve. I approve wholeheartedly.
Now tell me, who are those two on the right?
The elf looking girl at the bottom is Lamhirh (pronounced Lafiel) from Crest of the Stars and its sequel Banner of the Stars.
You guys have to see it if you haven't yet. Just endure the crappy art, since it lasts for most of the show. The animation really only improves in the final installment, but it is still one of my favorite anime series ever.
Yea, I noticed that too Bill. Well done Shinta, well done.
I find myself feeling ashamed to have not recognized Senjougahara. The art style is a tad bit different, but I should have noticed.
And I've heard of those two series far too often, and now with your recommendation, I have to go watch.
Edit: That may be your wallpaper, but I'ma gonna replace the elf girl with Otonashi Saya, and now, its my wallpaper. =)
Was reading reviews about how bad the new Last Airbender movie was going to be, and then remembered I made an Avatar wallpaper awhile back. Anywho, here goes http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/4955/classicappa.jpg
New set (my current) from the new gotwoot fansubs project.
The render for the sig is pretty low res, but i love the concept
I know this is an all things anime forum but I don't go to any graphics ones anymore. And I'd like some clean and clear and under control honest opinions I know you guys will give me.
Been working on getting myself back into the graphic scene considering studying it. Here's some (mostly) band and music inspired works of mine. Trying to see if I'm on the right track or if I need to rethink my approach.
sloan from entourage
tom petty
come together one more time.. the ground tells us so
Inb4 Shinta
Not sure about the sig, what do you guys think?
The avatar looks fine, but you need to make Saeko more identifiable in the foreground.
Try to make the background less eye-catching.
I'd be interested to know how darkening the background would affect it.
Was this what you had in mind?
I don't want to take away too much attention from the bg, i want the zombie parts and the blood to remain noticeable
The BG in my head was darkened a lot more, but that would conflict with your idea of keeping the zombie noticeable.
One other thing that I think is stealing a lot more focus than it should is the blood on her hair and the "thing" in the lower right corner.
The blood "streaks" look like they're smeared on the camera, if you will, but the larger patch of blood looks like it's on her hair (which I'm sure you wanted it to be). Overall, it creates something visually.. mismatching?
The blood doesn't look like its meant to be there. Mess with the darkness and contrast. The white outline is really distracting from the whole thing. If youre using cs5 there's another thing other than feathering that works well in conjunction with it, cant remember what its called.
Background and everything else looks nice tho