RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
As far as I know Rei is the correct one, not Rey. And Meer(where the fuck did you get that?) is Mia.
I may have misread the way you said this, but since I think you asked I'm answering. Meer is the way that AonE /AKingdom are spelling her name. Sure sounds like they are saying Mia though.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Seriously though, wtf is Meer? It's not even like a name.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Okay well first of all I think you guys are getting waaay too dramatic over this Rei thing. In the first couple episodes when Rei, Dullindal and Neo were all around eachother there was tons of little flashy newtype(not to be confused with the coordinator thing cause thats the seed) things going off. So maybe Rei and Dullindal were really close friends or maybe they're cousins....yea you get the point they're closely related(maybe not through family) and they also both have some type of relationship with Neo.
Secondly, for the love of god, during Gundam SEED there was a terrible group of fan-subbers that butchered the names of almost all characters. I watched this sub, then later reading a magazine called Newtype, which basically covers all things anime here and Japan, they did a piece on Gundam SEED with the CORRECT names. Currently, Animeone is using the correct names so since thats what everyone watches could we please use those names.
Athrun is not: Asuran, Athuran, whatever the correct spelling is A-T-H-R-U-N.
Cagalli is not: Kagalli, Cagari, Kagari. The correct spelling is C-A-G-A-L-L-I
Right now there are two names in Destiny that have been annoying me as well;
As far as I know Rei is the correct one, not Rey. And Meer(where the fuck did you get that?) is Mia.
....meh great episode, Rei's still badass. I guess according to you guys the only way someone can be badass in an anime is if they show no emotions.[img][/img]
when you think about it its all transliteration anyway; the real names are in JAPANESE so if we understand who your talking about i guess i dont mind what you call them.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
This is most disturbing episode.... i guess this will be plot of each character goes opposite ways..
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
This was a pretty wierd ep. Like... wtf was up with that blonde haired guy hugging the chairman =/.
Shinn blushing = no thnx.
Fake Lacus = Annoying.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Yeah, Meer is a dumb name.
anyways... interesting episode. Obviously, Luna was upset with Athrun dating Mia. And now Meryin is taking an interest into him.
Athrun's the man!!!
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
due to this ep, rei is no longer my fav char -_- i thought he was cool too with that white zaku and expert marksmanship (wtf was with that blush when he saw the chaiman???) i agree w/ gaaralovessand, Athrun's the man!!
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Personally I am hoping that the next episode will be better. This was a decent and funny one, but still not too good.
What I really want to see is Kira getting some more action. Well more precisely I want to see:
Random battle field:
Shinn looks at Freedom.
Shinn: You! You killed my family, I will kill you!! <add some dramatic music and scene>
Impulse goes for Freedom and try to slice it.
Shinn: DIE!
Freedom moves, bitchslaps Impulse, kick him in the back, and destroys Impulse's hands/legs/head.
Kira: *sigh* Seems like Zaft doesn't do the gundams like they used to. Well I better hurry and finish here, or else I will not bang Lacus tonight. She was going to use lingery again.
Meanwhile Shinn is crying and cursing the big, bad gundam.
Also Lunamaria starts thinking about getting a piece of Freedom's pilot tonight. (even if it is really a banana)
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
I don't understand why you guys think this butchers Rey's personality, are you all homophobics?
So sorry he isn't your stereotypical silent badass 100%. I think this adds new depth to him AND the show...
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
hmm i don't know about other names.. but i know there are no "th" sound in japanese... so there is no way his real name is Athuran.. the correct spelling is ASURAN...
@_@ and rei hugging him made me think he was a girl... @_@ and what's with asuran not saying no to any girls.? i mean he is engaged after all...
and what's with everybody thinking asuran is engaged to lacus? is that from seed.? (still haven't caught up with that..)
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Yes, Athrun was originally engaged to Lacus Clyne. However, it was an arranged marriage type deal. I think they were gonna be hitched because their genetic makeups would make a very good offspring or something.(Or maybe it was just for politic reasons, I can't exactly remember at the moment).
Of course, later in the GS Athrun falls in love with Cagalli, and Lacus became fond of Kira, so the arranged marriage was dropped. I guess it was never officially announced in the PLANTs however.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Technically it couldn't have destroyed Rey's personality, he had none to begin with. Every episode he either uses one or two word responses or yells at Lunamaria in the middle of combat. This episode was the most we've ever seen out of him. The Lacus x Athrun engagement is left over plot from SEED. Lacus and Kira only got together really after Lacus had already left PLANT, so the majority of the masses know nothing of Athrun's relationship problems with Lacus. As far as they know, Lacus and Athrun were always an item.
RE: Episode 19 Discussion
Originally posted by: miaka
hmm i don't know about other names.. but i know there are no "th" sound in japanese... so there is no way his real name is Athuran.. the correct spelling is ASURAN...
that doesn't mean that the correct way of spelling Smith is Sumisu...