Yup. Can't blame Gaara. He's born with it. Lack of Serotonin in the brain.
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Yup. Can't blame Gaara. He's born with it. Lack of Serotonin in the brain.
Its mostly shukaku's fault, Gaaras lack of sleep turned him into a insomniac
its not only that slam some assasinations and a whole village's hate for you on to that and you get gaara
well now that its all over, i think that the pairs will chill for a bit, find their buddies and wait for naruto. kiba was badly wounded so will get help, i think tamari is going to hit on shikamaru since he beat her earlier and they can be friends. (Although i think he will end up with ino eventually). i mean she probably likes him since he beat her and is obviously a genius (even if super lazy).
gaara and lee are goign to try to catch up with naruto i would guess, when they get over the forest of bonespikes. damn but kimimaro was certainly impressive. i dont think anyone short of a hokage could have beaten him if he wasnt sick.
you think the female sound nin is dead? you think all the sound nins are dead cause i am not so sure about the spider guy either. i guess we will have to wait until we also find out about chouji and neji
Kimimaro is strong, granted. However, he is strong when compared to the Genins. I think most Elite Jounins could have taken him, even when he wasn't sick. If he was Hokage level, that would be absolutely ridiculous.
oro did say that the battle against the leaf village wouldve been easier if kimimaro was there....but i still cant help but remember the part where kabuto was wondering whether sasuke was stronger than kimimaro.....even though he may be the strongest of his clan, i think the fact that the rest of them were crushed by the mist village shows that they arent unstoppable
tayuya is certainly dead, im sure shika and temari would make sure of that. Besides, she's useless now anyway, no point in keeping her around...kidoumaru, on the other hand....i was under the impression that neji merely incapacitated him...but he could very well be dead if his organs were busted up enough
Hrm, I sort of wonder about what the power levels of the different ninja ranks.
You take a look at Gaara, Neji and Naruto. If I remember correctly, there was a group of jounin's that were pretty easily overwhelmed by the sound 4 as they left the village.
If these were the top 4 of the sound, it seems pretty obvious they were at least jounin level, and the leaf genin's gave them all a run for their money.
From my perspective it seems that being called a chounin/jounin means that the ninja's are a bit more rounded perhaps, but as far as raw power it doesn't seem like many of them are that much more powerful then the top genins.
Albiet the scene during the desctruction of konoha where you see the abilities of choji's, shikamaru's, ino's and neji's parents (well in neji's case uncle) seem to demonstrate a bit higher level of abilities.
The 2 Jounin's were not taken out easily...the four sound ninjas had to go to their second curse seal level. Even then, they barely won. Also, you have to remember that the 2 jounins had been on missions the entire time since the Chuunin exams. I'd be a little tired if I had been working non-stop for any long period of time.
exactly......people tend to question the strength of jounins when they see genins beating these sound guys, but if raido and genma were in good health, then they couldve easily won in a 2v4 match even IF those sound guys went all out
while the genins on the other hand all nearly died from their 1v1 matches
But the fact is that they still beat them, which implies that they genins have at least some chance of being strong(or almost as strong as the jounins), and plus we dont know how sick those two Jounins were, they could of just had a cold
but the jounins know what kind of threat the sound 4 were, and they were very confident later on in the hospital scene that they wouldve beaten them
if tsunade had permitted it, they wouldve gone right from the hospital to go whup some sound ninja ass
besides.....genma totally countered tayuya's (i think) kunai with a freakin toothpick [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
its a fact that the sound 4 is much weaker than a jounin. they are at most strong chuunin. what kind of jounin relies on strength alone? like jiroubou. a jounin is skilled in all fields these guys arent.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
besides.....genma totally countered tayuya's (i think) kunai with a freakin toothpick [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
it's 7 in the morning... i've never woken up this early on my own and accidentally during summer when i have nothing to do... i failed in sleeping late =(
OMG ROFLZ YOUR RIGHT.....WTF is ^ w/ me??
excuse me if this has already been said as I sorta skimmed over most of this thread.
There is mention of Gaara not being able to sleep without being taken over by Shukaku (sp?). Also it has been stated that Tsunade sent Gaara and company to the rescue. It is a fact that Gaara is now good (for the time being)
Anyone but me put these 3 things together? Gaara learned what pain feels like thanks to Lee, Sasuke, Naruto, and Gamabunta. He also knows more about love, protecting special people, etc. etc. Tsunade, the great healer, calls in the Sand nins. She works her arts on Gaara, thereby giving him better control over the Shukaku. As of now, Gaara is able to fight with the Leaf nins and begin to repay the debt that he has to the others.
Just speculation of course... but it would be cool if I'm right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
oh i messed up on my first reply since i ddnt read thoroughlyQuote:
my opinion is that this is an interesting turn of events, even more interesting than when rock lee turned up. i like gaara and his sand moves alot and now when he seems to be alot stronger and also a good guy that makes it great.
and yes, i think if its skill-wise gaara's sand attacks and defense would be the coolest.. although he gets possesed by the shukaku when he falls asleep .. since he cnt control the shukaku anyway, this means poor gaara cant sleep at all T_T
i guess something must have happened with that since he would be unstable as hell just like he was during the chuunin exam arc. but who knows maybe he still is unstable just in a diffrent way.....
i'd be fine with him still not being able to sleep
its kinda sad, but its something that he has learned to live with...just like how lee learned to live with no ninjutsu or genjutsu.....