Anyone know what the new Beet anime is about? Is it sequel to this one or something else?
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Anyone know what the new Beet anime is about? Is it sequel to this one or something else?
Its a sequel from what i've heard.
On another note Episode 28 is out.
This episode was very shitty... lots of shitty introspections and flashbacks that we've seen hundreds of times already...
Hopefully 29 would be better... It's sad this episode was so bad, the earlier episodes had been pretty good
Yeah ep 28 was a waste of time but atleast in ep 29 Kiss will stop crying and talking bs and fight.
W00T!!!! Not one, but TWO episodes have been released!! Go get them:
Episode 29
Episode 30
Yeah AK-AH shocked me too with two eps but its great. I dl them as fast as i can [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
not 2, but 3!!!
Three great eps!!!
Even though Kiss is a crybaby i like him when he fighted seriously. He is the first one that has shown great tenryko(sp?). Crazy how he shoots them with a kiss [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
These were awsome episodes. Kiss really is a genious. That was an insane way to use tengeki.
Episode 31 was pretty nice... Looking forward to 32, though I don't like the premise... They'll try to escape throughout the whole episode, instead of kicking this monster's ass like they should... That means we'll see more of this weakass monster in the future, which I'm not a fan of... They should go straight to Grunide and kill him off
I dont think this monster will be alive after ep 32.
Yeah, me too.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
I dont think this monster will be alive after ep 32.
I mean Kiss outplayed his master,why would they be trouble by this monster?
Well, we'll find out now. Episode 32 is out!
This was a very stupid episode...
My theory would've hold up if the monster wasn't so stupid...
I mean, he already had Beet, he should've killed him.
Yeah the monster was pretty dumb. The next episode looks good.
These episodes were great. The end of 34 was priceless.
"What!?!?! He's wanted?!?!?!?"
Anyway, Episode 35 is out. Go get it.
33 and 34 were great....
Milfa is awesome, we should have more episodes with her... actually she should get her own series...
35 was boring though, I hope episode 36 will be the last episode with these suckers