hey, let me get in on this deal. i'll send you a pm with my prefered gmail address.Quote:
Originally posted by: iminyourbrain
send me a message w/ email addy
I still have 5 left here...
they keep giving me more the more i send out
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hey, let me get in on this deal. i'll send you a pm with my prefered gmail address.Quote:
Originally posted by: iminyourbrain
send me a message w/ email addy
I still have 5 left here...
they keep giving me more the more i send out
shit shit shit
I'm interested too, sendin a pm 'inyourbrain.
is it too late to request an invite to one of your gmail accounts?
EDIT: removed because of the crap I received
^ um..no thanks.
Main Entry: shameˇless
Pronunciation: 'shAm-l&s
Function: adjective
1 : having no shame : insensible to disgrace
2 : showing lack of shame : DISGRACEFUL
- shameˇlessˇly adverb
- shameˇlessˇness noun
disgraceful, eh? lol
I'm just throwing it out there. You ever think about the fact that these invites might be worth something to me? I've got friends and family who'd want 'em (and no, I haven't told them about the invites yet--that would be disgraceful). So I'm not about to just give them out to total stangers on the internet, free of charge. I didn't realize offering a simple trade could be so distasteful. But whatever; admins feel free to delete it if you think best (but the offer still stands).
I got 5 free Gmail accounts to give away... and since none of my friends/family member wants them since they all prefer their original one... I will give them out to you!
All u have to do is sign up for www.freeipods.com
DO NOT REFER ANYONE AT ALL... yea i find it really bad to post some refer thingy in a forum with over 1000 people in it..
then... for no reason at all... Put ur right hand in ur stomache and ur left hand on ur head and rub it 3 times counter clock wise.. then 5 times clock wise
then... for no reason at all again... do 50 push ups 200 sit ups and 500 crunches. after all that jog for 2 miles.
FINALLY PM me with proof that u did it all (say u did it) and ur email address.. (NO YAHOO/HOTMAIL EMAIL ADDYS) and there u go... with in 3-5 seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years/decades/centuries/millenium you will get ur own GMail account!. there u go..
For all who too lazy to read all that... just PM me wif ur email address and i will give it to u lol
hey everyone i have a few accounts email me and i might pick you sorry if i dont but other family mebers might want them but good luck and send the pm's wif ur e-mail
give me an email address to send the invite to, mut@t@. it gives you a link to create your own username.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
hey, let me get in on this deal. i'll send you a pm with my prefered gmail address.Quote:
Originally posted by: iminyourbrain
send me a message w/ email addy
I still have 5 left here...
they keep giving me more the more i send out
sent, 0 leftQuote:
Originally posted by: Souryusen
I'm interested too, sendin a pm 'inyourbrain.
double post :/
With regards to gmail account. Sending a pm now.
Sent, Thats all i have for now, i'll update if i get anymore.Quote:
Originally posted by: animemaster
With regards to gmail account. Sending a pm now.
Thanks, man. Much appreciated.
just saying much thanks to iminyourbrain for the invite.
yes, thanks in advance iminyoubrain. i sent you a PM with my email addy so you can send me the invite.
Wern't hotmail going to upgrade their free accounts too? I know they have upgraded their paid accounts... are they supposed to do the free ones in a few months or something?
Edit: Thanks iminyourbrain for the gmail account, its up and running now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
i have a gmail account... i just got it, so i dont know how to do the invite stuff.
ditto that, i too have one but since im all new to this shit i dont know how to do the invite crap. that and i havent even logged that much in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Aclypze
i have a gmail account... i just got it, so i dont know how to do the invite stuff.