Originally posted by: shadowmantis
it's just another form of showing he's an icon of todays pop culture.
Fusion of the five elements, to search for the higher intelligence. Women walk around celibate, living irrelevant. The most benelovent king, communicatin through your dreams. Mental pictures been painted, Allah's heard and seen everywhere; Throughout your surroundin atmosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, stratosphere. Can you imagine - from one single idea, everything appeared here. Understanding makes my truth crystal clear. Innocent black immigrants locked in housing tenemants. Eighty-Five percent tenants depend on welfare recipients. Stapleton's been stamped as a concentration camp, at night I walk through, third eye is bright as a street lamp. Electric microbes, robotic probes taking telescope pictures of globe. Babies getting pierced with microchips stuffed inside their earlobes, then examinated, blood contaminated, vaccinated, lives fabricated. Exaggerated authorization, Food and Drug Administration testing poison in prison population. My occupation to stop the innauguration of Satan. Some claim that it was Reagan, so I come to slay men like Bartholemew. 'cause every particle and physical article, was diabolical to the last visible molecule. A space night like Rom, consume planets like Unicron, blasting photon bombs from the arm like Galvatron.
United Nations, gun fire style patient, formulating rap plural acapella occupation. Conquer land like Napoleon, military bomb fest. We want sanitary food, planetary conquest. Thug peoples on some hardco' body shit, get your shit together 'fore the fuck Illuminati hit. Dreams is free in escape of sleep for a fool, peep jewels, keep tools for tough time. The rule of rough mind, elevate, stay behind. The sun gotta shine, keep on, cremate the whole Babylon. Time's up - move on. Kings on your pawn, checkmate. No fakes opposed through the gate, case closed. Things get froze, when it comes time. Chosen ones were holding guns. We take flight with no fright and attack. Never fear cause our words is clear. What's been done can't be undone, Son. We can't care 'cause the last days and times are surely here. Snakes and flakes get blown by the rightous ones. Divine minds bind, we unified as one. Half of black hope, we half broke. Smoke a bowl of weed, shit. Our everlastin answers stay flying over Egypt.
Bashing the system for ignoring the poverty and corruption in bigger cities, and overall controlling the public. All that without using 'dog', 'streets', '9 milli', the 'N' word, 'fucking cops/pigs', 'bitch', 'ain't', and such.
<u>imo</u>, is original - and worth listening to.
..then i hear something like
this, and get anrgy at the whole damn humanity for letting this crap go this far.