Are you kidding me? That was HORRIBLE pacing. I am close to giving up on HXH.
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Are you kidding me? That was HORRIBLE pacing. I am close to giving up on HXH.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.313: MediaFire | SendSpace | MegaUpload | Online Viewing
This was a decent chapter. At least something can happen now.
Funny how Welfin got eaten "one second" before the next 15 pages happened. The ants' talking must sound like a screech.
nope. it's a well-documented phenomena in HxH. you get unlimited screen time before you die. it's called "samurai-moment"
check the battle between Yupi and the guy who looks like Yusuke.
Wait...that was one second? /rolls eyes.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.314: MediaFire | SendSpace | MegaUpload | Online Viewing
Originally Posted by MangaStream
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.315: MediaFire | MegaUpload | SendSpace | Online Viewing
Um. WTF.
My sentiments exactly. I don't even know what to think of what I just read. Maybe Jin will be named the successor?
well, they ended the arc with the same character they started with.
I'm dying to know what's happened to Gon, though. and show us Leorio, Goddammit!
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.316: MediaFire | MegaUpload | SendSpace | Online Viewing
I am surprised. It was actually a decent chapter.
from that angle, Killua looks older, and really buff.
and evil.
the king finally died.
seriously, bring back Leorio as one of the doctors.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.317: Direct Download | MediaFire | Online Viewing
what a let down...
it starts with an old-school, happy, colorful, fun cover.
and then it's Cell.
I actually found this chapter to be delightful. Its a nice twist to see some humanity in what was such a monster.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Hunter x Hunter c.318: Direct Download | MediaFire | Online Viewing
Not a bad way to end...I certainly did not expect half of that chapter to be black panels. I hope the new arc doesn't drag on and take like 4 years.
ooh, political elections! aren't "the zodiac" Killua's family?
Really, I'm tired of hearing about 'the king is dead'.
online viewing
not top-notch translation (from what I can tell).
I hate the Chinese zodiac motif...