Hehe... I don't see raws becuase i hate not knowing what they are saying. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
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Hehe... I don't see raws becuase i hate not knowing what they are saying. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I'm trying to learn from anime so raws help speed the process... a lil..
::Edit:: Besides the sounds of cute japanese girls voice acting is worth watching the raw for <.< .. >.> ... <.< ...
IMO almost all the girls voice sounds the same when they screams and suchs things [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I wasnt talking about the screams.. i like how they sound when they talk...especially these 2 girls in this anime
I know but when they scream and doing such things they all sound the same imo.
This anime is ace!
Guess I should rent Seven Samurais ASAP.
I should look for the movie as well..
samurai 7 ep 1 has been released by a-keep|anbu go get it
w00t.. umm.. where?
::Edit:: Nevr mind.. found it..
woohoo this series r0x0rz, it doesn't all to seem to be about mecha's this ep was really good am definately gonna follow this
ep 2 also got released yahoo!
don't use a downloadmanager it doesn't work
And here I was thinking I was gonna sleep early tonight, thanks for the heads up.
Sw33tness.... Samurai 7 eps AND naruto 87.. w00t w00t
Tried the link and couldn't find the torrent, but found it here in case anyone else is interested.
My guess is that this series will be released every other week 2 episodes like ROD TV... anyone knows anything?
The show seems interesting, I wasn't expecting any mecha in it
Hmmm, well, I was pretty underwhelmed with the first episode. I have no problem with genre-blending, so long as it makes sense. But when you have a traditional Japanese village next to an enormous, industrial metropolis, it just doesn't make sense. Why would half of the world be modern while the other half looks like something 200 years ago?
But the show did get me thinking... wouldn't an anime based on the Onimusha series be just insanely badass?
Onimusha 3 pwned (the rest is good too), and yes it would be badass (we need something like ninja scroll again!)
Just finished watching episode 2. That $300,000 that goes into each episode is really going to waste, the CG is pretty much random and useless most of the time. The mecha idea still seems lame to me, but I'll keep watching to see how it turn out.
Finished watching episode 1 and 2. First one wasn't bad, but the second one. Oh my goodness, did you guys catch the ending? That was too cool.
yeah i'm really likin this series already who cares if there is mecha involved it's something unique unlike most samurai series, the first two eps weren't extroardinary or anything but they weren't bad either i hope more action is involved in the coming eps i liked the fight they had in ep 2 and the preview for ep 3 looked sweet