i hope yuna gets burned like fray did in seed. But unlike the way they killed fray i hope he dies really painfully. Anyone think they will upgrade freedom a little bit since the technology is better now.
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i hope yuna gets burned like fray did in seed. But unlike the way they killed fray i hope he dies really painfully. Anyone think they will upgrade freedom a little bit since the technology is better now.
Freedom is still top of the line. It's the only remaining gundam that uses nuclear power. All the other gundams still use crappy rechargable batteries.
Very interesting how they used that beam to recharge Impulse. Gundam SEED would have lasted about 5 eps if they'd had one of those on the Archangel.
Yeah it is.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Freedom is still top of the line. It's the only remaining gundam that uses nuclear power. All the other gundams still use crappy rechargable batteries.
Still... I wonder what would happen to the environment if Freedom blew up in the atmosphere...
V_V can't believe that lucas could do so much for Planet.. and yet she's just hiding in some place with kira.. and i m getting really tired of waiting for kira to be back in a gundam.. i mean how long is it gonna take?
if he's not getting in to a gundam.. i don't wanna see him..>_<
^_^ but athuran finally getting a gundam is so kewl.. and shin was amazing.. and i think he's really gonna go for orb's fleet..>_<
and what's with that yuna guy.. athuran need to come back there and kick his butt with savior for trying to steal his fiancee
I really hope he make a go at Orb's fleet.. They have shown where they stand..
And i hope Athrun leave her.. And he also go to war against Orb..
Athrun joining PLANT and Cagalli now joining the Earth Alliance Federation (even though she doesnt want to) is really going to bring in some tension in their relationship now. Shinn's SEED mode was pretty crazy..he owned them so bad [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. I wonder if both Kira and Shinn will have a fight with both in SEED mode...that'll be pretty crazy. And I'm really looking forward to seeing Freedom again!
did anyone notice how Athrun took off in Savior the same way he took off in Justice, it was even in the same kind of creppy secluded hanger, thought that was a cool little tid bit
So Freedom launched like that to.Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
did anyone notice how Athrun took off in Savior the same way he took off in Justice, it was even in the same kind of creppy secluded hanger, thought that was a cool little tid bit
who cares... does it bother anyone here? no? okay.. then who cares.
Question...does someone know where i can get the AK-aone torrent for 10, 11, and 12? They seemed to have gotten rid of it for a 1-12 batch, and I already have 1-10. Thanks
This eps rocked. Shinn was so badass. still i hope that Kira gets in a gundam again and fights shinn. no that would own
Well if you are using somerthing like bitcomet you can select what files in a torrent you want to download. So click the torrent then say you only want those eps and it will just download them. I do it all the time if I ever missed an ep. Works like a champ.Quote:
Originally posted by: narutosharingan
Question...does someone know where i can get the AK-aone torrent for 10, 11, and 12? They seemed to have gotten rid of it for a 1-12 batch, and I already have 1-10. Thanks
Which bittorrent programs allow me to do this? You said bitcomet...are there any others?