RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
Oh yeah, I wonder what that records book that Tsunade was reading would have said about Naruto's team, since that was the only team she didn't look at.
Yeah it should say A-rank missions completed-1 for naruto's team since they did one. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Kakashi saying that the Zabuza mission was A-rank. Though Sakura doesnt deserve the mission to count for her, since she did absolutely nothing the ENTIRE mission.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
Not only that but the mission wasnt registered as an A rank mission, remmber kakashi yelling at tazuna because he put them in danger.
aslso tazuna didnt have the money for a A rank mission.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
G-pong where do you get those from anyway
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
I thought this was a pretty good episode...its great to see konooha some more after being on the road for so long...i Just wish they had shown more of the other Genin instead of focusing on Konohamaru so much. YOU CAN DO IT LEE. Hes comin back with a vengance baby
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
this was a boring ep, that is above decent
the content was ok
the rock lee parts were good
it was funny to see shizune's reaction to tsunade studying and concentrating
i knew naruto was gonna bust out rasengan to open the door, but it was unexpected that tsunade would barge in and do what she did
i guess konohamaru had to find some similarity between tsunade and sarutobi to finally accept her as the new hokage, btw did she know that naruto and konohamaru were standing there, she kinda gave a smirk when they left
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
The best part of the episode were the previews for the next one.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
Yes fillers are annoying but oh well something we have to deal with. and the fact they are changeing sakura from everones Deseierd view of her. the Whiney Susaka loveing bitch to a More human like being is a good thing.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
C'mon G-pong explain your retarted posts.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
Wow he used text this time!
I don't mean to insult you but why are you using pics that have nothing to do with Naruto, is that even allowed Mods?
RE: Naruto 99 Discussion.
Just a retarded pic with a caption that echos my response to the discussion. Nothing more, nothing less.