How much do you pay for how much internet?
Oh ya i should have mentioned....Hungray is hosting the olympics soon? or something like that and they are pulling for a computer gaming category *cough* counter-strike *cough* just a fyi on what they are trying to do, these guys are making 6 digit salaries playing online now
X'Ds~Grrrr... from canada is living on korea since like 2000 i think
How much do you pay for how much internet?
Originally posted by: itachi_
Sweden, Korea and one other country is in the top of the ISP, and are cheapest too..
Too bad american ISPs are monopolized phone companies and cable companies!
So they split AT&T into the babyBells to get rid of the monopoly but now they got
regional monopoly! what bullshit is that?!?
How much do you pay for how much internet?
All they want is money...more money teh crapier the who cares is their moto
RE: How much do you pay for how much internet?
1Mbps Connection. In theory, this means i SHOULD get: 128KBps down
What i 'actually' get due to the variation with Broadband by location is: 112KBps down.
My upload is only 30KBps which is really bad.
It costs me: £35 per month ($62)
See how much we get charged in England? Damn you guys are lucky, you get fast connections for peanuts.