he's only 20. he think he is mature now that he has gotten out of the 'teen' years.
response to below:
everytime you post, you become more wellsuited for gw: survivor 2.
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he's only 20. he think he is mature now that he has gotten out of the 'teen' years.
response to below:
everytime you post, you become more wellsuited for gw: survivor 2.
Yes I am 'only' 20.
I'm sorry Mut@t@ that you think that a person has to reach a certain age before they can be classified as 'mature'. I think that a person should be judged by their thoughts and the way they present their arguments when seeing if they are mature or not.
Maybe the reality of where you live is that people can be childish long into their early adult life, but there are kids in this world who have to grow up pretty fast due to the circumstances that they find themselves in. I'm not saying I'm one of those, thankfully I have not had to endure much of the hardship that alot of people in this world suffer today.
By the way I don't mean to be patronizing.
Well with that said, its true your thoughts and views decide if your mature or not; for instance: if you accept everything(like gay marriage or girls on forums) then you are obviously mature, but if you tend to ridicule things like that, then youre considered immature and childish by the things you sayQuote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Yes I am 'only' 20.
I'm sorry Mut@t@ that you think that a person has to reach a certain age before they can be classified as 'mature'. I think that a person should be judged by their thoughts and the way they present their arguments when seeing if they are mature or not.
Maybe the reality of where you live is that people can be childish long into their early adult life, but there are kids in this world who have to grow up pretty fast due to the circumstances that they find themselves in. I'm not saying I'm one of those, thankfully I have not had to endure much of the hardship that alot of people in this world suffer today.
By the way I don't mean to be patronizing.
yeah, that's right. i don't accept 'girls on the forums.'
accepting everything like you say doesn't make you mature. if you accept EVERTHING, that just means you're too freaking scared to have your own opinion about something. maturity has nothing to do with it.
you guys are acting like fucking politcians like you can't fuck around.
hah, assertn just owned all you stiff ass people.
maybe it takes a mature person to be able to handle content like what BK posted lightly
Maturity is opinionated, to dub yourself too mature for something like this is just stupid.
ROFLMAO now this is just plain funny
is it really that funny...? where's the humour in it... they are plain arguing about pointless stuff...
Oh that was great Black Knight =)
And btw its true that being mature dont have anything with age to do.. Even if it comes with age.. I'm 23 and im like a kid [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] .. Ok im not but i know ppl that is older then me but my own little sister is more mature then them..
Maturity is the ability to understand and accept. It is knowing when to do the right thing at the right time. It is doing something where everyone will respect you because they feel that you have deserved it.
I do not claim that I am mature. However, if I know I am in a position where it is unfavorable for me, I am not going to complain and threaten to leave so that I can gain something that I dont really deserve. Then, I am not going to brag about it either, since I only received it because of whining and crying. No, I would have accepted the situation and went on with life.
Calling people names and trash talking others are not signs of maturity. If someone was mature, they would have something intelligent to say instead of just replacing them with words that have no other purpose than to insult.
I will respect everyones opinion on what it is to be a girl and what it is to be a guy. Everyone has a right to believe what they want to believe.
And to show that I do have a sense of humor, this little gift from Knives is for all the Gotwooters: http://www.e-thug.net/ (Please do not click on the link if you believe you cannot handle it. Be forewarned.)
let me make this absolutely crystal clear.
thundrakkon stop being a pussy (along with knives122) and say what you really want to say straight up. don't put in subliminal messages in your lame, smartass posts.
you got it?
EDIT: response to below:
no, you're obviously not smart at all cuz neither one of you could do what i said before i became a mod.
anyway, enough with the ot talk and go back on topic. and for the people who want to tell us that what BK has posted is wrong/negative/sexist/etc or anything, just don't.
See now thats what you want us to do but were obviously smarter than that
Edit @Black knight: I AM NOT A GIRL
Those characteristics sound like that of an American [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
But I do agree with the too many clothes, too many shoes thing.
And the part with choosing what to wear. But then again, that's what most white people would do.
If this was brought up in Asia, it'd be like.. completely false...
Anyways, good stuff, XD
Yeah i also got the impression that this was posted for fun so we all could get a good laugh.. I mean, it's not like i take that stuff seriously.. Just take that on about Crying being blackmail.. Just laugh damnit, dont be so damn uptight..
Well keep it up Black Knight.. A for one actually like that kind of humor..
to any women i might have offended (knives.. shin.. thundrakkon..), i am very sorry. i made the mistake of thinking that everyone on the forums would be able to handle a little joke. even if it was at someone else's expense. ill keep that in mind next time i post. GIRL POWER!
oh yeah.. everyone trying to get some online ass from the girls for standing up for them.. dont bother. if the girls didnt take it offensively, why should you guys? but then again.. they say that you can be whatever and whoever you want on the internet.. if you guys (or should i say girls) came forward and told us the truth, i dont think we can think any less of you so why dont you just go ahead and do that.
was this post immature? yes.
does that make me, as a person, immature? no.
hahaha BK owns. his post cracked me up hardcore.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
black knight doesnt say alot on the forums, but i'd have to say that he contributed 674 of the most useful posts ever
LMAO!!! man, this guy's too much.Quote:
like BK said. the girls dont care about this stuff so y r u guys being pussy's.
Originally posted by: Assassin
if ur a girl and would like to change this rule, please stop by at the irc channel so u can be ridiculed.
if ur a guy and would like to change this rule, ur a panzy and need to grow some testicles.
I just finally got a chance to read all of it... and I must say this is classic, I love it "I am in shape. Round is a shape" where did you find this anyway BK?
its still good. its a list of what every male ever has thought of but never said. i love it.Quote:
Originally posted by: Black Knight
id love to take credit for the list but i cant. some other genius thought of it. i just borrowed it.
There are only 2 types of guys: those who understand Maddox and those who don't.