Did rickytan ever actually come up with a coherent or plausible thought? I struggle to find one in any of the posts or quotes. Oh well, he's gone now, apparently.
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Did rickytan ever actually come up with a coherent or plausible thought? I struggle to find one in any of the posts or quotes. Oh well, he's gone now, apparently.
Can't tell, apparently his posts are gone too (which is disappointing, they were funny).
1st Maddox is an asshole who created a site with the sole intention of causing offence
2nd BK i think your hipocrit Maddox has posted many things which are vile and posses a total lack of taste and decency and you addmit to having been a fan but only now your complaining because he is offending your sense of decency
3rd Many ppl get cancer with no known reason its just a fact of life that in all our achevments in technology there are all ways gonna be things that we are not going to know or are yet to discover
4th Ppl who get cancer as a result of smoking despite the warnings and then complain about it and go try sue tabbaco companys are not the victims of the tabbaco company but of there own arrogance and inability to accept there own mortality
5th As for ppl givin nothing until its there problem its understandable noone like to think it could happen to them and until it does you can never really understand what these ppl have to deal with
lastly As for Maddox and rickytan and ppl like them you guys need to wake up and realise the world isnt always so negative and that somtimes bad things happen to good ppl for no reason and you don't need to take out your own state depression out on ppl less fortunate
Please don't associate that moron rickytan with Maddox.
i love the edits to rickytan's posts. yay for teh mods!!
maddox for pres.
fuck all you soft motherfuckers cryin >:-)
man ..... this is a nice flamey thread here ...
I'll just say... maddox is one of those people .... who is something like the somethingawful crowd. If you don't like sa, you won't like maddox. If you do like sa, you probably will like maddox. It depends on what you find funny and ultimately how seriously you take yourself.
I personally think his original article was very pointed. It demonstrated how people don't think about problems until they happen to them. It pointed out Chris Reeve as a classic case -- he didn't particularly care about spinal cord research until his own got broken. He wasn't crippled in some heroic way, he was crippled by being thrown from a horse, in a day and age when only the extremely affluent have access to horses at all. There's nothing so great about that.
He got a lot of publicity, and did good work. But that's not the point. The point is that he didn't do that work or get that publicity until it was in his own interest to do so. Moreover, thousands of people strive to make breakthroughs in fields like this every day and get no attention. The doctors at research hospitals get no publicity for making daily breakthroughs, but they still do it.
More than Chris Reeve being an asshole, the media, and the people who eat out of the hands of the media without a grain of independent thought or analysis, are assholes. Because they don't cover that stuff. They tell you you should feel bad for the heroic actor who played superman, and then got crippled a few decades later while enjoying his good fortune. And you do. They tell you he's heroic because he was crippled. But what about the other people crippled in other ways, that are more tragic and more noteworthy?
The only reason you care at all, if you care, is that the media bothered to cover it because the guy was famous before it happened.
Not only that, but the thing that enraged the original poster here is that Maddox acknowledged that the guy died. Yeah ... "he died, so ... he no longer is, he was". That's what's pissing you off? Jeesh.
yeah comp. thats exactly right. if it was as simple as him trying to be grammatically correct, i wouldnt be offended. it was the joke behind it. i dont have any problem with the article itself. i can see where hes coming from. even if i dont agree.
next hokage: before you use words that you dont know how to spell, also look them up. "hipocrit" is spelled "hypocrite" and being offended by him doesnt make me one. all it does is make me a person with a sense of decency. for example, i would be a hypocrite if i bashed some maddox hater at the same time my first post was put up.
sharingan-kakashi: ........
Your right and i posted that at 3am after much vodka (not that my spellings great anyway) but at least you have a sense of decency unlike rickytan if you didn't you wouldn't have created this thread and ppl are entitled to a change of oppinion without being called "hypocrite" (unless your GW Bush) i appologise for any offence i may have caused you but maddox/rickytan is/was/will always be an assholeQuote:
Originally posted by: Black Knight
yeah comp. thats exactly right. if it was as simple as him trying to be grammatically correct, i wouldnt be offended. it was the joke behind it. i dont have any problem with the article itself. i can see where hes coming from. even if i dont agree.
next hokage: before you use words that you dont know how to spell, also look them up. "hipocrit" is spelled "hypocrite" and being offended by him doesnt make me one. all it does is make me a person with a sense of decency. for example, i would be a hypocrite if i bashed some maddox hater at the same time my first post was put up.
sharingan-kakashi: ........
maddox is a cock sucking little prick who got spanked by his mom's bf.
he's just one of those guys who uses the internet to express himself cuz if he did it in the real world he'd get his ass beaten to a pulp by a 5 yr old girl.
but what i find even stupider is teh ppl who read his articles and then send him angry emails telling him to fuck off and stuff.....like, holy shit, either dont constantly read browse the site, or dont send angry emails. sometimes i wonder if he makes those up or some of them are actually real.