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I said that on the first page. -_-Quote:
Originally posted by: Einzelgänger
Oh that sword you posted Coolman, its Clouds Buster Sword from FF 7, But it is similar.
I know I posted a link to almost the same sword, (diff metal) But still. I did say it.
A gun isn't as much fun... I perfer murder up close and personal... nothing like the spray of your human prey to make you feel good about yoursel.... errr... umm... yeah... guns sure...Quote:
Originally posted by: kaigan
you can have all the swords and kunais in the world. all i need is a gun.
I hate guns to the utmost degree. There is no honer in shooting someone. Though I do own a few. >.> Mainly rifles, and mainly long range rifles. I hate to say it but I do like sniping. (not people... YET)
does a bb gun wif a scope count?
bb guns don't realy shoot far enough to have to use a scope...
At least not from what I have seen, and used. Then agin I can no scope out to 75 yards.
Scopes are gay IMO.
I only use them in competiton shooting. And training. By competition I mean me and my friends show off at the shooting range. 1000 yards is one hell of a distence. I think that only the true tournament snipers can no scope that far. And they are damned good at it too. (Though it takes nearly an hour to shoot once.)
Anywho, I go uot hunting alot, and never use a scope. Well sometimes, but not always.
I am not full sure, but i think his sword is called a Zanbatou. Its the same sword used in Rurouni Kenshin, which Sanoske has. This sword is big, powerful and slow.
zabuza's sword's name translates to "decapitating blade" or something that has to do with cutting ppls heads off. its a fantasy sword that only exists in kishimoto's world and has no place in the real world. a zanbatou is a sword used to cut the legs of horses to bring them down. they may be similar in look but thats all.
...I wouldn't buy a sword from that website. I'm not an expert on swords or anything, but at prices such as those (0-1000 dollars), you are not getting a high quality, or very sharp sword.
You guys thought 100 or 300 layers of folded steel was good? Try 320,000.
Look at the second sword down on this page:
Angel Sword Folded Steel Katana (AS013-156) $10,000
Weight: 3 pounds, 12 ounces
POB: 6 inches
LOA: 36 5/8 inches
LOB: 27 inches
Steel: Folded-steel with 320,000 layers
Finish: High polish with hamon
Blade Width - Hilt: 1 inch, Tip: 3/16 inches
Blade Thickness: 1/4 inches
Handle: Stingray skin, silk wrap, with minuki and carnelian
Guard: Traditional tsuba
Scabbard: Tulipwood and ebony laminate
As you can see, a high quality sword can cost up to $10,000, maybe even more. If you want to buy a sword, I think you should buy one from an expert swordsmith, like the man who makes the swords on the website I linked in this post (
holy shit...thats one folded sword...
nice looking sword too!
Hell yeah it's an awsome sword, another sword from the same smith was used to cut 14 tatami mats rolled together. Each mat is about the difficulty of severing someones upper leg, imagine what the katana could do.
hai, Zanbatou. created way back when in the feudal age when cavalry was introduced, meant to cut through rider and horse at the same time.
... faded out pretty quick though, as due to the sheer size and weight of the thing, very few people at all could wield the thing, much less lift it. X3
edit: and yeah, that's a pretty sweet sword. but most of us don't have 10 grand to spend like that. so swordsonline is pretty good quality stuff for all of us non-millionaires. =P
when someone on this forum actually gets the money for a sword like that, then maybe you can talk but thats just a waste of time and money for something you really can't useQuote:
Originally posted by: Ildiran
...I wouldn't buy a sword from that website. I'm not an expert on swords or anything, but at prices such as those (0-1000 dollars), you are not getting a high quality, or very sharp sword.
You guys thought 100 or 300 layers of folded steel was good? Try 320,000.
Look at the second sword down on this page:
Angel Sword Folded Steel Katana (AS013-156) $10,000
Weight: 3 pounds, 12 ounces
POB: 6 inches
LOA: 36 5/8 inches
LOB: 27 inches
Steel: Folded-steel with 320,000 layers
Finish: High polish with hamon
Blade Width - Hilt: 1 inch, Tip: 3/16 inches
Blade Thickness: 1/4 inches
Handle: Stingray skin, silk wrap, with minuki and carnelian
Guard: Traditional tsuba
Scabbard: Tulipwood and ebony laminate
As you can see, a high quality sword can cost up to $10,000, maybe even more. If you want to buy a sword, I think you should buy one from an expert swordsmith, like the man who makes the swords on the website I linked in this post (
Can't use it?
I could, but thats a diffrent story.
100-300 is good quality, 320,000 is unherd of. There is not way that sword has that many layers, and is that thin. Main reason being, it would cost upwords of $50,000. A sword that thin with that many layers would take at least a good 6-8 months to make. Not to mention it would be nearly imposible to sharpen with any sharpener out there. A dimond dusted sharpener maby, but that would still take a few weeks of working on it for about 10 hours a day to complete.
Agin, $10,000 is too low a cost if it has that many layers and is that thin, the amount of time is abserd.
One last thing, it would weigh a good 6-7 lbs. Not 3 lbs, 12 ounces.
His Tactical Katana is $7,000, thats about the price to look for in a good blade.
I'm sorry but 320,000 folds is just a mis-type or a scam. At least for that price.
let me rephrase that aren't allowed to use it...atleast in any first world country anyway
Well, your aloud but you'll be arrested. Then agin depending on your perspective of law, and justice, you may not think your aloud. Then agin maby I just think way way too much into it.
hmm if you were really a collector wouldnt you want the best swords you could get your hands on, not some internet swords, like in the world of "kill bill" uma gets the best sword available the hanzo sword not off the internet but goes to japan, haha can u imaigne her ordering it on her computer and sitting at home waiting for it to arrive. im just saying wouldnt u want the best available and not something thats relatively crap
If you want a real Katana, don't buy them online, go to Japan , find an old craftsman and buy a Katana of at least 20K ..Quote:
Originally posted by: Einzelgänger
Ya. But in truth any sword on that site is acctualy kind of cheap compared to swords that are hand forged. The max a sword on that site costs is around $2000 which is alot. But when you look at a well made Damascus Katana that was hand forged, they can be up to and over $7500. Heck I have seen one go for $10,000. Its all in how much you want the weapon and if you are a collecter or not.
Only reason the swords on that site arn't too much is that they are almost exclusively factory made. Though some are hand made they are made out of steel that is much easyer to work with and most of the time its under 100 folds in the steel. That makes a huge diffrence in the price.
Im rambling sorry.
the only thing you have to be carefull about , is that you don't chop off your leg in your enthousiasm. It happened to a Japanese bussiness man, who just bought himself a precious katana and thought he could just wave it around. Swords of that quality are more dangerous then guns, you dont even have to force it into the meat, it'll just slide right through...