I love it how they name the idea I had about the fact it could be as long as endless 8... and potentially be just that :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Printable View
I love it how they name the idea I had about the fact it could be as long as endless 8... and potentially be just that :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Hoa, nice.
Now hurry out and pump out those 2009 BDs, since everybody is obviously waiting for those.
BDs? What are you talking about?Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
for the TV series
Blu-Ray discs for the 2009 run. No group released the full 2009 series.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Haruhi Fans Prize Fools After All?
Fucking fanboys...
Spoiler trailer released
So be careful on youtube
Mazui - The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi (1080p)
Originally Posted by Mazui
I'm in no hurry after all this time, i think i'll wait for a 720p final version from doki
It can, i just don't want to download it twice.
This was a masterpiece.
I read the novel ages ago, and loved it. This was an awesome adaptation, just like the first season was. You have to have seen both 1st and 2nd seasons (and remember most of it) to truly appreciate this.
just to remind me again, how exactly DID the 2nd season end?
I remember they lived through the same day again and again and Kyon always failed to talk to Haruhi in the end.
how did they get out of the loop?
I remember that he talked to her and he explained things about espers/time travelers/aliens and Haruhi didn't believe him... but was that all?
IIRC, he just mentioned to Haruhi that there is something to look forward to after the summer vacation, and they got out of the loop naturally.
wasn't it that he asks her to do a study session thing to break the loop?
Wow... they movie was great
a lot better than I expected, really
the animation is superb and I really felt with Kyon the whole time
there were so many scenes were I was happy for kyon, or fully understood his troubles.
all in all it is an awesome movie with the most excellent main character (Kyon), It's really rare that I'm able to identify myself with a character *this much*
I would love to go more into detail and ask a few questions but I don't wish to spoil the plot until most of the forum-members have seen it.
btw: lol @ /a/ (The Disappearance Of 40 Pizza Rolls)
Nice movie.
It really goes with the idea I had ages ago that this world is Kyon's creation.
Nagato rules :cool:
Masterpiece from beginning to end. This has given me the needed push to finish dowloading the second season. I'll just skip 7 of the 8 Endless episodes and watch the rest of the new ones.
Funny... I just bought the english version of this novel a few days ago. I've just finished chapter 1 too. LOL.
And they even set up things for another novel there.
I watched Coal Girls 720p version
There's also a Coal Girl 1080p version for those that can run it
Anyone got a batch link for Season 2?