ROTFLMAO @ this thread
Funniest one was the article that went with Souryusen's
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ROTFLMAO @ this thread
Funniest one was the article that went with Souryusen's
someone should make a new thread though...Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
haha, wow you guys
normally, people try to mock up the picture in a way that suits the situation, rather than something completely random.
spidey sense? pikachu? [img][/img]
anyway im starting to get tired of seeing my bro's pic, so i think on a weekly basis, we'll be changing stock images to use for the game. If other people have any good stocks to use, feel free to submit them sometime this weekend or monday, but if someone beats you to it, then just wait until next week before submitting yours.
Next time we do this, we need to use a hq pic at a pretty decent resolution (ie. 600 x 480).
but then you lose all the good entries that wayQuote:
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
someone should make a new thread though...
Use this pic, it's from the Funny Pics thread
there will be too many poop/sex/azn jokes....
I'm so game
I totally had a pic, AND it fit this criteria....but BoC beat me to the pic posting....ah well. I call dibs on next week.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Next time we do this, we need to use a hq pic at a pretty decent resolution (ie. 600 x 480).
Hey it's ok, my pic's not carved into stone yet.
That pic sucks. KitKat, let's see yours.
Aight, some of you might recognize this pic
LMAO!! the kitty's paw is in the perfect place for that pic too
Hahaha, Creeper has become an alcoholic cat. Next time I go home, I'll tell him he's gotta share [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
lol this one is brilliant [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I'll make one later
lol assertn, that one is quite funny...even got the pidgins rearranged
The hotest show I've ever seen
LOL Assertn, that's the best!!
In between that one and the one Mut did (with the pineapple) I'll be able to snigger to myself all day long.
haha thanks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] .....
but the pineapple one was mine too
Really? Then I got confused but you just confirmed your awesomness (i.e. ability to make me laugh at stupid things)!