age has a lot to do with maturity. is it always the case? no, but age is relevant to maturity in most cases.
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age has a lot to do with maturity. is it always the case? no, but age is relevant to maturity in most cases.
Maturity has to do with surroundings as well, and upbringing.
I know people who don't even know how to walk into a store and buy stuff at my age. Spoiled brats.
Then again, I have friends who are joining his dad in for business meetings (Or in place for his dad) and learning the trade.
yea to the age of 15 or so.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
age has a lot to do with maturity. is it always the case? no, but age is relevant to maturity in most cases.
Not really 15 year old means their matured, or a age of maturity. For guys on average, 15 maybe.. but for girls around 12.
Also it's the enviroment of growing up. Maturity is subjective.
yea guys mature to the age of 15 or so and girls around 12-13.
im 16, but i think at times im more mature and at times immature.
Sadly I'm 21 going on 22. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] I don't know anyone my age who watches Naruto.
Originally posted by: Xollence
Sadly I'm 21 going on 22. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] I don't know anyone my age who watches Naruto.
seriously? i'm the same age...and i got a lot of people addicted to the series. my soccer team, my god sis...her ex and his friends and more haha
wow where do you live pyron? it might be a matter of countries for example its not as common to watch anime in sweden as it is in the U.S.
ive literally got at least a dozen people 18-21 into the isnt too hard to do [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
im in Toronto...
turned 18 2 weeks ago.
18 this year.
Oooh, somebody who's finally close to me!
I'm 22 going on 23 in August, and I just graduated from college. Actually alot of my friends my age also watch anime, and I take personal credit for introducing at least two of them to the goodness that is ninja crack, ie Naruto.
I think your never too old to watch anime. My brother 29 watches with me all the time. Thats the beauty of anime. It's like movies, meant for all ages. Unlike american cartoons meant for a certain age group.
21... and i don't think someone can be too old to watch anime ^_^.
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
24 year old anime fan.
Guess how much I get laid?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I'm 19 and I have the same problem.
On a side note I've heard a lot of people talk badly about American cartoons, but I'll go insane if I don't stick up for The Simpsons and NMBC. Go subversive US cartoons!
This was made a looooong time ago, I know cause I organized all the ages, well im 15.
come on guys...anime is what you watch on your spare time. it shouldn't affect your relationships with girls....come on now