RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
Your explanation on the Third does not show why he was not a main character, so you know.
Sorry, I guess I didn't notice you were being sarcastic.
No sarcastic comment this time since y'all don't seem to get why arguing about this is pointless to begin with.
I'm not saying you were being serious but you don't really make it clear if you are being sarcastic or not.
We have some facts to work with, so we can make observations based off past events and information given to us.
Obviously we have no way of proving if we are indeed correct at this point but many people don't want to read the managa / get spoiled (hence the rules of the Naruto Anime Forum) so we have discussions seeing others opinions on the subject. Calling someone a moron for starting this discussion is ignorant and rude.
To sum this up, don't rag on a discussion because the information is out there knowing that many people (your self included I would guess from your not reading the manga) don't want to get the information from the more boring media ( heh =P ). They all know the manga is out there, you don't have to remind them. Also you may submit your opinion, but trying to say this discussion is wrong or pointless just disrupts the process and does not contribute at all.
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
Yeah, I know internet sarcasm is hard to pick up on, so I apologize to anyone who I offended. I'm sure a lot of it came off as plain rude.
And yet again, for that quote you pointed out. Definately one that was meant to be deleted but wasn't. I'll go edit that in a sec.
I guess my shit's just not together today.
As for the Hokage bit, I'm saying he is a main character, and definately a good guy. But he's an exception to the "good guys won't die" rule thing I was messing around with. The fact that he's the leader of the village, his responsabilities/duties, and the insanely large impact from his death on others bends the bs rule I made up =)
Mut@t@: Yeah, I've got no right to tell others what to do. And they don't have to listen. I'm just saying that arguing points that can't be proven without spoilers sure sounds like a waste of time to me.
I mean, the beginning of this board was just "Chouji and Neji are dead" "No, Neji's not dead, but Chouji is." "No, you're both wrong, they're both dead" "No, he had a hole in his chest, he's dead." etc, etc. It was irritating as hell. It seriously hurts the brain. They were talking like they know what's going on, but they obviously don't, and had little to nothing to back it up. So if they're going to argue the points (in the manner that they were doing it), why not just find out for sure instead of contradicting the other for what seems like is just for the hell of it? Then I just made a rediculous comment for humor...and slightly from frustration from reading the previous posts. (The whole moron bit) And it all kinda snowballed from there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally cool with the idea of people giving opinions of what may eventually happen. Adding to others ideas, pointing out flaws of someone's opinion, just whatever. That's what I thought this topic was about. And I know most people in this forum (like me) don't want to know before they show it in the anime, but wish to express an idea or opinion of what is to come. But arguing over something that can't be proven as of right now is pointless. Feel free to kill time or do and say whatever, seriously, but ultimately it's a waste of time and...well, not breath, but you get the idea.
Now I think I'm just repeating myself.
If my opinions, humor, and logic aren't welcome, just say so and I'll take my leave. (Just don't be an ass about it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img])
And Jessper, thanks for being level-headed with me on this whole thing.
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
True....People are here talking about Neji and CHouji because they want to see what others think.
I guess....From what I have read, Neji and CHouji have completed their goals in life or have found meaning to what they've been searching for in their life.
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
It seems to me that you might consider yourself a "deep" person. But over my years, I've been like you in trying to convince my friends that it is a waste of time to argue over something that they can easily find out. And in my opinion, I still think it is a waste of time. But isn't everything ultimately a waste of time? I mean, you live life and you die; everyone's going to die sooner or later. So everything you do is a waste of time. But people want to enjoy their life while they live it. It puts them in suspense to know they don't know what's coming next. And people in these forums, they just discuss the things for the suspense of it. They don't care if they are wasting tiime, they want to be part of something and this forum is the link to it.
Sorry if what I said didn't make sense, I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts today. I guess I didn't get enough sleep...
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
The edit button is there for a reason lilphatboi, like the mod mentioned on the last page. You could have at least saw that and not double posted [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] At least the mods have something to do I guess [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The real question here though is why waste your time to tell people that they are wasting their time? heh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Neji is invincible.
WUT?? he's dead........-.-
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
I didn't mean to double post, my internet was down. So I had the message typed out and everything and waited to send it. THen I read the other message and came up with more ideas
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
nah i think they're both alive, or maybe chouji is dead because the red pill was supposed to kill him (why make a red pill then?) neji will survive because...hes too cool for that death crap...
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
Hey, I'm kinda curious as to why people think these characters are dead, or alive.
I mean, I'm hearing "He's dead" and "He's alive" and that's great that you think that, but why? I mean, the reasons for believing they're dead are kinda obvious. They want us to think that and that's what's been portrayed so far. So, this is more for those who think they're alive, really. How do you think they'll survive the situation they've been given? And don't just say something like "cuz he's a cool character" or "he's awesome" or something like that. What real reason do you have for thinking that?
Eh? Eeeh? *nudge nudge* =D
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
Cause they aren't in the intro.
The end.
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
so, from the direction of this post, im gonna assume that Neji is alive and Chouji is dead
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
I don't understand why some of you want chouji dead (I know not all of you who said he's dead thinks that). I mean Neji is cool and got good moves but chouji in his last episode was very cool to me. Especially at the end where he see's the writings on the tree from his team and said "I made lots of friends". It just felt really touching. I never used to like him or noticed him much but that episode made him really stand out. I doubt they would just kill him off after this dramatic scene. As for Neji, you guys already mentioned about the seal thing, so it's probably hinting that he's not dead. As for the intro, there's no way they would spoil the fun just so they can put them on there, so it doesn't mean anything for not appearing there. Probably means that they won't be in the series for a while (at least until the new intro comes out).
BTW Im up to date on the manga so I know what happens to them. I'm just analysing based on what happened so far on the series.
RE: is neji/chouiji dead?
Nah they aren't gonna kill off Neji or Chouji, it would be too much wasted character development for Chouji and Neji's seal on his forehead never went away.