MUCH better!
Only thing i think still needs work is the text in the left
Printable View
MUCH better!
Only thing i think still needs work is the text in the left
"Much better" as in... much better work on making a sig? Much better work on text placement? Or much better in coming up with an original idea?
I assume with the text on the left, you mean the F/SN, and not my "name". Like I said, I plan to work on this one still, I just wanted to throw the idea together and see what people thought about it.
Oh sorry, i was under the impression you had used the same render as you did here
Haha. While that render is certainly badass and one of my favourite renders, I chose to use my second favourite of the Lily Sabers. Truthfully I didn't know the second one (which is the one I just used) existed until I saw a wallpaper featuring both (with the one you linked being in the foreground, since it's a frontal shot, and the other being behind it since she is looking back). So I went looking for it cause I wanted to use it in a sig since I had already used the above version.
Love this AL
one idea that immediately came to mind is that you should take a smudge scatter brush to that green thing in her hand and make it scattered/fade/flow into the bg giving the sig 3 dimensions of depth.
Glad you like it Kage. I'm not sure what you mean about that suggestion though. Do you mean kinda smudge the green out a bit more so it stands out behind her hand? I can try attempting that later on, but I'm not sure how well it would come out.
Anyways, here's another new one.
I might got back and center the render more. I don't remember why I had it so far to the left. I went back to the smudge background idea. I think this one came out a lot better.
Yeah, see how shifting the entire BRS sig to the right more looks. And I agree, the smudge here looks good.
Okay, here it is shifted to the right some. I couldn't shift it any further than this, or I would have to try and reposition the text higher, as it would be too close to the border, and would be more on the darker part of the background, making the end hard to read. I didn't want that, and I didn't want to have to reposition as I liked it's current positioning.
EDIT: Also, if this (or any of my other sigs) appear too dark, it's probably cause my brightness is slightly higher than normal (apparently). Me and Archie figured this out last night, so I've been trying to make things a little lighter on my screen so they seem normal on others.
I love how you made it so her eye tone would stand alone. I think the darker contrast needs a tuning though. Too much grey areas not even dark/black ones to match her outfit and hair. So i guess just try turning up the contrast on the background.
about my scatter smudge suggestions... just go into deviantart and type 'scatter smudge' into a tutorial search. click the most popular one of course... then find some brushes to go along with it and try it out. once you get it to work right you have a lot more control over the depth to add to your sigs.
The move to the right was a good one.
Definitely. It improved the balance of the sig greatly. I will also second Kage's suggestion about raising the BG contrast. It currently looks a little washed out. The text looks great.
I have one small issue with adjusting the contrast of the background. I tried it out to see what it would look like, and it gets too dark right around the top right quadrant and the end of the text becomes hard to read (even on my screen brightness). I tried moving the text down a tad bit, but the ER was still sort of dark. The text layer is merged with the star layer so I could actually apply effects (for some reason I couldn't figure out how to complete the star layer after I drew the shape), so changing the font size would require a whole new mock-up. So if there is a suggestion before I take that route...
@Kage: I searched devart's tutorials for scatter smudge and got 3 results... one for Gimp, one for brushing with some abstract brushes then smudging it around with a maple leaf brush or something, and one using the clone stamp on a part of the render and scattering it behind the render to make it look smudged/scattered. None of them really seemed to give off the idea of what you were getting at.
EDIT: Also, you think I should try shrinking that down to 100px and make it my new forum sig? I made about 4 different 400x100 sigs last night/earlier tonight to try and replace my current set, but since they were rushed I wasn't proud of them.
EDIT 2: Okay, I tried adding some more blue smudging (I think part of the washed-out-ness was from the grey/white smuding coming from her jacket up through the text) and slightly repositioned the text. Tell me if it's better or worse.
EDIT 3: Well, I'm guessing the changes aren't bad then, since no one has said anything =P. I personally think it looks much better with the bluer smudging.
Anyways, here's another sig I've had finished for a bit, but was trying to think of text to put on it. Didn't think of anything, so I gave up.
Bah, double post.
Updated my current set. I'm not good at making ava's... so I could probably use some criticism on that. The sig is just a cropped version of my BRS sig (obviously).
However, I also have these 400x100 sigs that I made in a rush, if someone feels these would be much better.
(Used the same render as in my ava for this one)
(Cropped version of my above posted Saber sig)
I was working on a 400x100 Ikaros sig, but I couldn't get it the way I wanted it, so these 3 (4 if you count what I'm using) are all I have.
That's Mio? O_o
It's a hot Mio fanart that I found and used (render-wise) because it was the only one I had that fit enough onto a sig. If I could find some better ones, I would probably make better Mio sigs.
I guess I'm going to have to learn to render on my own. As I mentioned on IRC, I really want to make an Angel (from Angel Beats) sig now... =P...
Heh, nice Black Rock Shooter set you got there. :p
wow AL youre just grinding em out now? and theyr all really nice. but this one...
Is just sick pro bro! Very nicely done. No text is the best text here.
Well, now that I have the time and desire to work in Photoshop again, I'm making as much as possible. Also trying my best to revive this thread! Getting a little stale with my current styles though, so I'm taking some time to look up some more tutorials and learn some more things. I have one more sig I'm working on that uses a basic smudge background, so I'll probably post it in the next couple of days. Glad you like them though, and thanks for the comment about the Saber one.
Thanks a lot! Glad you like it. Where have all your wallpaper making skills gone?
I stopped due to boredom. Perhaps some motivation will rekindle my interest.
I am your motivation! Don't let this thread die again!
Also, do you happen to have any good BRS or Miku renders? I have a couple, but alot of what I have found on the internet has been low quality or bad cuts. I actually really like the one in your current sig, though I think you just cropped a wallpaper for that, didn't you?