OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Hey, hey, we are forgetting something very important!!
Lee is still drunk.
Gaara!! ::hic:: My fwieeend!!!
I love you, man!! Gimme a hug!
...I wasn't informed about this.
Lesh be fwiends, man... c'mon, gimme a hug!!
LOL... funny
Gaara (thinking) Oh, gawds... could it be? He wants to give me the love a need... We goona be fwieends! He's going to be my best pal! Yiiipee!!!![img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
Neji-aniki-sama, damn you. I was drinking a soda as I read that.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Yes. I'm sure that Lee's fight can be happily brought to an end with a group hug.
After all, they all have problems, right?
My name is Rock Lee and... I'm... I'm an alcoholic.
::Claps, claps::
I'm Gaara. I used to enjoy killing people. But I've gone for two months without killing anyone... unless I'm paid to.
::Scared, but claps anyway. Few creepy females swoon::
I'm Kimimaro. I have a bone disorder and was (most probably) used as fetiche toy by a 50 year old creep.
::Claps, females swoon and awww::
And now, group hug!!
A cornucopia of love...
...and you wont get that unless you've seen the Potter Puppet Pals.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Mad props to Kishimoto .. he's throwing everything AND the kitchen sink into this arc, and I have to admit, it's very fun. Chaotic, but entertaining. Now they just need to resolve the remaining fights before anyone ELSE shows up .. heheh.
Someone said that they won't get Sasuke back, I agree, I think he's gone for now .. and this will cement Sasuke as a bad guy who might only find redemption in death.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
Neji-aniki-sama, damn you. I was drinking a soda as I read that.
Now you know why my nick is Neji-AniKISAMA!
If you don't know what kisama means, do a quick search on the net.
A really nice word to know![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
And it will change your mind if you thought I liked Neji...
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
And for those who don't want to search the net, "kisama" would be a very rude "you".... but the word "bastard" fits it way better!!
And it fits Neji, too!!
...although I like Neji, all in all.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Heheh does anyone else think that Gaara is gonna totally destroy Kimi like a bug? I mean what are bones going to be able to do against Gaara's sand attacks and defenses? This is gonna be fun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
*now where's my damn time machine!? .. must .. read .. next ... chapter *
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Yeah, I'm thinking the same.... Gaara will go sandy on Kimimaro's ass and there's nothing the bones can do about it.
No, really... does Kimimaro stand a chance now that he's dealing with two powerful shinobi? Lee might be at disadvantage now, given that Kim's boney defense seems to be good enough to stop physical attacks, but with Gaara (and his bad-ass new outfit) now, what will he do?
My bet is that he'll go lvl. 2 (he's got a second lvl, right?) and even then, Gaara should be able to do a Desert Coffin or whetever his people-exploding move was called and kill him.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Yeah Gaara looks hella-cool in his new rags, looks like the good guys just got a VERY powerful ally, or maybe it's just an example of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", where the sand are ready to wreak revenge on the sound for an actual or percieved betrayal (something Oro is well known for). Ah, the intrigue [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
good chapter. I was more than happy when i saw it. my hat's off to Kishimoto this week. As always, can't wait for next weeks. I have a feeling that Gaara's gonna hand Kimi a platefull of his ass...-wonder about Lee and if Gaara intends to mop the floor with him. Suspense is so good.
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Oooooh Gaara and Temari get new outfits and Kankuro face makeup! Ooooooh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Edit: About time we see some teamwork between people, even if it is Sound and Leaf teamwork.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
check Kankuro out closer -
He has one puppet active and in the last shot you can see the head of a second puppet still slung over his left shoulder.
So all three appear to have upgraded just like the Konohana Nins.
I agree that Kiba, Naruto and Neji need wardrobe upgrades - thier current look is SOOO chapter 120 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Im really really really hope paintpixel does an awesome job on that last page, im really lookin forward to a colored page with those three. Thats definatly going on my desktop.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Not only does Rock Lee come back, on a whim, but now Gaara-tachi are in the fray too? Damn, this shit's turning out way crazier than I thought. It's like Kishimoto is completely making up for lost time.
Kishimoto, you fucking rule.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Well, Gaara and co. being there is cool. But I was waiting for Rocky to deafeat Kimi all by himself. The only time he won was beating Sasuke and Naruto. Even so, as Neji would say, maybe he didn't beat Naruto enough.
He got beaten by Neji, Dosu Kinuta and Gaara. It's about time he wins a real fight.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
So what do you think?, has Gaara changed side, is he a "good" guy now or is he still som maniac trying to kill everyon exept himself... I want Inane to translate so you can follow the dialogues
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
Gaara ant his brother and sister [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]!!!!!
too cool!!!
OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
NO FUCKING WAY. fucking absolute craziest chapter ever. i'ma have seizures.
EDIT: it was pretty clear that kiba, shika, and lee really could not finish the fight if kishimoto had to bring in gaara's team. but it kinda makes lee look like a...failure? i mean, cmon...that kind of sucks i guess =/
man, kiba was fucked. shika was fucked. and lee was fucked. i think we all underestimated the last three of the sound's 5. jiroubu and kidoumaru sucked but tayuya, sakon/ukon, and especially kimimaro were all really stronger than we all thought. ahahaha i fucking knew it, lee CAN'T be on par with kimimaro! w0000000000000t. lee got man handled.
and someone said something about gaara's team and naruto's crew ganging up to take down akatsuki...that sounds like it can happen.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
alright so this chapter made me a lil mad.. why you ask i really didn't think they would bring them back so soon.don't get me wrong but i loved the chapter, i really just thought it was to early for them to make an we can't see lee whoop ass with his drunken boxing, i wander if gaara is sane now. wonder if they could have sealed chukaku away.
alright now to get over that.
the chapter was badass. to see gaara (looks older, new clothes),temari (new clothes), and kankuro (new face paint) was just pretty badass.
so i guess this is what tsunade ment by doing something about the situation.
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
ok, i've now loast all faith in this series turning into a classic. One big twist (Kinimaro) followed by another? (Lee) and another? (Garra & co)... nah, i'm sorry, everything that follows will just seem boring (not being exciting/surprising), or silly (stupid surprises, things that don't make good sense).
blah..... i think next weeks chapter will have the explanation, but it just seems too unlikley, as above people saying about how can Garra not be evil any more? i dont think he can be if he is helping the leaf now :
RE: OMG! Chapter 212 RAW available!!!
I have been waiting for this moment ever since the sand first left the manga.
I am not disappointed.
This also works towards my belief that Shikamaru and Temari will one day be making babies together.
Also loving Temari's new outfit.