About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: lionheart1012000
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: Xceleration
Originally posted by: Himura_san
What the hell is up with Itachi's purple nail polish?!
What a homo! ;p
Ya Itachi is gay! Sasuke and Itachi are both gay now, so Uchiha clan is a clan of gay people. We finally know why Sasuke takes no interest in girls, it runs in the family.
I am still giving Sasuke the benefit of the doubt.
My theory is that he will grow a third comma in his eyes when he hits puberty, and by that time he will be paying more attention to girls.
As for Itachi, too early to tell. But if he were gay, he'd have a better looking travelling companion. I believe he can afford that. Kisame's too ugly to be anybody's boyfriend, man or woman.
So, just the purple nail polisher is not enough to make such a statement as a fact.
well...you never know. dont forget the saying "opposites attract" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Maybe they are the first punk rock ninjas of our time? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
what the hell is wrong with being gay? and basing someone's/character's sexuality on the color of his nails is absolutely stupid. i could say some equally dumb by saying rock lee is gay cuz he wears tight clothes.
why do people always have to write "*insertname here* is gay!" posts? so lame, grow up.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Huh, maybe the long eylashes?
The problem is that both brothers are insane. And you can be gay and insane, gay and sane, straight and insane and straight and sane.
So, their sexual orientation is immaterial to the development of the story. I'd say, the fact that Itachi-nii-chan is a psycho and has a great capacity to kill people and in great numbers would be way more worrysome.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
hmm i resized it myself.
but it looks a lil scewed out now. but it still looks good.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
You need to first resize the screencap to be proportional to 400x80.
I normally start with an image that's two or four times that size, make the sig and then resize. So you can also use the bigger versions elsewhere. My Kakashi looked great the size I thought for him, but the 400x80 totally screwed it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Oh, well.
Oh, yeah, PS... sorry for going off-topic...
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
yea, the gay argument can get really stupid like dazzz already said. Besides, the nails might just be an Akatsuki thing (Kisame has them too).
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
yea, the gay argument can get really stupid like dazzz already said. Besides, the nails might just be an Akatsuki thing (Kisame has them too).
Or maybe the Akatsuki group is a group of gay evil men
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
well oro chasing after young guys certainly doesnt help the akatsuki reputation
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Or maybe the Akatsuki group is a group of gay evil men
or maybe not.
well oro chasing after young guys certainly doesnt help the akatsuki reputation
he didn't leave he was kicked out for his gay ambishions.they found out that he is michael jackson.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
well oro chasing after young guys certainly doesnt help the akatsuki reputation
Oro chasing Sasky, Sasky chasing Itachi=onii-chan, Nii-chan chasing Naruto.
Think of the possibilities...
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img] EWWWW....
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
This gayness debate has gone way too in depth.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
I really don't know. But so far, for what I've seen, Sasky lusts for his brother attention. Is it gay, is it not? Hard to say.
Considering Saska personality, it wouldn't be a far-fetched guess that, in reality, he doesn't give a rat's ass about his clan and such. If he cared about his clan, he'd be chasing girls not a grown man. There are plenty of them more than ready to help him breed an infinite number of annoying little Uchihas.
He wants to kill nii-chan because nii-chan wouldn't give a rat's ass about little Sasuke-chan.
I just can't wait to see Itachi-anchan giving little Sasky the cold shoulder... I guess my appreciation for him will really improve.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
no one is gay, you ass tards. stop making stupid discussions about it.
EDIT: resposne to below:
lol, wow... what is wrong with you. hahaha, you take everything so seriously and have some problem with people cussing. i've told this to you so many times before yet, you still don't do it... why not? if you got something personal to say to me (as you always do cuz you got something against me), please pm me! cmon now, i'm sure you're capable of finding the pm button. http://forums.gotwoot.net/include/th...ar_privmsg.gif so if anyone has something they want to tell, me pm me *WINK*
and don't go off on saying "i don't wanna waste my time pm'ing you" or something equally as stupid as that.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Apparently, the only one here who care enough to cuss others about those characters sexual orientation, is you.
Obviously, you don't have the mental agility to percieve the sarcasm surronding all posts.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
mental agility
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
no one is gay, you ass tards. stop making stupid discussions about it.
EDIT: resposne to below:
and don't go off on saying "i don't wanna waste my time pm'ing you" or something equally as stupid as that.
Absolutely not a matter of wasting time. I kinda like writing, you see. But basically, I don't have anything important to say to you, much less anything that couldn't be said in public.
As for insulting.
Personally, I don't see *any* reason whatsoever to insult anyone over a cartoon. And particularly, in a media such as the internet. I told you quite a few times that I consider that impertinent, clearly to no avail.
Some define stupidity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting to attain a different result. On the other hand, I don't believe that I am stupid, so why repeat in private something that only needs to be said once and in public to be understood? Besides, being stubborn is particularly boring.
But if you insist...
Insulting and aggravating people are an art. And it goes way beyond of the use of foul words. Foul words will simply denote that one's skills are at a young, immature level. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt , by believeing that you can do better than that.
As a matter of fact, more elaborate insults, let's say, for example, utilizing words which normally don't belong to the limited vocabulary of the targeted individual, and demand some time from the victim to understand, tend to have more permanent and long lasting effects.
Another good role model is Hoshigaki Kisame, a way more interesting character than Itachi, IMO.
He's an extremelly polite individual, who, even in the most critical situations, never neglect the rules of ettiquette. Somebody who says, pleased to make your acquitance, right before go on to kill you in cold blood, basically because you're annoying, cannot be more insulting or aggravating.
Then again, don't be mislead to think that I don't like to insult. The fact is that, unlike yourself, I chose cartoon charaters as targets. First because they have no feelings, second because the need to insult comes from my own personal unresolved issues, and not exactly from whatever other people can do or say to me. In short, if I weren't an ass myself, your peculiar assholish behavior wouldn't have come to my attention.
Finally, if I really needed to insult you, I could plainly say, don't fuck with a pro.
But why? It's basically ugly and implies that I have no class at all, which couldn't be farther from the truth.
So, I probably would say, fuzakeru na, kono gaki! Sounds better and you probably won't understand even though there's no way you didn't hear that at least a hundred times. Besides, trying to figure that one out would keep you busy for at least a few hours which would bring with itself the pleasant possibility of you leaving me and other people who don't like to be insulted alone...
Pretty much in the same way I some times write long and stupid posts just to keep busy people who enjoy insulting me for no good reason, that really seems to make them feel useful...Since my posts tend to be long, why not make them stupid every now and them? It's kinda fun, da tte ba yo!
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Pretty much in the same way I some times write long and stupid posts just to keep busy people who enjoy insulting me for no good reason, that really seems to make them feel useful...Since my posts tend to be long, why not make them stupid every now and them? It's kinda fun, da tte ba yo!
lol, damn you're smooth
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Neji-Aniki-Sama. Ummm. I thiink you better type out your message in a different style... Its hard to read. No pun intended. It's just hard to read your long posts.. Maybe i'm a little dyslexic.
And Sasuke's Gay. Trust me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]