RE: thanks to anbu-aone!!!
Okay (seems like I have a lot to explain...),
complich8, this has nothing to do with you, I respect your work.
First off, I was not planning on staying here for 3 months, there reason I got here, was because of the 'delay' of 78. I was looking for something to keep me busy. That's it for the high 'postage'.
Now, onto the "no life and being ugly"-thing...
Like I told you before, my name is Simon. Here, where I live, people know me as Simon or Sim0. I have a lot of friends, and I respect them, as they respect me. I am also caring to the eldery and I do 'free-work' at the Red Cross (I don't get paid for it). In the summer, I work at the swimming pool as a lifeguard. A lot of people come here, and they respect me for what I do, and they way I treat them. I also do some babysitting, and at saturday I work in the supermarket. I am very social.
Not that I am that great, I also have my problems, I am (always) late, and I forget 'a deal' (something you promised to do). Also I 'need' others, they are not close friends, but people I know that I use when I need something. My friends say it's alright because I don't use them(the friends), but it is something I would like to change. That is the 'boy' (turned 18 last month) who goes by the name "Sim0(n)".
I would never use another name, because I 'had to work for it', and I am in that way proud of it.
Why we laughed at you? (most europeans think americans are fat and/or unhealthy).
I know why you would use an 'unique' name. I know that some of you are not what I described before (then you'd have to change your name to Simon), indeed you are not...
In real life, you are fat. No, not like Cartman, but you had your 'time' in highschool. They things you pretended not to hear, the eyes you pretended not to see, well anyway. In real life, you are fat, have no real friends (can't think of girlfriends), and your name is Thor, sean or, say Paul.
In real life, you are fat-paul-nobody, you are the one that doesn't go to the swimming pool, because there are 'real people'. That's "life" for you (I know life isn't built on visting swimming pools, etc). But all changes on the internet....
Here, you are not Paul, someone who adds zero to society, and is shy in the company of humans. No, no, no.... here you are "Power PMV" (power?? that means that you in real life are weak). POWER PMV, here on the internet, It doesn't matter that you are fat, or nobody likes you. Here you are respected, when you say "Naruto can't win to Jaraira, because he lacks in stability and agility", people read it. It'd be just like people listen to you. And you are proud, because in FF XI (for example), you, "Power PMV", are strong, POWER!!! (I mean that you've built a strong character)
That's why you are online, in front of pc 24/7, here you can be who you would wish for to be. You don't want to be called Paul, hell no!!! Paul is fat and ugly! You are "Power PMV"!
Unique you say??? There are a hundreds thousands of you!!! You can have the most extraordinairy name you could dream for, still, to me (SImon), and to society, you are all the same...
complich8, is different, he does something to help others. He's happy to know that + 60.000 people download 'his' work, and enjoy it. But he would never call it 'his' work, he thinks the honour also belongs to his friends, who he works with. Like I told you, thank you complich8, also thank your friends. And if you ever want to see some episodes of Chin-Chan in Dutch, e-mail me, (i have a tv-capture card in my pc), and I be honoured to send it to you, maybe even supply a english translation. This had nothing to do with you, complich8.
This should be enough for now. (untill I am banned, God, please have mercy on my soul... ^^).
Simon Vervoort.
RE: thanks to anbu-aone!!!
ELiA, ELiA .. rofl
Who cares if someone is fat or not on the internet? You could be jabba the hutt with grapefruit-sized acne and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to me .. forgive me, but was there a point to your post? I was looking forward to some nice flaming diatribe, but all I got was some presumptory rambling about unrelated nonsense. You wouldn't know it because I haven't talked about it (no damn reason to, we're here to talk about Naruto!), but I'm 6'3", around 225lbs with almost zero body fat, heavily into martial arts, cars, clubbing, movies, had plenty of hot GFs (married a hot half-thai stripper once, rofl .. that's a funny story in itself!), and you know NOTHING of any of that. Why? Because it isn't any of your damn business, and it DOESN'T have ANYthing to do with what we're here to talk about [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
As for using nicks on the internet, it is perfectly logical. Imagine the confusion if everyone named joe, tom, or mike just used their actual names .. it would get confusing fast. Using unique nicknames is also a way to express personal interests, and sometimes it really doesn't mean anything at all. Very rarely, I imagine, does someone actually cross the realm of sanity where they think that they are really any 'better' or 'worse' than anyone else because of their damn nickname. I can't even begin to comprehend your logic on that one. I WILL agree that some people are guilty of an inflated ego, and like to push other people's buttons or just start pissing contests for no reason, but that is true (A)-regardless of what they call themselves, and (B)- regardless or whether on not they are on the internet, however the anonymity of the internet DOES promote an excess of antisocial behaviour. I'll cite you as the #1 example of that .. if you want to stick around and contribute something relevant to the forum, by all means be my guest .. but please don't start flaming people with BS ..
GG, Thor
RE: thanks to anbu-aone!!!
You gotta be kidding me...
in 5 months I am beginning my job at Ford Motors So I wouldn't rely on the "I make more money than you".
Then again, what's your age?
(have to admit I like basketball also, not that good a soccer player though...)
RE: thanks to anbu-aone!!!
Thor, nice that you comment me. Looks like we have a lot to learn about each other.
Nice to hear that you are/were married.
Haha, I thought of martial arts, because your photo looks a bit like Jean Claude van Damme. A Belgium karateka /moviestar.
w8 a moment...
RE: thanks to anbu-aone!!!
I'm 18 years also. In 2 years I'm going to be a Nuclear Engineer and Mathematician, and professors at my university are already asking me to go to graduate school there and start doing research with them.
RE: thanks to anbu-aone!!!
ehhh by the way elias its Brad pitt