like maybe eventually the new arms will degrade and fall apart. just like the old ones.
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like maybe eventually the new arms will degrade and fall apart. just like the old ones.
yeah.....that would be ok
i was reading some of the older manga chapters and oro was talking about how he had to trade all his jutsus for killing the it does sound to me like he wouldnt be able to get them back. Although for him to choose tsunade over his other option, i wonder if she can bring back his jutsus
another thing that bugs lee
first they said he could never be a ninja again.....then tsunade said even if lee survives, he'll have to go through extensive rehabilitation....and then just recently it was "one day of rest"....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Then he busts out the drunken fist.....which is cool and all, and DID force kimimaru to use his curse seal....but the whole thing got very anti-climactic considering how big of a deal gai was making about it...lee can still do cool stuff with gaara helping him and all, but if the translation is true that he's sobering up (in record time no less....that sake sure passed through his system hella fast) then i think its the end of the drunken fist for a while
[img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img] That was pretty lame. If sake is suppose to be pretty strong as an alcohol, wtf Lee is sobber already??? If it wasn't for Gaara, Lee would be right now dead, with a Shishkabab (jajajaja) look!. But I love every character of this anime, obviously, every 1 is aware of the fact that team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke & Sakura) they all have like an adult Character representation, very powerful. Ex. Naruto (4th), Sasuke (Itachi)... but who is the one that shall represent "Sakura the weak", "Sakura the annoying", "Sakura the spoiler of action events", "Sakura the insignificant Kunoichi" Whoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it Akamatsuki?, Is the Tsunade-sama, will aid this poor kunoichi (and every other female ninja).
And I'm sorry, I hate Ten-ten. Why? Well, she believes she has a PhD. on Neji's moves, and even though Naruto kicked his behind and not only that he had enough chakra, for going after Sasuke, Fighting Gaara, Summoning Gamabunta, Defeting Gaara & Scaring him to Héll!!! I say this beacuse i saw a post about some saying Naruto is weak, well so far the name of the series is naruto, he will always be more powerful than any other character even more than, the pitiful avenger, Sasuke.
this guy just needed to release all of his anger in one post.
Sarutobi thought he could seal Oro's soul when he started the jutsu.
But after a half hour of trying to pull the soul out, he realized he couldn't do it.
The reason he decided to take Oro's arms was:
1) Its not like he could just cancel the jutsu, you don't tell the god of death "no deal" just because you couldn't pull out the soul. If Sarutobi just let go, he would have died.
2) Sarutobi needed to stop Oro at all costs, even temporarily. If Sarutobi didn't seal the arms, Konoha might have been destroyed (barring the possibility that Jiyara intervened).
As for why did Oro disrupted Naruto's chakra flow with a seal in the forrest:
oro realized that Naruto's kyuubi power might be a nuisance, after Naruto turned kyuubi, thats when he sealed it out. He did this not because he was afraid of Naruto even in kyuubi form, but because in that form, Naruto could inturrept the test Oro was giving to Sasuke (whether Sasuke was worthy of being possessed).
As mentioned above, it also proved that Naruto could beat some of the gennin, without his demon power, and his chakra flow being messed up.
As for Hayate's cold, he has a cold what do you care? Maybe he just was sick that day. Not everything needs a purpose.
even though in REAL LIFE events can happen (and frequently do) with or without specific intentions but be of no big deal, but generally in a story, those events (whether intentionally or not) arent really identified to the audience unless it bears some sort of significance.....sure people get colds, but can you name any movie, show, or book that specifically gives someone a disease like that with NO relevance to anything?
and yes....the way gai emphasized lee's insane drunken abilities....that was a little dissappointing for him to sober up so soon
As far as the the seal on naruto goes it served to get rid of that annoying kyuubi chakra...remember naruto has a lot of chakra on his own...he doesnt use it well to begin with...that why he dose the one justu he know that doesnt need a lot of control...just a lot of chakra (kage bunshin) we see in the fight with kiba that he lack the control he need when it took him a while to summon the chakra for the naruto rendan which i interpreted as a cause of the seal messing up his chakra flow
sandaime probally never realized that orochimaru could get use of his arms (if he indeed can) by switching died thinking that orochimaru will need use jutsus again.
if you want insignificant plot twist look no further then the drunken boxing lee...when i first saw it i thought it was pointless and stupid and that kishimoto was just trying to destroy predictability cause i thought lees fight would go the way of neji and chouji as for lee coming should have seen that coming...i felt that the extra character development on lee before this arc was for that reason...gaara saving lee was ironic...but at the same time i think kishimoto pulled that out of his ass
I think the Kimi encounters will be a LOT cooler in the anime, because we will get to see all the cool movements rather than some anbiguous still frames. I agree that it's a little underwhelming in the manga, but action doesn't often come off well on paper. Example : Lee vs Gaara ROCKED in anime, was 100x cooler than the manga version. Dialogue/Flashback seems superior in the Manga most of the time though ..
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i dunno if you guys thought much about it.....but it kinda bugs me how kishimoto adds things into the series that seem like it would be a really big deal.....and maybe for a while it is, but then you find yourself in a wtf situation and wonder why he bothered with all that
i can think of at least 3 occurences of this.....
1) oro putting the seal on naruto
Its supposed to mess up naruto's flow of chakra with kyubi....but how did that actually impact the series in any way? I guess it got jiraiya's attention....but it seemed a little elaborate of a way to do so....naruto was still able to perform just as well in the prelims with the seal, and im sure if he actually had chakra problems, he wouldve pointed it out as anime series tend to do so.
2) gekkou hayate's cold
Rarely do you see an anime character distinctively coughing alot without there being a purpose to it. Some thought maybe he incorporates his cold with his jutsu or something weird like that. Considering that ninjas can use bugs for combat, why not germs? Yet instead he just dies and nothing more is said of it.
3) sarutobi sealing oro's arms
Ok now im sure i'll get some arguments about this one....but if all oro had to do to regain his arms was to use his immortality jutsu....sarutobi's death was completely in vain. All it did was delay him, which in itself may be enough to change the outcome of the series, but unless something big happens within the next few years that oro has to wait before performing the jutsu again, i'd be pissed. I'm sure this was all part of kishimoto's plans to have sasuke join oro without being possessed too soon, but for someone as prestigous as the hokage to sacrifice his life just to buy them 2 years or so seems kinda lame.
give me a sec ..ill stop laughing
ok, ill try to take this post serious as i can.
Those statement you came up, you thought of it all by your self?
But why stop there? Why not just stop the whole series and go to the last chapter . Its pretty much pointless to see Naruto get beat up , Hes gonna become the HOKAGE anyway.
kshimoto perspective
character perspective
audience perspective
If you can distinguish these3 perspective then you will realize your post was pretty silly.
"sarutobi sealing oro's arms"
3rd didnt know oro can nullify the seal jutsu , thats why he did it.
Kishimto obviously knew ,He did it to lead up to future chapters
For Viewer perspective, there will always be some lame parts for everyone cuz its all of matter of onpinion.
"oro putting the seal on naruto"
orchimaru put the seal so he can focus on sasuke
Kishimoto did it that way to lead up to future chapters where Naruto meets Jirayia
Audience perspective: blah blah blah, (read this part out loud really fast)
Hayate's Cold is unknown condition so it is taken as reflection of personality. LIke why shino wear sunglasses orto be more precise from sub character like Konohamaru's friend always have snots dripping from his nose. Is there a reason? maybe , possibly or probably.. who knows maybe those conditions will reveal it self later .
hayate's condition isn't gonna be revealed any time soon.
its ok if you feel the need to laugh hokage IV, i wouldnt expect you to really know much about the entertainment industry to give you any sort of valid perspective on my post anyway (although i dont know why it would be much funnier than the huge deal you made on other mundane details, like gamabunta's henge)
i suppose nonetheless you'd want some sort of counter-argument, in which case i'd have to lead you back to
my previous post i wrote to capsulcorp....adding details in from characters perspectives are certainly good to add, but its still the same truth that the difference between a story and the real world is that the story tends to involve only the details that in one way or another add to the story itself or the point it tries to lead to...the rest should just be accepted by the general audience without needing specific emphasis in the story (i.e. the fact that people get sick in the naruto world)
actually Mut@t@ i agree....i get the feeling that they might actually connect it somehow with that anbu girl and it will end up having some relevance after all
and if they dont do anything else with her in the series, then i'd have to add her to my list of irrelevent story elements as well
I thought that Hayate's cold is there because a cold would weaken someone and it would explain how he got so owned by that guy that killed him. Hayate is suppose to be an elite jounin right, along with Kakashi and that anbu chick?
By all accounts Oro's arms shouldn't work on the new body.
The only exception would be that the seal is on the old body and not the new, so the new body wouldn't have the same restrictions the old body had. Therefore, Oro would be able to use his arms.
It's similar to many of the hypothesis about if Naruto died, kyubi would roam the world again. Oro's old body died, therefore usage of his arms returned to the new body.
We know that Oro's forbidden jutsus use the souls of the people he kills. Is it a stretch, when he takes a new body, that he steals the soul and uses it for his own purpose? He even says, when talking to the guy whose body he nabbed that he would still be alive and that his strong personality would influence Oro because his strength of self. It seems fairly obvious to me that his arms working could be easily explained away by the large probability that he stole some souls to fill in the void.Quote:
Originally posted by: lots of people all throughout this topic
By all accounts Oro's arms shouldn't work on the new body.
im just waiting for him to go grave-digging one night and pull out the 3rd's decaying body
Not everything that ever happens needs explaining. Sometimes authors add little things in just for us to think about and make our own conclusions. Like, for example, the purple haired ANBU girl and her affilation with Hayate. We just have to make our own decision as to wether she was Hayate's lover, comrade, close friend or whatever. We'll probably never know, and probably weren't ever meant to officially know, we just have to wonder about it.
This was to take beserker-Naruto out of commission, not because he was a threat to Oro at that time, but just to get him out of the way because he was interupting the Sasuke/Oro battle. Also, it made Naruto unconcious for the Sound 3 attack, which allowed for Level 1 Sasuke to kick all kinds of ass and prove how evil he was, setting up the seal concept for further plot development. It wouldn't have happened the same way if Naruto was concious at that time.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
1) oro putting the seal on naruto
Its supposed to mess up naruto's flow of chakra with kyubi....but how did that actually impact the series in any way? I guess it got jiraiya's attention....but it seemed a little elaborate of a way to do so....naruto was still able to perform just as well in the prelims with the seal, and im sure if he actually had chakra problems, he wouldve pointed it out as anime series tend to do so.
More than likely, the whole coughing thing has no relevance. It's just to make his character interesting and to inspire discussion in the viewers. But people do get sick, who knows, maybe he just happened to have a cold at that time. It's possible. But I really doubt it ever had any deeper meaning.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
2) gekkou hayate's cold
Rarely do you see an anime character distinctively coughing alot without there being a purpose to it. Some thought maybe he incorporates his cold with his jutsu or something weird like that. Considering that ninjas can use bugs for combat, why not germs? Yet instead he just dies and nothing more is said of it.
It allowed for Oro to seek Tsunade to heal him - and because Jiraiya/Naruto were looking for Tsunade at the time, it allowed the legendary 3 battle and also the brief Naruto vs Kabuto, and an opportunity for Naruto to test his new rasengan. All of this probably wouldn't have happened without the 3rd sealing Oro's arms.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
3) sarutobi sealing oro's arms
Ok now im sure i'll get some arguments about this one....but if all oro had to do to regain his arms was to use his immortality jutsu....sarutobi's death was completely in vain. All it did was delay him, which in itself may be enough to change the outcome of the series, but unless something big happens within the next few years that oro has to wait before performing the jutsu again, i'd be pissed. I'm sure this was all part of kishimoto's plans to have sasuke join oro without being possessed too soon, but for someone as prestigous as the hokage to sacrifice his life just to buy them 2 years or so seems kinda lame.
raven KO'd this thread.
I doubt they're gonna reveal some big secret about Hayate's cold later on, I don't think anyone will really care by then anyways. The Anbu girl will hopefully be shown again though, and have some kind of role.
i dunno.....raven explained how the events that i mentioned extended the story, but stories need more than just a means to reach the ends.....i still find how things like the hokage sacrificing himself the way he did just as a method for tsunade to make her appearance to the series seems kinda....not very poetic......not in the least
Sealing the arms was better than nothing. It made him retreat from the invasion, didn't it? If Sarutobi had died, and Oro could still use his arms, he'd more than likely go on a killing spree.
But, he was forced to retreat. Sarutobi was dying anyway, he did what he could. Anyway, even if it is only for plot development, it's an interesting way to do it.