Unless that human is Touma and they are in a bed... wait... what?
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Unless that human is Touma and they are in a bed... wait... what?
Reading doujins till late at night again?
After watching the episode again i have to say that Index managed to be particularly annoying on this one. Where does she get off telling Touma to run away while she takes care of things??
You're a fucking library with no other use than spouting random bits of magical information when you feel like it, just stfu and let the pros handle it.
Originally Posted by Archangel
lol I gotta agree with this one. Your comment had me laughing...so thanks for that :)
Magic WikipediaQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Lots of info. Unreliable most of the times.
Not that she actually would, but the end of her arc did reveal that there was really nothing ever stopping Index from using magic other than the programs that were imbedded into her.
She probably could do quite a lot, which is why the programs were in place to make her think she couldn't, and the memory wipes to reinforce that belief. The memory wipes also kept her in the dark, so she wouldn't even entertain any thoughts of going against the Churches.
But she's a comedy relief character now, so I doubt we'll ever see her do anything. But she's got the potential.
I'm actually rooting for her to do some huge kick ass magic in the end but I doubt it will happen. For now she can just...walk around and get in the way.
She does know all the theory behind... well everything, but i suspect that it's like when you know every step in how to solve a math exercise and still fail when it shows up in the exam
Moral: Practice makes perfect
Would she be fast or combat capable? Nah.
She's more like an artillery canon. Better yet in the spirit of sci-fi space operas, an orbital canon. Keep her in the back or far away with a halfway decent guard and she could probably cast something like the Knights cast against the alchemist Izzard to destroy his building.
If her programs could lead Loli-sensei through her first high level spell, wiki.mahou.org/index should be able to handle most other spells on her own. It just might take a while.
Even if she's not combat capable, another role that I'd want her to fit besides long-range artillery cannon would be the ultra-analyzer. We've seen some of that already in fact, so they could expand on that by giving her actual combat experience. The epitome of this would be her seeing through every magical component of the enemy, then her and Touma spouting out the way to beat them in tandem, followed by the Imagine Breaker.
If I have to sit with the fact that Esper energy can create some artificial being, sure, why not. But....you know, why does the core have to be a triangular prism? Not that it's a problem. Just....why that? I'd think leaving her hollow would me more appropriate to highlight that she really is just that....nothing.
MIkoto x Index certainly was funny. I particularly loved the "Are you someone who got randomly helped by himand now helplessly having a crush on himtoo?"
They should add Kuroko to the harem sometime. Her cynical remarks put her apart from the rest of the loli.
Damn Nado.........any more where that came from? :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Nado
I've had that image for months...
More images for Buff
Remember... no touching :p
Anyway... I found a site translating the novel. But just the prologue of the 1st novel is out.
Now I feel obliged to share:
Return gift:
not work safeDefinitely not work safe.
Heh, nice websites. It will probably give a lot of people nosebleed in union.
Kazakiri's nickname, "Counter Stop", sounded pretty cool too, but I'll agree that having Index supply magic or information to Touma and his faction would be a nice addition in combat experiences.
My opinion is that it's an anime.
Physics doesn't apply.
Errrr O_oQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
How about a +18 warning on that second link?
How's the bold font and all not sufficient?
Not work safe just doesn't cut it :p
I'm not sure if that stuff is even allowed to be posted around here
I suppose that cleared up quite a few things about Index. She declared that she cannot cast spells (but her automated programs could?) but Countercasting is still a pretty cool trick. She's not totally useless after all. It isn't as absolute as Touma's ability obviously, but it works for the most part. A skill one could only possibly accomplish by knowing absolutely everything about all of magic.
Aside from what I can only guess is due to her regular memory wipes, how is it that Index never used this before against the people chasing her, like Kanzaki or Stiyl? Kanzaki I might understand, since she usually uses swordplay and tricks rather than magic, but Stiyl never should have been an issue for her.
In addition, this episode made me change my opinion of Hyouka as well. I'm quite impressed with her courageous move to become a punching bag to save others. That sickening crunch at the end of the episode is most likely her.
It might be bad if she starts to enjoy it though...
A jolly good episode. I was also positively surprised Index isn't useless. Furthermore, she didn't even hesitate. Quite a hard to predict character. She is weak in many ways but did what she could. You can't really ask more than that. I have a little better opinion of her now.
The golem magician is starting to give me the kind of feeling she has been doping herself with something. She's proceeding maniacally, like driven with a whip, and her basic behavior isn't much different. Some sort of a fanatic. Even ignoring Touma's Accelerator silencing straight right and getting back to drawing as soon as she landed.