It's princess YukiQuote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Same here, I really don't feel like redownloading the ep to see[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I meant the other one...
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It's princess YukiQuote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Same here, I really don't feel like redownloading the ep to see[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
I meant the other one...
#9 is out. D/L in progress.
Let's try this one
For now ill dl only the 1st 3 eps (by L-E) and see how it is
Gotta be careful with my hdd space, it's almost full [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] (need a 300 GB HDD for anime!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
Okay, seen it and i'm impressed, another serie that got me hooked [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Thing is, L-E doesn't have any more eps subbed than 1 - 3, all that's left is Aoi and Lunar..
Pls tell me which one is the best of those 2
aoi i only got the first 2 from l-e because aoi didn't do them under the name aoi but under ^_^ and well they sucked when they weren't callen aoi anime
Could someone perhaps seed ep 4 by Aoi?
It's dead without a seed with people stuck at 57.3%
OW!! FFS!!
Stupid leechers, now eps 5 and 8 are also without seeders!!
God i hate it when people do that!
Got em [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
this show is awsome!
Get it at animesuki, they have sevral good groups subing it.
At first i wasnt that impressed of this show even if i liked Yakumo from the start. The plot has really improved after the time jump and i loved the fight beteween Musashi and Yakomu is was a great fight. I think Takato is actully Yakumo cause Iori said Yakomu was 17,18 20 years ago so Takato must be Yakumo.
I really hope Musashi makes a comeback as figher or just appears more in the show cause he is a very cool characther.
I'm sure that Takato is not Yakumo... but certainly a descendant... probably his son...
I hope he is Yakumo.
You can read when you watch this show that it is a side story of the mutsu,is there another anime about another Shura?
If not mistaken... the anime tells the story about three generations of Mutsu.... before the intro ends we can see the three Mutsus... Yakumo, Takato, and who knows....
What I think they mean by the Mutsu side story is simply that they are retelling History by incorporating the Mutsu as the main character... as seing History through their experiences... dont know about a relation to any other anime
The subs for this anime comes out once in two weeks right? It has been almost two weeks since ep 10,just wondering when to expect ep 11..
dude 11 has been out go get it
I don't think there is anyway Takato can be Yakumo, the time jump went 20yrs so Yakumo should be around 40 now while Takato looks the same age as Inori. Anyways the tournament is shaping up nice with 4strong people in it.
I am really enjoying this series and is kinda different aswell [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
anyone has the lunar subbed? how's their quality. i am dloading their's since all the other has no damn seeders.
Lunar quality is quite good. The subs are good, too. Not as good as AonE projects, but good enough for me. I am only keeping only the Lunar subs for this Anime, though I heard that Aoi Anime was pretty good. I chose Lunar early on over Aoi because originally, they were ^-^, and that wasn't really good.
Ep 12 is out by Lunar
this anime is awesome. i really like it.
Inori said that Yakumo was 17,18 20 years ago.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
I don't think there is anyway Takato can be Yakumo, the time jump went 20yrs so Yakumo should be around 40 now while Takato looks the same age as Inori. Anyways the tournament is shaping up nice with 4strong people in it.
Eveb if Takato isnt Yakumo it okay cause he is the same type.
damn, this anime is off the hook.