RE: most funny movie ever.
Both Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle rocked.. Saw Kung Fu Hustle a few weeks ago and Shaolin Soccer several years ago.. It's a shame there have not been a single movie like SS since i saw it untill now that has have that kind of style in it (If it has been other movies like this TELL ME)..
The funniest part in KFH was when he is fighting the ppl of that block (or village, town, or whatever it was) and everyone he call forth ether kicked his ass or looked week and when you saw there bodys they where hugh.. Or when he was going to throw the knifes and got stabbed himself.. Damn almost could not breathe of the laughter.. And the action was cool at the same time.. Great movie..
RE: most funny movie ever.
His older movies based in Hong Kong are much funnier, believe me. But if are more of a effects guy stick with Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle.