This thread is amusing for the wrong reasons [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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This thread is amusing for the wrong reasons [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
lol this is amusing yet another newbie bashing mut@t@. is it the 15th time it happens or something?
Lee isnt all that great i mean you laugh at him not with him but he's alright.
Rock Lee is definitly a character worth having in the anime. He makes it much more diverse, him and Gai. Yea I pretty much despised him too initially...
just initially though....
...just get used to it...thats the way mut@t@ is
as for the topic...rock lees cool...not my favorite...not even in my top five (chouji knocked him out of there...wondering y? stay turned to the anime)
i cant see why people got such a big problem with mut@t@. i mean he says his opinion thats what a forum is for. who cares if he doesnt say why he think so? i the only one thats a little tired of threads topics becoming "i hate mut@t@! whos with me?!" everytime we get new people here? can the next post PLEASE be on topic
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i cant see why people got such a big problem with mut@t@. i mean he says his opinion thats what a forum is for. who cares if he doesnt say why he think so?
@ Rasendori , sorry [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
(btw, you're new yourself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img])
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
Well i dont really see how Lee is gay when he chases after a girl all the time(unless you mean gay as stupid) And Ive given up on trying to argue with Muts comments(relized this over the down time), either ignore him or say something to contradict his statement.
And it is amusing seeing the newbs argue with him
what the hell are you talking about, i said rock lee is a faggot and then i explained why. what is the big deal. i didn't flame anyone, you guys are overly sensitive because you have sand in your vaginas. and could guys seriously stop talking about me and stay on topic?Quote:
Originally posted by: ?igma
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
While this is amazingly amusing, I'll have to start deleting posts if you girls keep straying from the topic...
Terra you know your just here to stir things up even more... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Silence, woman!
Mut@t@, You need to start coming up with intelligent posts, your pissing people off and frankly your getting on my nerves lately too. Either grow up and stop posting stupid immature comments to get your counter up or face the alternative. Consider this a warning.
There's obviously sections of the forum you don't venture into and haven't read, which is fine, because in the majority of areas he will present arguements very well. Look at the Naruto website in his sig, perfect example. It's too extreme to say _never_ like that, it's simply not true.Quote:
Originally posted by: ?igma
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
Anyway, I think Lee's good for comic relief, and also he's good for the inspirational part of the series - makes you want to work hard like him. But ultimately, he'll always be the one who loses in life, it's just the way his character is set up. He's cool though.
<sigh> you apoligize...then go on about doing the thing you apoligize for... i dont see any progress in thatQuote:
Originally posted by: ?igma
@ Rasendori , sorry [img][/img]
(btw, you're new yourself [img][/img])
Well, the problem is, that his opinion usually involves a slight bit of flaming and his opinion is _never_ constructed by arguments. He just flames the noobs with the stupid posts en loves himself above all, he just has to big of an ego.
on topic: im tired of seeing lee always being the loser, he never wins when it matters the most . he tries to bail out sakura...then ends up getting bailed out by ino-shika-cho who end up getting bailed out by sasuke...lame. then he loses to gaara after pulling out everything that he had. this is the anime section right? then i'll leave it at that. i think it sends the wrong message: with hard works comes...nothing but failer? for once i want to see rock lee win a fucking fight that matters. when that happens we will see that with hard work you can achieve skill greater then the truely talented. at that time lee is knock chouji out of my top five favorite characters, but until then good luck lee.
you have sand in your vaginas
lee is a ok characther
mut@t@ i would say u spam (saying shit out of ur ass and pissing people of)
but who cares........ur funny as hell
uh oh mutata, looks like the fun police are after you
Originally posted by: Stęgan
lee is a ok characther
mut@t@ i would say u spam (saying shit out of ur ass and pissing people of)
but who cares........ur funny as hell
Carefull man. You may piss the Moderator. LOL