Yeah... I thought so also... i hope that happens because it opens the door for Mansairaku
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Yeah... I thought so also... i hope that happens because it opens the door for Mansairaku
Soon as I saw the kid I thought Luffy. And later on he started to act just like Luffy.
i'm laughing right now cuz ur so right.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Soon as I saw the kid I thought Luffy. And later on he started to act just like Luffy.
Lol about Luffy... they are indeed very similar....
episode 8 is out
ur so on top of things. u r always the first to post when the new epi comes out. for some reason, i always find out a couple hours after u.
not because i choose to.... it just happens that way... i would prefer if someone noticed before me a let me know
I WILL TRY NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if i fail, I WILL TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've never seen a blonde happa before. urabe is one scary woman. poison, now bombs.
How long is this anime? It seems to be moving fast they are about to reunite all 5pieces and like Madlax I don't want it to end[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].
It's 26 episodes... so there's a lot more to come....
BTW did you watch Madlax 21 and 22 already? if so post something on the Madlax thread since it looks like you are the only person discussing it at the moment....
And in Otogizoushi... that small kid is awesome... he can take bombs head on and still leave without a scratch
YaY 26eps, I wonder where the series will go after they reach the capital, and that guy/girl with the mask seems creepy. He's plotting something when he gets all 5pieces. And I posted in the Madlax thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
I think he and the Minister of the Left (I think) are in it together... but I think that he will betray the Minister in the end for his own selfish reasons....
And I also want to get to the episode that they learn that Raiko is infact Haruka(i think that's her name)... i hope they dont keep it a secret forever
OF COURSE! and she'll praised, like mulan. j/k
It's just that i just watched a series that had the same dilemma but they never revealed the true identity which pissed me off... wont say which since i dont want to spoil it
the 9th episode came out!!!! Anime-Kraze
YES!!! i did it!!! i beat u Budweineken!!! this calls for a celebration!
hahaha... i was just going to post right now...
See... Im not always the first... well maybe because im drunk... im going out so enjoy the episode... i'll probably watch it tomorrow
u sure live up to ur name. well, i hope u enjoy urself and try to keep the floor clean.
i was really lucky. i went to the website 1 min after they put it up. but i'm still dling.
Ohhhh goes to get, now I have something to watch in the mourning[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].
epi 9 was a good episode. a lotta stuff went on.
hikaru and mansairaku met only 3 or 4 times and they r in love. that's something.oh! mansairaku appears outta nowhere. he's like ninja. and that poem. that's pretty clever. hm...interesting. is seimei helping shutendouji? cuz that's what hikaru said but seimei called him a demon. and will urabe betray the team?
i don't think Urabe will betray the team... i think it will be played out as if she is betraying but in the end we'll learn that she is not betraying....
As I suspected the Minister of the Left and Seimei have ulterior motives to bring down the capital...
I can't wait for the next episode... I think it will be one of the best for the whole series
when seimei first came out i thought he was a good man. but i shoulda known...w/ the evil mask of his. so u think seimie and minister of the left r working together?
did u have fun last night?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]