RE: Episode 17 Discussion
Originally posted by: Aramis
HEhe lots of important information in this episode as well as some utterly unsignificant details..minerva's announcer girl can't fit in luna's skirt.
Kingdom of Scandinavia? the world is very messed up in this anime.
I don't think it is insignificant as much as it is charecter building for a minor charecter so we actually care when she dies.
RE: Episode 17 Discussion
SEED-Fansub link as I hadn't seen one. Just got back from Linux World Expo so it seems I missed the big review of the ep. Most of the comments I share. It was a good character development ep. I enjoyed the part where the two mechanics were talking as well. The sabotague comment was really funny. Then Athrun hearing them. the whole not fitting in the dress was good too.
For those that care. Conil Almeta is the young girl in the next ep. She is with the anti-Alliance resistance in Eurasia's Western Galnahan. I believe she is 14-years-old.
RE: Episode 17 Discussion
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
since dulinandal controls mia and got gaurds with her 24/7 i dont think thats possible. i think dulinandal is the bad guy here he got some stuff up his sleeve thats for sure.
Personally I don't see that. The while she had guards with her, it doesn't mean they are with her when she is not in public, and also it has never been declared who the guards are loyal too. Are they really there because Dullindal ordered them or because they were hired by Mia?
RE: Episode 17 Discussion
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
since dulinandal controls mia and got gaurds with her 24/7 i dont think thats possible. i think dulinandal is the bad guy here he got some stuff up his sleeve thats for sure.
Personally I don't see that. The while she had guards with her, it doesn't mean they are with her when she is not in public, and also it has never been declared who the guards are loyal too. Are they really there because Dullindal ordered them or because they were hired by Mia?
since dulinandal practicly made mia he got soem say in things to, he cant just let her run around and do whatever she wants just because she looks like lacus. mia probably doesnt know where the real lacus is. and for the body guard thing, mia is a great influence on the troops of ZAFT do you really think dulinandal will let her walk around on her own?
RE: Episode 17 Discussion
i always thought the main criminal mastermind was the guy with the cat... shit what was his name again, haven't seen him for so long, and what happened to him?